Professor Thambyahpillai Sivaprakasapillai (Civil and Environmental Engineering 1933)

Provided by Premala Sivaprakasapillai (Management Science 1989)

He joined Imperial College as a Ceylon Government Scholar and won the Henrici Medal for Mathematics. He was the first Ceylonese Engineer at the Colombo Port Commission, retired as Chief Assistant Harbour Engineer in 1950, joined the University of Ceylon and retired as Associate Professor in 1975. He was President, Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, and Member of the Industrial Court and the Wages Board.

Two of his three children and one of his grandsons also studied at Imperial College; Brahman Sivaprakasappillai (PhD Aeronautics 1963), Premala Sivaprakasapillai (Management Science 1989), and Manuimaaran Sivasegaram (MEng Chemical Engineering 1992, PhD 1996). His third son studied at University College London and received a PhD in Electronic and Electrical Engineering.

He is survived by his wife and three children.

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