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  • Journal article
    Feng P, Yeon P, Cheng Y, Ghovanloo M, Constandinou TGet al., 2018,

    Chip-scale coils for millimeter-sized bio-implants

    , IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Vol: 12, Pages: 1088-1099, ISSN: 1932-4545

    Next generation implantable neural interfaces are targeting devices with mm-scale form factors that are freely floating and completely wireless. Scalability to more recording (or stimulation) channels will be achieved through distributing multiple devices, instead of the current approach that uses a single centralized implant wired to individual electrodes or arrays. In this way, challenges associated with tethers, micromotion and reliability of wiring is mitigated. This concept is now being applied to both central and peripheral nervous system interfaces. One key requirement, however, is to maximize SAR-constrained achievable wireless power transfer efficiency (PTE) of these inductive links with mm-sized receivers. Chip-scale coil structures for microsystem integration that can provide efficient near-field coupling are investigated. We develop near-optimal geometries for three specific coil structures: “in-CMOS”, “above-CMOS” (planar coil post-fabricated on a substrate) and “around-CMOS” (helical wirewound coil around substrate). We develop analytical and simulation models that have been validated in air and biological tissues by fabrications and experimentally measurements. Specifically, we prototype structures that are constrained to a 4mm x 4mm silicon substrate i.e. the planar in-/above-CMOS coils have outer diameter <4mm, whereas the around-CMOS coil has inner diameter of 4mm. The in-CMOS and above-CMOS coils have metal film thicknesses of 3μm aluminium and 25μm gold, respectively, whereas the around-CMOS coil is fabricated by winding a 25μm gold bonding-wire around the substrate. The measured quality factors (Q) of the mm-scale Rx coils are 10.5 @450.3MHz (in-CMOS), 24.61 @85MHz (above-CMOS), and 26.23 @283MHz (around-CMOS). Also, PTE of 2-coil links based on three types of chip-scale coils is measured in air and tissue environment to demonstrate tissue loss for bio-implants. The SAR-constrained maximum PTE are

  • Journal article
    Leene L, Constandinou TG, 2018,

    A 0.006mm² 1.2μW analogue-to-time converter for asynchronous bio-sensors

    , IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol: 53, Pages: 2604-2613, ISSN: 0018-9200

    This work presents a low-power analogue-to-time converter (ATC) for integrated bio-sensors. The proposed circuit facilitates the direct conversion of electrode biopotential recordings into time-encoded digital pulses with high efficiency without prior signal amplification. This approach reduces the circuit complexity for multi-channel instrumentation systems and allows asynchronous digital control to maximise the potential powersavings during sensor inactivity. A prototype fabricated using a 65nm CMOS technology is demonstrated with measured characteristics. Experimental results show an input-referred noise figure of 3.8μ Vrms for a 11kHz signal bandwidth while dissipating 1.2μ W from a 0.5V supply and occupying 60 ×80μ m² silicon area. This compact configuration is enabled by the proposed asynchronous readout that shapes the mismatch componentsarising from the multi-bit quantiser and the use of capacitive feedback.

  • Patent
    Ghoreishizadeh S, Constandinou TG, 2018,

    On-chip Random ID Generation

  • Journal article
    Luan S, Williams I, Maslik M, Liu Y, De Carvalho F, Jackson A, Quian Quiroga R, Constandinou Tet al., 2018,

    Compact standalone platform for neural recording with real-time spike sorting and data logging

    , Journal of Neural Engineering, Vol: 15, Pages: 1-13, ISSN: 1741-2552

    Objective. Longitudinal observation of single unit neural activity from largenumbers of cortical neurons in awake and mobile animals is often a vital step in studying neural network behaviour and towards the prospect of building effective Brain Machine Interfaces (BMIs). These recordings generate enormous amounts of data for transmission & storage, and typically require o ine processing to tease out the behaviour of individual neurons. Our aim was to create a compact system capable of: 1) reducing the data bandwidth by circa 2 to 3 orders of magnitude (greatly improving battery lifetime and enabling low power wireless transmission in future versions); 2) producing real-time, low-latency, spike sorted data; and 3) long term untethered operation. Approach. We have developed a headstage that operates in two phases. In the short training phase a computer is attached and classic spike sorting is performed to generate templates. In the second phase the system is untethered and performs template matching to create an event driven spike output that is logged to a micro-SD card. To enable validation the system is capable of logging the high bandwidth raw neural signal data as well as the spike sorted data. Main results. The system can successfully record 32 channels of raw neural signal data and/or spike sorted events for well over 24 hours at a time and is robust to power dropouts during battery changes as well as SD card replacement. A 24-hour initial recording in a nonhuman primate M1 showed consistent spike shapes with the expected changes in neural activity during awake behaviour and sleep cycles. Signi cance The presented platform allows neural activity to be unobtrusively monitored and processed in real-time in freely behaving untethered animals { revealing insights that are not attainable through scheduled recording sessions. This system achieves the lowest power per channel to date and provides a robust, low-latency, low-bandwidth and veri able output suitable f

  • Journal article
    Troiani F, Nikolic K, Constandinou TG, 2018,

    Simulating optical coherence tomography for observing nerve activity: a finite difference time domain bi-dimensional model

    , PLoS ONE, Vol: 13, Pages: 1-14, ISSN: 1932-6203

    We present a finite difference time domain (FDTD) model for computation of A line scans in time domain optical coherence tomography (OCT). The OCT output signal is created using two different simulations for the reference and sample arms, with a successive computation of the interference signal with external software. In this paper we present the model applied to two different samples: a glass rod filled with water-sucrose solution at different concentrations and a peripheral nerve. This work aims to understand to what extent time domain OCT can be used for non-invasive, direct optical monitoring of peripheral nerve activity.

  • Journal article
    Ramezani R, Liu Y, Dehkhoda F, Soltan A, Haci D, Zhao H, Hazra A, Cunningham M, Firfilionis D, Jackson A, Constandinou TG, Degenaar Pet al., 2018,

    On-probe neural interface ASIC for combined electrical recording and optogenetic stimulation

    , IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Vol: 12, Pages: 576-588, ISSN: 1932-4545

    Neuromodulation technologies are progressing from pacemaking and sensory operations to full closed-loop control. In particular, optogenetics—the genetic modification of light sensitivity into neural tissue allows for simultaneous optical stimulation and electronic recording. This paper presents a neural interface application-specified integrated circuit (ASIC) for intelligent optoelectronic probes. The architecture is designed to enable simultaneous optical neural stimulation and electronic recording. It provides four low noise (2.08 μVrms) recording channels optimized for recording local field potentials (LFPs) (0.1–300 Hz bandwidth, ± 5 mV range, sampled 10-bit@4 kHz), which are more stable for chronic applications. For stimulation, it provides six independently addressable optical driver circuits, which can provide both intensity (8-bit resolution across a 1.1 mA range) and pulse-width modulation for high-radiance light emitting diodes (LEDs). The system includes a fully digital interface using a serial peripheral interface (SPI) protocol to allow for use with embedded controllers. The SPI interface is embedded within a finite state machine (FSM), which implements a command interpreter that can send out LFP data whilst receiving instructions to control LED emission. The circuit has been implemented in a commercially available 0.35 μm CMOS technology occupying a 1.95 mm × 1.10 mm footprint for mounting onto the head of a silicon probe. Measured results are given for a variety of bench-top, in vitro and in vivo experiments, quantifying system performance and also demonstrating concurrent recording and stimulation within relevant experimental models.

  • Journal article
    Maslik M, Liu Y, Lande TS, Constandinou TGet al., 2018,

    Continuous-time acquisition of biosignals using a charge-based ADC topology

    , IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Vol: 12, Pages: 471-482, ISSN: 1932-4545

    This paper investigates continuous-time (CT) signal acquisition as an activity-dependent and nonuniform sampling alternative to conventional fixed-rate digitisation. We demonstrate the applicability to biosignal representation by quantifying the achievable bandwidth saving by nonuniform quantisation to commonly recorded biological signal fragments allowing a compression ratio of ≈5 and 26 when applied to electrocardiogram and extracellular action potential signals, respectively. We describe several desirable properties of CT sampling, including bandwidth reduction, elimination/reduction of quantisation error, and describe its impact on aliasing. This is followed by demonstration of a resource-efficient hardware implementation. We propose a novel circuit topology for a charge-based CT analogue-to-digital converter that has been optimized for the acquisition of neural signals. This has been implemented in a commercially available 0.35 μm CMOS technology occupying a compact footprint of 0.12 mm 2 . Silicon verified measurements demonstrate an 8-bit resolution and a 4 kHz bandwidth with static power consumption of 3.75 μW from a 1.5 V supply. The dynamic power dissipation is completely activity-dependent, requiring 1.39 pJ energy per conversion.

