Further support

Once you have decided to apply for a fellowship, our 'Preparing Successful Fellowship Applications' workshop, Funders showcases, one-to-one support and mock interviews provide help and guidance.

Fellowships aim to facilitate research independence - some help people train or transition into a new area, some promote international mobility, and some support people returning to work after a career break or working part-time.

The tables below list fellowships under several categories with links to the funders’ web pages, deadlines and details about who is eligible to apply.

Using the tables

  • Always check the funders’ websites for further details – dates and information can change
  • If you are calculating your eligibility and have had career breaks or have worked part-time at any point, remember to include this in your calculation.
  • You might be subject to additional criteria. Always check the funders’ websites for further details.
  • If interview dates are not listed, this means that the funder does not advertise this information or the information wasn’t available when the table was updated.
  • This list is not comprehensive but includes many UK funding sources. Ask colleagues in your department if they know of additional funding sources in your field. International colleagues might know of fellowships available in other countries.
  • In addition to this resource, you can use GRANTfinder or ECR Central - websites where you can search for international funding opportunities and sign up for tailored email bulletins. 
  • Always check the funders’ websites for further details – dates and information can change

Download the PDF version: Fellowship Categories‌‌

Fellowships Categories

Fellowship name



UKRI - Future Leaders Fellowships

  • Early career researchers and innovators with outstanding potential.

Round 7 closed (internal applicants selected)

Round 8 to open in 2023 (Summer – TBC)

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Fellowships

  • No rules about years of postdoctoral experience.
  • Welcome applications from candidates who want to move back into research after any type of break from active research.
  • Choose Postdoctoral, Open or Synthetic Biology Fellowships.
  • See Guidance on the UKRI Postdoctoral and open fellowships website.

Ongoing – panel meets to discuss reviewed applications in October, December, February, May, July and September


ESA's postdoctoral Research Fellowship programme

  • Preference will be given to applications submitted by candidates within five years of receiving their PhD.
  • Be a citizen from one of the ESA Member States and European Cooperating States, or from Latvia and Slovenia as Associated Member States and Canada as a Cooperating State.
  • Visit the ESA recruitment website for more information. 

To see open Research Fellowships, look for those positions titled Internal Research Fellow among the ESA job opportunities.

L’Oreal UK – Rising stars awards



  • Must identify as female.
  • No more than ten years' active full-time equivalent postdoctoral experience (discounting career breaks but including teaching experience and/or time spent in industry).

Deadline in December

Royal Academy of Engineering

Applications open in early July/late September


Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Research Fellowships 

  • No more than three years of postdoc experience.


Applications open in October – Deadline February 

Brunel Fellowship

  • No more than three years of postdoc experience.
  • Researchers in the core subjects of civil, mechanical, electrical, or aeronautical engineering seeking to address the primary infrastructure needs of modern society.

Applications open in October – Deadline February 

Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Built Environment Fellowships

  • Specific themes will be advertised each year.

Applications announced in May 2023

Royal Society University Research Fellowship (URF)

  • Three-eight years of postdoc experience.
  • Research must be within the Royal Society’s remit of natural sciences, which includes but is not limited to biological research, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and physics.

Applications open in July and close in September.


Schlumberger Foundation

  • Preparing for postdoc;
  • Must identify as female;
  • From a developing country.

Applications open in September and close in November.

Fellowship name



UKRI - Future Leaders Fellowships

  • Early career researchers and innovators with outstanding potential.

Round 7 closed (internal applicants selected)

Round 8 to open in 2023 (Summer – TBC)

Alzheimer's Research UK Clinical Research Fellowship

  • Clinical Research Fellowships are intended for clinically qualified researchers, who ideally already hold a PhD.
  • For a detailed description of the skills and training you will be expected to demonstrate, please read our Early Career Researcher Framework.
  • Frequently asked questions on the Alzheimer's Research UK website.

Applications open in April and close in late July.


