Strategic Planning and Insight

Welcome to the Strategic Planning and Insight Division

Strategic Planning and Insight are dedicated to providing policy insights and management information that empower insight-driven decision-making. By connecting and convening teams and enhancing the information and data landscape at Imperial, we ensure our colleagues have access to trusted information. Our mission is to shape proactive responses to both internal and external challenges and opportunities.

Education Analysis and Insight

We manage Imperial's submissions to major Government-led education evaluation initiatives. 

People on walkway

Strategic Management Information

We provide colleagues across Imperial with key data and analyses to enable decision-making. Our team work on:

Queens Lawn, Dangoor Plaza

Performance Monitoring, Regulatory and Funding

We provide information and analysis of external funding and regulation related to teaching, research and enterprise. We also support internal and external performance monitoring processes.

About us

The Strategic Planning and Insight team is organised into three sub-teams:

  • Education Evaluation
  • Research, Funding, and Strategy
  • Socially Responsible Engagement

If you have any questions, please email us at  
Colleagues within Imperial can also visit our contacts page.