  • Conference paper
    Leene L, Maslik M, Feng P, Szostak K, Mazza F, Constandinou TGet al., 2018,

    Autonomous SoC for neural local field potential recording in mm-scale wireless implants

    , IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 1-5, ISSN: 2379-447X

    Next generation brain machine interfaces fundamentally need to improve the information transfer rate and chronic consistency when observing neural activity over a long period of time. Towards this aim, this paper presents a novel System-on-Chip (SoC) for a mm-scale wireless neural recording node that can be implanted in a distributed fashion. The proposed self-regulating architecture allows each implant to operate autonomously and adaptively load the electromagnetic field to extract a precise amount of power for full-system operation. This can allow for a large number of recording sites across multiple implants extending through cortical regions without increased control overhead in the external head-stage. By observing local field potentials (LFPs) only, chronic stability is improved and good coverage is achieved whilst reducing the spatial density of recording sites. The system features a ΔΣ based instrumentation circuit that digitises high fidelity signal features at the sensor interface thereby minimising analogue resource requirements while maintaining exceptional noise efficiency. This has been implemented in a 0.35 μm CMOS technology allowing for wafer-scale post-processing for integration of electrodes, RF coil, electronics and packaging within a 3D structure. The presented configuration will record LFPs from 8 electrodes with a 825 Hz bandwidth and an input referred noise figure of 1.77μVrms. The resulting electronics has a core area of 2.1 mm2 and a power budget of 92 μW

  • Patent
    Williams I, Rapeaux A, Luan S, Constandinou TGet al., 2018,

    Waveform Generator

  • Journal article
    Liu Y, Pereira J, Constandinou TG, 2018,

    Event-driven processing for hardware-efficient neural spike sorting

    , Journal of Neural Engineering, Vol: 15, Pages: 1-14, ISSN: 1741-2552

    Objective. The prospect of real-time and on-node spike sorting provides a genuine opportunity to push the envelope of large-scale integrated neural recording systems. In such systems the hardware resources, power requirements and data bandwidth increase linearly with channel count. Event-based (or data-driven) processing can provide here a new efficient means for hardware implementation that is completely activity dependant. In this work, we investigate using continuous-time level-crossing sampling for efficient data representation and subsequent spike processing. Approach. (1) We first compare signals (synthetic neural datasets) encoded with this technique against conventional sampling. (2) We then show how such a representation can be directly exploited by extracting simple time domain features from the bitstream to perform neural spike sorting. (3) The proposed method is implemented in a low power FPGA platform to demonstrate its hardware viability. Main results. It is observed that considerably lower data rates are achievable when using 7 bits or less to represent the signals, whilst maintaining the signal fidelity. Results obtained using both MATLAB and reconfigurable logic hardware (FPGA) indicate that feature extraction and spike sorting accuracies can be achieved with comparable or better accuracy than reference methods whilst also requiring relatively low hardware resources. Significance. By effectively exploiting continuous-time data representation, neural signal processing can be achieved in a completely event-driven manner, reducing both the required resources (memory, complexity) and computations (operations). This will see future large-scale neural systems integrating on-node processing in real-time hardware.

  • Book chapter
    Williams I, Leene L, Constandinou TG, 2018,

    Next Generation Neural Interface Electronics

    , Circuit Design Considerations for Implantable Devices, Editors: Cong, Publisher: River Publishers, Pages: 141-178, ISBN: 978-87-93519-86-2
  • Patent
    Cavuto ML, Winter AG, Constandinou T, 2018,

    Apparatus and Method for Inserting Electrode-based Probes into Biological Tissue

  • Journal article
    Liu Y, Luan S, Williams I, Rapeaux A, Constandinou TGet al., 2017,

    A 64-Channel Versatile Neural Recording SoC with Activity Dependant Data Throughput

    , IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Vol: 11, Pages: 1344-1355, ISSN: 1932-4545

    Modern microtechnology is enabling the channel count of neural recording integrated circuits to scale exponentially. However, the raw data bandwidth of these systems is increasing proportionately, presenting major challenges in terms of power consumption and data transmission (especially for wireless systems). This paper presents a system that exploits the sparse nature of neural signals to address these challenges and provides a reconfigurable low-bandwidth event-driven output. Specifically, we present a novel 64-channel low noise (2.1μVrms, low power (23μW per analogue channel) neural recording system-on-chip (SoC). This features individually-configurable channels, 10-bit analogue-to-digital conversion, digital filtering, spike detection, and an event-driven output. Each channel's gain, bandwidth & sampling rate settings can be independently configured to extract Local Field Potentials (LFPs) at a low data-rate and/or Action Potentials (APs) at a higher data rate. The sampled data is streamed through an SRAM buffer that supports additional on-chip processing such as digital filtering and spike detection. Real-time spike detection can achieve ~2 orders of magnitude data reduction, by using a dual polarity simple threshold to enable an event driven output for neural spikes (16-sample window). The SoC additionally features a latency-encoded asynchronous output that is critical if used as part of a closed-loop system. This has been specifically developed to complement a separate on-node spike sorting co-processor to provide a real-time (low latency) output. The system has been implemented in a commercially-available 0.35μm CMOS technology occupying a silicon area of 19.1mm² (0.3mm² gross per channel), demonstrating a low power & efficient architecture which could be further optimised by aggressive technology and supply voltage scaling.