British Heart Foundation (BHF) Intermediate Clinical Research

  • PhD/MD plus NTN;
  • More than two years of specialist training but less than two years after CCT.  

Rolling, there are no closing dates – applications reviewed four times a year.

MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship (CSF)

  • Clinically qualified PhD/DPhil/MD or Vet Med (providing their project is of relevance to human health).
  • There are no eligibility rules based on years of postdoctoral experience.

Three times a year with deadlines in January, April, and September

MRC Clinical Research Training Fellowship (CRTF)

  • Must have achieved PhD over five years ago but not been research active since due to clinical commitments.
  • The CRTF supports clinicians, including (but not limited to) medics, surgeons, dentists, clinical psychologists, public health specialty trainees, allied health professionals, nurses, midwives and veterinarians, to undertake a PhD or other higher research degree.

Three times a year with deadlines in January, April, and September

NIHR Advanced Fellowship


  • Must hold a relevant PhD or MD, or have submitted your thesis for examination at the time of application (you must have been awarded a PhD or MD by the time you attend the interview).
  • Complete the relevant pre-registration training (for clinical academic applicants).

First round of applications opens in April, closes in July, and the interview is in January. 

Second round of applications opens in  October, closes in January, and the interview is in July.

NIHR Development and Skills Enhancement Award


  • Must be a current member of the NIHR Academy
  • Must have completed any relevant pre-registration training (clinical academic applications only).
  • Must hold a relevant PhD or MD, or have submitted their thesis for examination at the time of application – applicants must have been awarded their PhD or MD by the time they start.
  • Must ensure that any previous NIHR awards undertaken were finished no longer than 12 months prior.
  • Must have not submitted a DSE application in the previous round.


First round of applications opens in January, closes in March, and is followed by a funding meeting in May.

Second round of applications opens in May, closes in July, and is followed by a funding meeting in September.

Third round of applications opens in September, closes in November, and is followed by a funding meeting in January.

Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Clinician Scientist 

  • Career level - Postdoc, Clinician, Health professional.


First round of applications opens in April, closes in July, and is reviewed in November.

Second round of applications opens in October, closes in March, and is reviewed in May.

Fellowship name



UKRI - Future Leaders Fellowships

  • Early career researchers and innovators with outstanding potential.

Round 7 closed (internal applicants selected)

Round 8 to open in 2023 (Summer – TBC)

Alzheimer’s Research UK Research Fellowship 

Applications open in April and close in July.


Alzheimer’s Society Postdoctoral Fellowship

  • Applicants must be within five years of PhD viva.
  • Allowances will be made for career breaks.

Early 2023

Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Research Leader Fellowship

  • Applicants should be a minimum of five years from the date of PhD viva.

Early 2023

Versus Arthritis Career Development Fellowship

  • More than three years of postdoc experience.

Applications open in April and close in July.

Versus Arthritis Foundation Fellowship

  • Applications must be made within one year of completing PhD at the time of application.

Applications open in April and close in July.

British Heart Foundation (BHF) Immediate Postdoctoral Basic Science 

  • Candidates should have no more than two years of postdoctoral research experience from the date of the PhD viva.

Rolling, there are no closing dates – applications reviewed four times a year 

Please submit the application when it is ready.

British Heart Foundation (BHF) Intermediate Basic Science 

  • Usually at least three to six years of successful postdoctoral work.

Rolling, there are no closing dates – applications reviewed four times a year 

Please submit the application when it is ready.

MRC Career Development Award (CDA)

  • There are no eligibility rules based on years of postdoctoral experience.

First round of applications opens in February and closes in April.

Second round of applications opens in August and closes in September.

MRC Senior Non-Clinical Fellowship (SNCF)

  • There are no eligibility rules based on years of postdoctoral experience.

First round of applications opens in February and closes in April.

Second round of applications opens in August and closes in September.

