Imperial College London


Faculty of EngineeringDepartment of Earth Science & Engineering

Research Postgraduate







Royal School of MinesSouth Kensington Campus





I am a first year PhD student in the department of Earth Science and Engineering supervised by Dr Pablo Brito-Parada and funded by the EPSRC.

The focus of my research is on large scale energy and material supply analyses. Currently, I am working on a dynamic energy supply model for the EU region which accounts for a declining supply of fossil fuels and the "upfront" energy cost of renewable energy sources (solar photovoltaics, concentrated solar power, onshore/offshore wind). The results of the analysis will help understand the limitations of renewable energy resources growth regarding the climate and energy crises.

I plan to study the change in energy intensity of materials as we move to more sustainable production methods, notably for steel and ammonia, and understand the material and energy needs associated to an economy of subsistence. 

I am working with a team of fellow PhD students to introduce all incoming students at Imperial College to sustainable living habits and motivate them to keep them up.

I also volunteer for The Shift Project, translating podcasts featuring their reports into English to make them more accessible: Time to Shift - English Edition (


Imperial College London - PhD Earth Science and Engineering (2021 - date)

The University of Manchester - Meng Chemical Engineering with Energy and Environment (2016 - 2020)