World Oceans Day
World Oceans Day - celebrate 8 June and throughout the year!
STUOD celebrates World Oceans Day which is an international day that takes place annually on 8 June.
World Oceans Day - celebrate 8 June and throughout the year!
STUOD celebrates World Oceans Day which is an international day that takes place annually on 8 June.
ODDYSEY: Ocean DYnamicS obSErvation analYsis
Bridge model-driven and observation-driven paradigms to develop, learn and analyse novel stochastic representations of ocean dynamics.
Third AGM Meeting Stochastic Transport in the Upper Ocean
The third Applied Geometric Mechanics A UK Research Network meeting will be devoted to Stochastic Transport in the Upper Ocean (STUOD).
Prof Dan Crisan has been awarded the EPSRC Standard Grant
Congratulations to Prof Colin Cotter (PI) and Prof Dan Crisan (Co-I) who have been awarded EPSRC Standard Grant.
Three scientists have won the 2021 Nobel prize in physics
Three scientists have won the 2021 Nobel prize in physics for their groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of complex physical systems.
STUOD's team article published and featured on cover of Physics of Fluids
Congratulations to Darryl D. Holm, Erwin Luesink, and Wei Pan for article published and featured on cover of the Physics of Fluids.
STUOD's Hackathon winners announced!
STUOD Hackathon winners announced!
Thermal Quasi-Geostrophic (TQG) simulation
From spin-up. 1-layer TQG in a channel domain.
The bathymetry is a finite linear combination of cosines.
Spatial resolution 512x512 cells.
Congratulations to the CMPH team on their recent publication in Nature Briefing
The CMPH team used HyperTraPS and more to explore how students completed tasks in online learning.
Report: The Good Work Monitor
Congratulations to Dr Jonathan Clarke who contributed to a recently published report by the Institute for the Future of Work.