Workplace hazard and risk management

Consideration of workplace hazards and risk management

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSW)  identifies the hazards which present potential risks to new or expectant mothers. All existing risk assessments for work with dangerous chemicals, human pathogens, ionising radiation and work processes should anticipate the potential for exposure harm during pregnancy. If there is a possibility that a woman of child bearing age is to be involved/exposed to the hazard, they should be made aware of this potential and control measures put in place before it becomes a problem. The existing risk assessment procedures for chemical biological and radiation hazards will facilitate this.  Additionally, work which is not generally deemed hazardous may need further assessment to protect their health and wellbeing.

The HSE guide for new and expectant mothers who work, sets out to answer some of the questions you may have about continuing to work whilst pregnant or about returning to work after giving birth.

Risk Assessment Process

Staff  or students should inform their Line Manager/ Academic Supervisor  in writing as soon as possible after receiving confirmation that they are pregnant. While many women may prefer not to do so in the early stages, it may be necessary if they work with hazards which pose a risk to health. New mothers should inform their Line Manager in advance of their returning to work if they are still breastfeeding.  Individuals who are planning a pregnancy and are aware that the substances they are working with have potential to cause harm, should contact Occupational Health for advice.

Upon notification that an employee is pregnant or breastfeeding, the Line Manager should carry out a New and Expectant Mother Risk Assessment. This form includes all categories of activity undertaken by an individual which may need consideration.  It will supplement pre-existing risk assessments for the work and may also cover some areas which have not previously been considered.  This information is needed to make decisions on how to manage those risks so that the decisions are made in an informed, rational and structured manner, and the action taken is proportionate to the risk. The line manager should retain the pregnancy risk assessment form and review as the pregnancy progresses, upon completion please submit a copy of the form to HR Staff Hub for the individuals HR record.

Pregnancy Risk Management Process

Working conditions

Working with computers

  • Risk management: Postural problems may arise during the latter stages of pregnancy. It is important that the member of staff can regularly change position to minimise potential for developing postural problems. They need adequate lumbar support, and may require a foot rest to ensure good posture. Any member of staff who is concerned about their work with computers, can seek advice from the departmental Computer Health Assessor.


  • Risk management: You will need to take account of known organisational stress factors (such as shift patterns, job insecurity, workloads, etc.) and the particular medical and psychosocial factors affecting the individual woman. Protective measures may include adjustments to working conditions or working hours, and ensuring understanding, support and recognition is available when the woman returns to work, whilst respecting privacy. Confidential Care can provide emotional support and practical advice to assist with stress management.

Mental and physical fatigue

  • Risk management: Where work involves new or expectant mothers moving around the premises, it must be ensured that hours of work and the volume and pacing of work are not excessive and that where possible, there is some local control over how their work is organised. More frequent rest breaks will help to avoid or reduce fatigue.

Travelling for work

  • Risk management: Review work activities which require her to travel. Refer to the off site working policy for more information. Alteration of working hours to avoid travelling during the rush hour may help manage fatigue.

Lone working

  • Risk managementIf a woman works alone while pregnant, it is essential to consider what help and support is available when required, and that local emergency procedures take into account the needs of new and expectant mothers. Refer to the lone working policy and local arrangements.

Personal protective equipment

  • Risk managementIf PPE fit and comfort becomes a problem during pregnancy alternatives should be sourced. If no suitable alternative available, other work should be found.


  • Risk management: Refer to workplace temperature for more information. Provision of adequate rest and refreshment breaks with unrestricted access to drinking water. New and expectant mothers should note that thirst is not an early indicator of heat stress. If the ambient temperature is affected due to the external temperature, normal heating or cooling provisions must be considered (cool air movement or provision of warm clothing). If this does not help, alternative arrangements must be made.

Working at heights

  • Risk management: A risk assessment should consider any additional risks due to work at height (e.g. working on platforms/ladders).

Night work

  • Risk managementSpecial consideration needs to be given to new and expectant mothers who work at night. If a new or expectant mothers produces a medical certificate stating that night work could affect her health, she should be offered alternative day time work.

Risk assessment process