Imperial celebrates Universities Week

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Week highlights the cultural, social and economic impact of universities <em>News</em>

Monday 14 June 2010
By Abigail Smith and Elizabeth Atkin

The fundamental role universities play in the social, cultural and economic well-being of the UK is celebrated this week with a national campaign to highlight the ‘big ideas’ that come out of the higher education sector.

Under the slogan What’s The Big Idea?, Universities Week highlights the innovative activities of universities in a number of different themes, from business and economic benefits to work in the community.

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“Coming up with big ideas is the basis of what Imperial does,” comments the College’s Rector Sir Keith O’Nions. “This is a lively community of people who want to break records, discover new things and think the thoughts that no one has had before.

“One of the things that make this place so dynamic, though, is that people are not content just to sit and think; they have an enormous appetite to send their ideas and discoveries out into the world to make a difference. A cornerstone of Imperial’s success is the assumption that big ideas aren’t enough – we need real actions as well.”

See the case studies on this page for a taste of the different ways in which Imperial contributes to life in the UK and beyond.

Imperial College London: Case Studies

Business and Economy

University research contributes £45 billion a year to the UK economy, according to new impact study
Research from Imperial College Business School demonstrates the value of public spending on research in higher education
16 March 2010, Natasha Martineau

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Teaching and Learning

Rector’s Awards recognise exceptional teaching, pastoral care and student supervision
Twenty eight members of staff at Imperial rewarded for dedication to students
2 June 2010, Abigail Smith

Impact of Research

New films show how patients are benefiting from Academic Health Science Centre
The AHSC is a unique kind of partnership between Imperial College London and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust that aims to improve the quality of life of patients and populations by taking new discoveries and translating them into new therapies as quickly as possible.
20 October 2009, Laura Gallagher

Personal Experiences

Student blogs
Imperial students share the truth about what life at the College is really like

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Arts, Culture and Sport

Mathematically musical: researchers and concert pianist explore the science of creativity
Scientists and musicians discuss the science behind improvisation
26 May 2010, Lucy Goodchild

Universities in the Community

Give school children a taste of real science, says Robert Winston at opening of Imperial College London Reach Out Lab
A unique laboratory, supporting practical science in schools is opened today at Imperial by Lord Mandelson
23 March 2010, John-Paul Jones

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