group discussionWho can access the YPAN

The YPAN is available to support Imperial BRC-researchers and researchers associated with the Imperial Institute of Global Health Innovation and the Imperial Clinical Trials Unit who seek the input of young people into their research project.

How to access the YPAN

Once you have a public involvement proposal that you would like to involve the YPAN in, please complete the YPAN Submission Request Form and email it back either to or your centre's public involvement lead (see FAQ below to find your public involvement lead).

Once submitted, your opportunity request will then be reviewed by a member of the relevant team at Imperial. Please note that it may take multiple iterations to refine and send out the public involvement opportunity to the YPAN so please ensure you submit your request with ample time before you would like to hold your involvement activity.

If you would like to discuss your young person’s involvement opportunity and/or need help completing the submission form, please contact your relevant public involvement lead within your centre.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact us

PERC Director and Co-Founder
Prof. Helen Ward

For enquiries about public involvement in research and research more generally, please email:

Click here for more ways to get in touch >