Public Chairperson
What does being a “Public Chairperson” involve?
- Chairing the Imperial BRC Public Advisory Panel meetings 4 times per year. These meetings are attended by the other Imperial BRC research theme Public Champions, staff from the Imperial BRC and staff from PERC.
- Attending Imperial College Healthcare Trust Research Committee (ICHTRC) meetings 4 times per year. These meetings last approximately 2 hours and are attended by a number of different research groups from around Imperial.
- Updating both the Imperial BRC Public Advisory Panel and ICHTRC (as appropriate) on patient and public involvment and engagement (PPIE) progress and other relevant information.
N.B. The Public Chairperson is not expected to undertake administrative activities in relation to the Public Advisory Panel meetings, for example, preparing agendas and taking minutes. This will be done by PERC.
What experience do I need?
You don’t need to be an expert in any of the Imperial BRC research theme subjects in order to apply, although it would be preferable if you had an interest in one (or more) of the research themes. You should have experience of chairing a group or committee and ideally some experience of PPIE. PERC offers training and support.
We encourage applications from young people and those from diverse communities as “broadening the diversity of lay partners and participants” is a key part of our vision.
What is the time commitment?
You will also need to attend 4 meetings of the Imperial BRC Public Advisory Panel per year (which last approximately 2 hours per meeting) together with 4 meetings of the Imperial College Healthcare Trust Research Committee per year which also last approximately 2 hours per meeting. You will also need to keep in touch with PERC between meetings.
Term: The role of the Public Chairperson is initially from September 2018 until 31 March 2020, and after that is able to be renewed for one or two further periods of one year.
Where? The Public Chairperson will attend Panel and Committee meetings at Imperial College's St Mary’s campus in Paddington. Travel expenses will be paid in accordance with INVOLVE’s Policy on Payment of Fees and Expenses (February 2016).
Payment: PERC and the Imperial BRC believes that members of the public should be rewarded for their time and follows NIHR INVOLVE’s Policy on Payment of Fees and Expenses (February 2016).
Apply here: To apply, please complete this online form.
Contact us: If you have any questions about these opportunities or applying, please email or call (+44) 020 7594 9774.
Contact us
PERC Director and Co-Founder
Prof. Helen Ward
For enquiries about PERC's research activity, please email:
For enquiries about public involvement in research, please email:
Read our blog
All posts- Having an Impact with PPIE in Paediatric Intensive Care Research
- Public engagement and involvement at the Cardiomyopathy UK conference: When researchers and the public meet
- Why did nobody ask us?! Reflections and findings from co-produced research into children’s vaccine uptake.
- Three key takeaways from our participation in the Research Engagement Network (REN) community roadshows
- You and Your Health Data: Results of our Great Exhibition Road Festival activity
- “I sound like Darth Vader and I cough up fur balls” How people living with Airway Stenosis have informed my research career so far.