This webpage aims to provide you with a centralised place to find policies that are most relevant to researchers.


Imperial Essentials for all new College staff

This covers the ‘Must do’ the six Imperial Essentials Compliance training topics’ that all staff must complete to ensure College compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements:

  • Fire safety and awareness
  • MOST (Month One Safety Training)
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Safeguarding
  • Information security
  • Data protection

 Please note that there may be additional Health and Safety training or other training to be done locally in your department or lab.

College’s Ordinances

These contain details on how the College is governed, its financial business and endowment board, as well as announcements and rules relating to staff and students.

HR policies

This central page provides links to all relevant HR policies and processes.

Every Faculty has a Strategic HR Partner. For general enquiries you can contact

Health and Wellbeing

This website provides general information, advice and support relating to:

  • Mental and physical health
  • Resilience and stress management
  • Adapting to new ways of living and working in response to COVID-19

The PFDC Wellbeing Resources for Researchers contain specific information, advice and support for managing your health and wellbeing.

All College staff and members of their family living with them can get free professional and confidential help from Confidential Care, the College's Employee Assistance Provider, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Please call 0800 085 4764 or email.

Research Office Policies

Key information on:

  • Funding
  • Imperial Research Policies
  • Research Governance and Integrity 
  • Processes around preparing a proposal for funding

If you are interested in working with industry, commercializing your research, or become a consultant you can visit the Enterprise staff website.

The key policies from Enterprise are: