Picture of Dr Maxime Petit
Dr Maxime Petit

Maxime Petit received the M.Sc. degree in computer sciences (cognitive sciences specialty) from the University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, in 2010, and an Engineering degree in biosciences (bioinformatics and modeling specialty) from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA), Lyon, France, the same year.

He received his Ph.D. degree in 2014, from the Neurosciences and Cognition doctoral school, working at the Stem-Cell and Brain Research Institute for the National Institute of Science And Medical Research (INSERM) in Bron, France, within the Robotic Cognition Laboratory team for the FP7 EU project EFAA.

He is a research associate in the Personal Robotics Lab since June 2014, as a part of the FP7 WYSIWYD project. His research interests include human interaction, child development theories, autobiographical memory, spoken language learning and reasoning about action, all applied to humanoid robotics especially with the iCub.

"An important part of the Make-a-Human kit is the Story. We tell our children stories, and through those stories they learn what it is like to be a member of our tribe or our culture… We use stories to build our brain, and then we use the brains to tell ourselves, and each other, stories".
Sir Terry Pratchett — Science of the Discworld II: the Globe



→ Petit M*, Fischer T*, and Demiris Y Lifelong Augmentation of Multi-Modal Streaming Autobiographical Memories. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 201-213, Sept. 2016.
*: equal contributions

→ Pointeau, G., Petit, M., and Dominey, P.F. Successive Developmental Levels of Autobiographical Memory for Learning Through Social Interaction. IEEE Trans. Autonom. Mental Develop, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 200-212, 2014.

→ Hinaut, X., Petit, M., Pointeau, G., and Dominey, P.F. Exploring the acquisition and production of grammatical constructions through human-robot interaction with echo state networks. Frontiers in neurorobotics 8 (2014).

→ Petit, M. et al. The Coordinating role of Language in Real-Time Multimodal Learning of Cooperative Tasks. IEEE Trans. Autonom. Mental Develop., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 3-17, March 2013.



→ Petit, M. and Demiris, Y. Hierarchical Action Learning by Instruction Through Interactive Body Part and Proto-Action Grounding.  2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2016), pp. 3375-3382.

→ Chang HJ, Fischer T, Petit M, Zambelli M, Demiris Y (2016) Kinematic Structure Correspondences via Hypergraph Matching. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2016)

→ Gibert, G., Lance, F., Petit, M., Pointeau, G. and Dominey, P.F. Damping robot’s head movements affects human-robot interaction. 2014 Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2014), Bielefield (Germany).

→ G. Pointeau, M. Petit, G. Gibert, and P.F. Dominey. Emergence of the use of pronouns and names in triadic human-robot spoken interaction. IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics, Genova (Italy), 2014.

→ G. Pointeau, M. Petit, Hinaut X., G. Gibert, and P.F. Dominey. On-line learning of lexical items and grammatical constructions via speech, gaze and action-based human-robot interaction. Interspeech, Lyon (France), 2013.

→ G. Pointeau, M. Petit, and P.F. Dominey. Embodied simulation based on autobiographical memory. Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, pages pp. 240-250, 2013.   

→ G. Pointeau, M. Petit, and P.F. Dominey. Robot learning rules of games by extraction of intrinsic properties. The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions - ACHI, Nice (France), 2013.

→ G. Gibert, Petit, M., F. Lance, G. Pointeau, and P.F. Dominey. What makes human so different? Analysis of human-humanoid robot interaction with a super wizard of oz platform. Workshop Toward social humanoid robots : what makes interaction human-like ?", IROS, Tokyo (Japan), 2013.


Refereed Workshop Papers

→ Maxime Petit*, Tobias Fischer*, and Yiannis Demiris, Towards the Emergence of Procedural Memories from Lifelong Multi-Modal Streaming Memories for Cognitive Robots, IROS 2016 Workshop on Machine Learning Methods for High-Level Cognitive Capabilities in Robotics.
*: equal contributions

→ Martina Zambelli, Tobias Fischer, Maxime Petit, Hyung Jin Chang, Antoine Cully and Yiannis Demiris, Towards Anchoring Self-Learned Representations to Those of Other Agents, IROS 2016 Workshop on Bio-Inspired Social Robot Learning in Home Scenarios.



→ Maxime Petit. Developmental Rreasoning and Planning with Robot through Enactive Interaction with Human. PhD Thesis, Neurosciences and Cognition Doctoral School, University Lyon1, March 2014.
