Training researchers to make data work for chemistry to tackle challenges of synthesis in the coming decades.

The CDT rEaCt is a joint venture between the Athena Swan Gold holding Department of Chemistry and the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London.

The mission of the CDT rEaCt is to educate a critical mass of researchers equipped to respond to future research challenges and opportunities created by the data-revolution. The aim is to train highly qualified researchers with the ability to collect data using automated, high-throughput reaction platforms, and to apply quantitative and statistical approaches to data analysis and utilisation.

This will be achieved by incorporating cross-disciplinary skills from engineering, as well as computing, statistics, and informatics into a chemistry graduate programme, which are largely lacking from existing doctoral training in synthetic chemistry.

The CDT assembles a multi-disciplinary team of internationally-leading researchers at Imperial College and benefits from significant strategic infrastructural and capital investment on cutting edge, state-of-the-art technology and facilities such as ROAR and the Agilent Advanced Measurement Suite

In addition to this, the CDT aims to engage with the Centres of Excellence in the US and Europe, to deliver a unique multi-faceted training programme to improve the skills, employability and productivity of the graduates to produce well-rounded individuals who can tackle challenges of synthesis in the coming decades to equip them for future academic and industrial roles.  

Our Doctoral Training Programme lasts 4 years. Students complete a structured first year building research skills and methods through a mixture of lectures, seminars, symposia, and practical sessions. Subsequently followed by 3 years of research on their independent projects.

The Programme

Profile of the researcher produced by the CDT


Competency in core topics of synthetic chemistry, engineering and data science, with interdisciplinary research expertise in at least two of these areas.

Technical proficiency

Able to make, measure and model reactions by using the latest synthesis and analytical tools, including automated reactors in combination with process/data analytical tools.

Creative and collaborative

Effective team member, able to apply creative approaches to problem-solving.

Meet our students

Find out more about our students and their research projects