  • Journal article
    Szostak K, Grand L, Constandinou TG, 2017,

    Neural interfaces for intracortical recording: requirements, fabrication methods, and characteristics

    , Frontiers in Neuroscience, Vol: 11, ISSN: 1662-4548

    Implantable neural interfaces for central nervous system research have been designed with wire, polymer or micromachining technologies over the past 70 years. Research on biocompatible materials, ideal probe shapes and insertion methods has resulted in building more and more capable neural interfaces. Although the trend is promising, the long-term reliability of such devices has not yet met the required criteria for chronic human application. The performance of neural interfaces in chronic settings often degrades due to foreign body response to the implant that is initiated by the surgical procedure, and related to the probe structure, and material properties used in fabricating the neural interface. In this review, we identify the key requirements for neural interfaces for intracortical recording, describe the three different types of probes- microwire, micromachined and polymer-based probes; their materials, fabrication methods, and discuss their characteristics and related challenges.

  • Journal article
    Leene L, Constandinou TG, 2017,

    Time domain processing techniques using ring oscillator-based filter structures

    , IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1: Regular Papers, Vol: 64, Pages: 3003-3012, ISSN: 1549-8328

    The ability to process time-encoded signals with high fidelity is becoming increasingly important for the time domain (TD) circuit techniques that are used at the advanced nanometer technology nodes. This paper proposes a compact oscillator-based subsystem that performs precise filtering of asynchronous pulse-width modulation encoded signals and makes extensive use of digital logic, enabling low-voltage operation. First- and second-order primitives are introduced that can be used as TD memory or to enable analogue filtering of TD signals. These structures can be modeled precisely to realize more advanced linear or nonlinear functionality using an ensemble of units. This paper presents the measured results of a prototype fabricated using a 65-nm CMOS technology to realize a fourth- order low-pass Butterworth filter. The system utilizes a 0.5-V supply voltage with asynchronous digital control for closed-loop operation to achieve a 73-nW power budget. The implemented filter achieves a maximum signal to noise and distortion ratio of 53 dB with a narrow 5-kHz bandwidth resulting in an figure- of-merit of 8.2 fJ/pole. With this circuit occupying a compact 0.004-mm2 silicon footprint, this technique promises a substantial reduction in size over conventional Gm-C filters, whilst addition- ally offering direct integration with digital systems.

  • Patent
    Constandinou TG, Jackson A, 2017,

    Implantable Neural Interface

    A neural interface arrangement comprising: a plurality of probes for subdural implantation into or onto a human brain, each probe including at least one sensing electrode, a coil for receiving power via inductive coupling, signal processing circuitry coupled to the sensing electrode(s), and means for wirelessly transmitting data-carrying signals arising from the sensing electrode(s); an array of coils for implantation above the dura, beneath the skull, the array of coils being for inductively coupling with the coil of each of the plurality of probes, for transmitting power to the probes; and a primary (e.g. subcutaneous) coil connected to the array of coils, the primary coil being for inductively coupling with an external transmitter device, for receiving power from the external transmitter device; wherein, in use, the primary coil is operable to receive power from the external transmitter device by inductive coupling and to cause the array of coils to transmit power to the plurality of probes by inductive coupling; and wherein, in use, the plurality of probes are operable to wirelessly transmit data-carrying signals arising from the sensing electrodes.

  • Conference paper
    Luo J, Firfilionis D, Ramezani R, Dehkhoda F, Soltan A, Degenaar P, Liu Y, Constandinou TGet al., 2017,

    Live demonstration: a closed-loop cortical brain implant for optogenetic curing epilepsy

    , IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS) Conference, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 169-169
  • Conference paper
    De Marcellis A, Palange E, Faccio M, Stanchieri GDP, Constandinou TGet al., 2017,

    A 250Mbps 24pJ/bit UWB-inspired Optical Communication System for Bioimplants

    , Turin, Italy, IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS) Conference, Pages: 132-135
  • Conference paper
    Szostak K, Mazza F, Maslik M, Feng P, Leene L, Constandinou TGet al., 2017,

    Microwire-CMOS Integration of mm-Scale Neural Probes for Chronic Local Field Potential Recording

    , IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS) Conference, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 492-495
  • Conference paper
    Mifsud A, Haci D, Ghoreishizadeh S, Liu Y, Constandinou TGet al., 2017,

    Adaptive Power Regulation and Data Delivery for Multi-Module Implants

    , IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS) Conference, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 584-587

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