
Name Status Thesis Title
Martin Lombard PhD, Year 1 (registered 1/2025) TBD
Jiaqi Ge PhD, Year 1 (registered 1/2025) TBD
Ziwei Chen PhD, Year 2 (registered 10/2023) Unobtrusive in-home sensing of activities of daily living using ultra-wideband radar
Natalia Martinez PhD, Year 2 (registered 10/2023) Low-power scalable microsystem for implantable neural interfaces
Mei Kirby PhD, Year 3 (registered 10/2022)
Adaptive deep brain stimulation for the amelioration of circadian dysfunction in patients with Parkinson’s disease
Berkay Ozbek PhD, Completing Research Status Efficient wireless architecture for implantable neural microsystems
Dimitrios Antoniades PhD, Year 4* (registered 11/2021)
Front-end design for neural recording in human grade devices
Maowen Yin PhD, Completing Research Status Unobtrusive in-home sensing of physiology using ultra-wideband radar
Zachary Nairac PhD, Completing Research Status
Peripheral nerve interface for bidirectional control of an upper limb prosthesis
Vichaya Manatchinapisit PhD, Completing Research Status
Electrode impedance characterization for implantable neural interfaces
Steven Wong PhD, Year 5* (registered 10/2020) Intra-operative tissue identification using bioimpedance and optical characterisation
Alan Bannon PhD, Completing Research Status Networked SoC radar systems for human observations
*part time
Summary of the table's contents


Name Status Thesis Title
Dr. Andrea Mifsud Pending award A CMOS Platform for Rapid Characterisation of Emerging Resistive Switching Technologies
Dr. Charalambos Hadjipanayi Pending award Coherent ultra-wideband radar for motion analysis of people living with dementia
Dr. Matthew Cavuto Pending award Developing rapid and portable point-of-care molecular diagnostic solutions for low-resource environments
Dr. Zheng Zhang Awarded 11/2023 Real-time neural signal processing and low-power hardware co-design for wireless implantable brain machine interfaces (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Oscar Savolainen Awarded 06/2023 Hardware-efficient data compression in wireless intracortical brain-machine interfaces (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Bryan Hsieh Awarded 10/2022 Sleep studies in mice - open and closed loop devices for untethered recording and stimulation (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Michal Maslik Awarded 01/2022 Resource-Constrained Acquisition Circuits for Next Generation Neural Interfaces (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Katarzyna Szostak-Lipowicz Awarded 12/2021 Microsystem integration and packaging for chip-scale implantable devices (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Dorian Haci Awarded 11/2021 Intrabody Power and Data Communication Systems for Advanced Multi-Module Neural Implants (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Federico Mazza Awarded 03/2021 Integrated sensors for ensuring chronic reliability in mm-sized neural implants (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Adrien Rapeaux Awarded 01/2021 Algorithms and systems for highly-selective neural stimulation and recording (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Nur Ahmadi Awarded 04/2020 Real-time neural signal processing for next-generation brain-machine interfaces (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Peilong Feng Awarded 04/2020 Completely wireless infrastructure for distributed mm-sized neural implants (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Timo Lauteslager Awarded 03/2020 Coherent Ultra-Wideband Radar-on-Chip for Medical Sensing and Imaging (PhD Thesis)
Dr. Francesca Troiani Awarded 02/2019 Time domain optical coherence tomography for compound action potential recording: computational analysis and system requirements (PhD thesis)
Dr. Lieuwe Leene Awarded 12/2016 Brain Machine Interfaces: Low Power Techniques for CMOS Based System Integration (PhD thesis)
Dr. Onur Guven Awarded 11/2016 Computationally-Efficient Algorithms For Real-Time ECG Baseline Removal (PhD thesis)
Dr. Stephen Woods  Awarded 08/2016 Wireless capsule endoscope for targeted drug delivery (PhD thesis)
Dr. Deren Barsakcioglu Awarded 01/2016 Resource-efficient on-node spike sorting (PhD thesis)
Dr. Ian Williams Awarded 11/2014  Methods and microelectronics for proprioceptive neural feedback (PhD thesis)
Dr. Song Luan Awarded 11/2014 Integrated electronics for targeted intraspinal microstimulation (PhD thesis)
Dr. Sivylla Paraskevopoulou Awarded 11/2013 Resource-efficient algorithms and circuits for highly-scalable BMI channel architectures (PhD thesis)
Dr. Alexandru Serb Awarded 11/2013 Electro-optic platform for free space CMOS photonics (PhD thesis)
Summary of the table's contents