Advocating for research staff internally and externally

The PFDC works within Imperial, with the Higher Education sector and funders to improve the visibility, recognition, and rights of research staff.

PFDC Strategic Actions


  • Developing of a Research Staff Strategy through the implementation of the Concordat’s principles.
  • Representing and advocating for Research Staff in College Committees (in settings where they may not be represented). This includes, but is not limited to, Athena Swan and Race Equality Charter self-assessment teams, departmental EDI and People and Culture committees, Researcher Development Committee, and the University Research and Enterprise Board.
  • Supporting and encouraging research staff to advocate for themselves via working with the PFDC reps or within their departments or across the institution.
  • Working with Postdoc and Fellows Champions to disseminate research projects and foster their local research staff communities.
  • Working with the Concordat Implementation and Planning Group and the Researcher Development Committee to make sure research staff matters are taken to University boards and committees.
  • Working with national external networks such as Researchers14, REDS, and funding bodies to co-create resources and development opportunities, share good practice, and influence the researcher environment in the Higher Education setting.
  • Sharing good practice in researcher development at the international level by participating in European (LERU) and global initiatives (Mentoring for Researcher Developers and the Network for Researcher Developers).


  • Understand research staff representation at departmental/faculty/college level including Research / Teaching / EDI / Safety, and so on.
  • Understand the use of fixed-term contracts and open-ended contracts at Imperial.
  • Influence REF2029 by supporting the REF team and informing potential metrics in particular for the People and Culture Element.