Imperial News

Farewell to Professor Aldo Boccaccini

Aldo Boccaccini

International Ambassador Professor Aldo Boccaccini leaves a lasting impression on our alumni and Imperial College London staff


Aldo Boccaccini, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, has supported the International Ambassadors Scheme since its inception in 2007. An Argentinean national, it seemed only natural that Aldo would explore the potential for reviving the alumni group in Argentina on his visits to Buenos Aires in April 2007 and in July 2008.

Since then the reinvigorated Imperial College Alumni Association of Argentina has been looking at fundraising opportunities to support a scholarship scheme for talented academics.

Sadly Aldo is leaving Imperial College London in October 2009 to take the Professorship for Biomaterials at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany.

Rodolfo Gayoso (MSc Geology 1981), Coordinator of the Imperial College Alumni Association of Argentina, commented on the news: “It is not easy to find a fellow with his abilities and enthusiasm to promote the activities of the local alumni associations. I am sure that he will be successful at the University of Erlangen and hope that he will contact us anyway when he comes to Argentina to visit his family. He will be missed here”

All at Imperial College London wish Aldo the very best in his new role!