Imperial College London

Tom Burns

Faculty of EngineeringDepartment of Earth Science & Engineering

Research Postgraduate



thomas.burns19 CV




3.49LRoyal School of MinesSouth Kensington Campus





1st year PhD student working with Dr Fred Richards in the Solid-Earth Fluid-Earth Interaction (SoEFEI) Group. We are integrating geochemistry and solid Earth geophysics to (i) make probabilistic maps of critical metals for the energy transition and (ii) better understand the thermo-mechanical properties of ancient cratonic lithosphere.

Our work aims to accelerate progress towards the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals, with a particular focus on Affordable and Cheap Energy (Goal 7). Check out this paper for a background into previous work in the group, and an introduction to the roles of metal in modern sustainable energy: Hoggard et al 2020. I am currently working on the first mini project of my PhD which focuses on creating thremo-chemical maps of the Australian lithosphere using stochastic numerical methods. 

Supervision: Dr Fred Richards, Prof Saskia Goes, Dr Gareth Roberts, Dr Mark Hoggard (ANU) and Dr Karol Czarnota (Geoscience Australia)


2023- PhD, Imperial College London

2019-2023: MSci Geology, Imperial College London

Teaching assistance

EART40003: Programming for Geoscience (Dr Alan Spencer)

EART60002: Continental Tectonics (Dr Fred Richards)