hitting the right note
Brain study suggests classical musicians should improvise
Researchers have found that listeners engage with classical music more when musicians improvise.
Brain study suggests classical musicians should improvise
Researchers have found that listeners engage with classical music more when musicians improvise.
Dedicated to mending broken lives
Stopping people ruining their lives is what gives Dr Henrietta Bowden-Jones the energy to go to work every day.
Study raises concerns over anaesthetic's possible link to cancer recurrence
The commonly-used general anaesthetic isoflurane increases cancer cells' potential to grow and migrate, a laboratory study has found.
Stem cells enable personalised treatment for bleeding disorder
Scientists have shed light on a common bleeding disorder by growing and analysing patients' stem cells to discover the cause of their disease.
Imperial researchers at Barbican Wonder: Art & Science on the Brain
From 7 to 10 April, Imperial College London neuroscientists, psychiatrists and surgeons will be engaging the public at the Barbican.
Blood thinners can be beneficial for some patients with bleeding disorders
Contrary to medical opinion, blood-thinning medications may be safe and beneficial for some patients with an inherited bleeding disorder.
'DNA sensor' sounds the alarm when viruses invade
Researchers at Imperial College London have identified a molecule that sounds the alarm when viruses invade our cells.
Nature and nurture teased apart in brain's reward centre
PET scanning study has important implications for future research into disorders such as schizophrenia, addiction and Parkinson's disease.