Next Generation Synthesis & Reaction Technology (CDT rEaCt)
Pioneering the integration of chemistry, engineering and data science to accelerate innovation and discovery.
About us
The EPSRC CDT rEaCt is leading the charge in training the next generation of researchers to harness data in revolutionising chemistry and addressing the synthesis challenges of the future.
We are training a critical mass of researchers to address future challenges and opportunities arising from the data revolution. Our goal is to develop highly skilled researchers capable of leveraging automated, high-throughput reaction platforms for data collection and employing quantitative and statistical methods for data analysis and application.
Find out more
I found the multidisciplinary nature of the programme to be very helpful. The training I received in both synthetic chemistry and data science will be fundamental to any career I may have in the future and it all started at the CDT rEaCt. I have made a network of friends and collaborators. Aatikah Majid Postdoctoral researcher
Industry Networks
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