students at careers service desk

Please note, this project has now closed.


What was the Student Facing Services Project?

The Student Facing Services project commenced in June 2022 with an exploratory piece of work to review the student journey through and across the College’s student-facing services, whether that was in-person, online or in combination. The student-facing services that were reviewed were in Registry, Library Services, Student Services and ICT. The approach was to: 

  • Research and identify Points of Entry used by students to engage with student facing services (online, in-person and across campuses) 
  • Research and identify hand-off points between different student facing services 
  • Map student journeys through key student life-cycle stages (e.g. enrolment).
  • Research approaches to the delivery of frontline services from HEIs and other organisations.
  • Consider the context of previous and current reviews and strategies at the College (e.g., the Our Future Student Services Review, the emerging Estates Strategy) and learn from other reviews of frontline services (e.g. HR Transformation).
  • Present findings to the project’s working group for discussion and identification of opportunities to pursue the overall aims of the project.
  • Produce a summary paper, which will include recommendations for any changes that will require Cross-College support and/or funding. 

The resultant exploratory report identified opportunities for improvement that can be undertaken at a local level, as well as potential strategic initiatives. This was presented to and endorsed by the College’s Operations and Infrastructure Committee in December 2022.  

What transformation opportunities were identified? 

The next phase of the project will be the development of a vision for the future of College’s student-facing services and a supporting service model. This will take forward the transformation opportunities identified in the exploratory phase:  

  1. Cross-Campus needs and future service model – This will seek to explore and design a service delivery model for students at multiple campuses. This may be both physical and remote/digital. 
  2. South Kensington space – To define a long-term vision for the location or co-location of multiple front-facing student services. 
  3. Service variation assessment – An exploration project to better understand the service landscape in order to identify best practice opportunities that may be applied elsewhere and to identify any disparity of support experienced by students.  

Which student-facing services were reviewed?

Student-facing services within the remit of Registry, Library Services, Student Services and ICT.

Who was involved?

This project was overseen by a working group representing the in-scope Student Facing Services, in addition to key stakeholders from both the staff and student communities. The project team worked to engage with students to help inform the identified transformation opportunities.