The Observer
Enceladus: home of alien lifeforms?
Enceladus is little bigger than a lump of rock and has appeared, until recently, as a mere pinprick of light in astronomers' telescopes.
Enceladus: home of alien lifeforms?
Enceladus is little bigger than a lump of rock and has appeared, until recently, as a mere pinprick of light in astronomers' telescopes.
to Professor Steve Cowley
to Kaisey Mandel
To Professor Tim Sumner
to Professor Jenny Nelson who has won the Armourers and Brasiers' Company Prize from the Royal Society
Congratulations ......
to Professor Roy Taylor who has won the Rumford Medal from the Royal Society
to Professor Kibble CBE FRS who won the Royal Society Royal Medal
Successful launch for MSG-3 satellite carrying GERB-3
The latest satellite in the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) series has been successfully launched.