
  • MDT-MODe is an evidence based tool for the observational assessment of teamwork and decision-making quality in multidisciplinary cancer team meetings
  • MDT-MODe is designed to encourage teams to make holistic decisions that are tailored to individual patients.
  • MDT-MODe allows an observer to quantitatively and objectively rate on a case-by-case basis:
  1. The quality of clinical information (History, radiological, pathological, comorbid health  conditions, psychosocial issues, and patients’ views)
  2. The contribution to team decision making of key professional groups (Surgeons, physicians, oncologists, nurses, allied healthcare professionals, radiologists, pathologists and MDT coordinators)
  • Taken together, these ratings provide an index of the quality of team decision-making 



Selected bibliography

Lamb B, Sevdalis N, Mostafid H, Vincent C, Green JSA. Quality improvement in multidisciplinary cancer teams: an investigation of teamwork and clinical decision-making and cross-validation of assessments. Ann Surg Oncol. Pubmed

Lamb B, Wong H, Vincent C, Green JSA, Sevdalis N. Teamwork and team performance in urological multidisciplinary cancer teams: Development and evaluation of an observational assessment tool. BMJ Qual Saf (2011). Pubmed

Lamb B, Sevdalis N, Arora S, Pinto A, Vincent C, Green JSA. Teamwork and team decision-making in multidisciplinary cancer conferences: Barriers, facilitators, and opportunities for improvement. World J Surg. 2011 Sep;35(9):1970-6. Pubmed

Lamb B, Brown K, Nagpal K, Vincent C, Green JSA, Sevdalis, N. Team decision making by cancer care multidisciplinary teams: a systematic review. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 2011 Mar 26. [Epub ahead of print] DOI 10. Pubmed

Lamb B, Green JSA, Vincent C, Sevdalis N. Decision making in surgical oncology, Surgical Oncology. 2010  Sep;20(3):163-8., doi:10.1016/j.suronc.2010.07.007