Behind the scenes: Commemoration Day 2024
Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes to make sure that Commemoration Day is a memorable event for all those celebrating?
Behind the scenes: Commemoration Day 2024
Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes to make sure that Commemoration Day is a memorable event for all those celebrating?
Imperial recognised as an LGBTQIA+ inclusive employer
Imperial has been recognised by Stonewall for its ongoing commitment to inclusion for LGBTQIA+ individuals in the workplace.
Fibre optics pioneer celebrated with portrait unveiling
Dr Narinder Singh Kapany’s portrait was commissioned by Imperial College London in recognition of his contributions to science and the institution.
Imperial explorers lead expedition trip to Norway
The group of students and alumni spent ten days climbing and sailing in the Lofoten Islands, Norway.
Swimming with sharks and student support: News from the College
Here's a batch of fresh news and announcements from across Imperial.
Community-led projects awarded funding to strengthen diversity and inclusion
Nine projects have been funded by Imperial’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Seed Fund.
Staff celebrate graduation from disability leadership programme
Graduates of the Calibre programme presented their final projects to staff from across Imperial and celebrated their completion of the course.
Staff celebrated for supporting women in academia at Imperial
Imperial staff have been recognised for their contributions to supporting women in academia.
Cardio models and science celebrations: News from the College
Here’s a batch of fresh news and announcements from across Imperial.
Imperial launches new groundbreaking automation facility
The facility will accelerate advances in molecular systems for use in pharmaceuticals, sustainable polymers and clean energy materials.