Disease detectives
Disease biology pioneers receive Wellcome Trust funding
Researchers studying immune system defences, gut bacteria colonisations, and parasite invasions have received funding to further their studies.
Disease biology pioneers receive Wellcome Trust funding
Researchers studying immune system defences, gut bacteria colonisations, and parasite invasions have received funding to further their studies.
Scientists discover new approach to fighting antibiotic resistance
A new approach to fighting antibiotic resistance could help to prevent diseases by making bacteria vulnerable to treatment again.
Engineers create spiky materials inspired by insects that could pop bacteria
Researchers have created intricately patterned materials that mimic antimicrobial, adhesive and drag reducing properties found in natural surfaces.
Sepsis risk alerts can help to protect patients in hospitals, research finds
A digital alert system to identify patients who are at risk of sepsis can reduce deaths and extended hospital stays, Imperial research has found.
Rapid test for antibiotic resistance could help control spread in hospitals
A test now available could help rapidly determine whether a bacterial infection is resistant to antibiotics of last resort.
Key step in how bacteria acquire drug resistance revealed
Researchers have imaged a major component in conjugation – the process bacteria use to share DNA with each other.
Bacterial warfare provides new antibiotic target
A detailed study of the weapons bacteria use to defeat their rivals has revealed a brand new target for antibiotics.
‘Last resort’ antibiotic pops bacteria like balloons
Scientists have revealed how an antibiotic of ‘last resort’ kills bacteria.
‘Trojan horse’ bacteria could help defeat antibiotic-resistant infections
Engineered strains of bacteria that displace antibiotic-resistant strains could tackle hard-to-treat infections.
Genome of Alexander Fleming’s original penicillin-producing mould sequenced
Researchers have sequenced the genome of Alexander Fleming’s penicillin mould for the first time and compared it to later versions.