Imperial News

Launch of BuyMeToTheStars website

Student aims to be one of the first space tourists in 2009 - <em>News</em>

Thursday 14 December 2006
By Naomi Weston

Jetting into space is the dream of many people. However this could become reality for one student entrepreneur at Imperial College London who aims to raise £1 million to become one of the first space tourists in 2009.

Aeronautical Engineering PhD student, Michael Halls-Moore, has launched a new website,, similar to the successful Million Dollar Homepage. Michael is selling advertising space in the form of a large galactic star chart. Companies and individuals can purchase the right to display a stellar object on the website’s front page. These objects then link to the website of their choice.

"It has been a lifelong dream of mine to visit space but up until now it has been well out of my price range." said Michael. "With space tourism now becoming an affordable reality, I put my skills to good use and built through which organisations can advertise on my site and help pay me into space."

Michael is still planning on improving the website to attract more interest. "I am planning on making it into a 3D site so it is more interactive for visitors," explained Michael.

In 2009 Virgin Galactic will start sub-orbital trips into space. The flight lasts about two hours, includes five minutes of weightlessness and flies to 400,000ft. From the flight, space tourists will be able to see high above the clouds, see the moon and stars and look down on earth. Passengers will have three days of pre-flight preparation before they jet off.

"I have to raise around £120,000 if I have any hope of flying to the stars. I believe my challenge has the draw necessary to generate the high traffic needed by advertisers," said Michael. "Only time will tell if I am able to achieve my life-long dream."

For more information please visit the website  or email Michael on