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Get in touch

Please get in touch with any news of research, events, conferences, awards or wider media coverage so these can be promoted appropriately.


Newsletter content submission deadlines

March - Friday 21 March

April - Friday 18 April

May - Friday 23 May

Join the College expert directoryContact Imperial's news and media teamCollege advice on working with the media

The department supports its staff in communicating their research by working with the College research office and through our own channels:

Support is also provided for the updating and maintenance of research webpages and Imperial Profiles. You should first look at the Imperial Profiles page where you can access an online short course to update your profile.


The NHLI Newsletter will be circulated to all members of NHLI usually in the last week of each month. We welcome your contributions and request that any information you wish to include is provided by the week prior to distribution. If you are based outside of NHLI and would like to receive our newsletter please contact nhlicomms@imperial.ac.uk.

The newsletter contains the following regular articles:

  • Letter from the Head of Institute
  • NHLI in the news
  • Events
  • Awards
  • Appointments
  • Equality and Diversity news



Emily Medcalf - Communications and Marketing Manager, NHLI - contact for general NHLI communications and marketing enquiries

e: emily.medcalf18@imperial.ac.uk

Sam Rey - Media Officer for Medicine - first contact for large impact research news (cc in NHLI's Comms and Marketing Manager)

e: s.rey@imperial.ac.uk

Ryan O'Hare - Senior Media Officer for the Faculty of Medicine
- contact with large impact research news

t: +44 (0)20 7594 6900
e: r.ohare@imperial.ac.uk

Summary of the table's contents