RSC Top of the Bench Final 2011

Top of the Bench

School children and Teachers from 29 schools all over the UK visited Imperial College’s Chemistry Department on Saturday April 2nd to take part in the RSC Top of the Bench Final 2011.

This national event, hosted via Imperial College, involved each school competing against the others for a full day, testing their chemical knowledge and their practical and problem solving skills within a laboratory in the chemistry department.

Imperial College Outreach and the RSC were grateful to receive the support of 13 undergraduate students, two technicians and various members of academic staff to provide academic supervision within the labs.

The day was rounded off with a lecture entitled ‘Star Trek and Tractor Beams – No Longer Fiction’ delivered by Dr Oscar Ces and the awards ceremony for the winning teams.

Our congratulations go to the winning team, Forest School, the runners up, Nottingham High School and Charterhouse, and also to Hannah Niesser from St Gerard’s School Trust who won the Jacquie Clee award for outstanding individual contribution

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