MRC New Investigator Research Grant (NIRG)

  • There are no eligibility rules based on years of postdoctoral experience.
  • Applicants can hold a lecturer appointment, a junior fellowship, or be in another research staff position.

Depending on the panel

Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Career Development 

  • You should be able to demonstrate that you meet the range of skills and experience as outlined in the ‘establishing independence’ career stage in the Fellowships Competency Framework.

Round one:

Preliminary submission -


Final submission -


Committee review -



Round two:

Preliminary submission - October

Final submission –


Committee review -

Kidney Research UK Intermediate Fellowships (non-clinical)

  • Two-three years of postdoc experience to specialise in renal research.



Kidney Research UK Senior Fellowships (non-clinical)

  • Extensive postdoctoral experience 
  • Must have already demonstrated a sustained ability to conduct independent research


L’Oreal UK – Rising stars awards

  • Must identify as female
  • No more than ten years' active full-time equivalent postdoctoral experience (discounting career breaks but including teaching experience and/or time spent in industry).

Deadline in December

NIHR Advanced Fellowship

  • Hold a relevant PhD or MD, or have submitted your thesis for examination at the time of application (you must have been awarded a PhD or MD by the time you attend the interview).
  • Complete the relevant pre-registration training (for clinical academic applicants).

First round of applications opens in April, closes in July, and the interview is in January. 

Second round of applications opens in  October, closes in January, and the interview is in July.

NIHR Development and Skills Enhancement Award


  • Must be a current member of the NIHR Academy
  • Must have completed any relevant pre-registration training (clinical academic applications only).
  • Must hold a relevant PhD or MD, or have submitted their thesis for examination at the time of application – applicants must have been awarded their PhD or MD by the time they start.
  • Must ensure that any previous NIHR awards undertaken were finished no longer than 12 months prior.
  • Must have not submitted a DSE application in the previous round.


First round of applications opens in January, closes in March, and is followed by a funding meeting in May.

Second round of applications opens in May, closes in July, and is followed by a funding meeting in September.

Third round of applications opens in September, closes in November, and is followed by a funding meeting in January.

Wellcome Early-Career Awards

  • You must have a PhD and generally no more than three years of postdoctoral research experience.

First round of applications opens in February and closes in June. Shortlisting will take place in September and the interviews in November.

Second round of applications opens in June and closes in October. Shortlisting will take place in January and the interviews in March.

Third round of applications opens in September and closes in November. Shortlisting will take place in May and the interviews in July.

Wellcome Career Development Awards

  • Must have completed one or two substantial periods of research after your initial training.
  • Must have made important contributions to your area of research.
  • You can already be a fellow.
  • You may have been appointed to your first permanent, open-ended or long-term rolling contract within the last three years. If this applies to you, you can’t ask for your own salary with this award.

First round of applications opens in March and closes in July. Shortlisting will take place in October and the interviews in January.

Second round of applications opens in July and closes in December. Shortlisting will take place in February and the interviews in May.

Third round of applications opens in December and closes in April. Shortlisting will take place in June and the interviews in September.

Prostate Cancer UK Travelling Prize Fellowships

  • Within four years of PhD

Closing date June

Fellowship name



UKRI - Future Leaders Fellowships

  • Early career researchers and innovators with outstanding potential.

Round 7 closed (internal applicants selected)

Round 8 to open in 2023 (Summer – TBC)

BBSRC Discovery Fellowships

  • There is no limit on the number of years of postdoc experience. 
  • You must have completed a successful PhD viva by 30 November

Applications open in February and close in May.

ESA's postdoctoral Research Fellowship programme

  • Preference will be given to applications submitted by candidates within five years of receiving their PhD.
  • Be a citizen from one of the ESA Member States and European Cooperating States, or from Latvia and Slovenia as Associated Member States and Canada as a Cooperating State.
  • Visit the ESA recruitment website for more information. 

To see open Research Fellowships, look for those positions titled Internal Research Fellow among the ESA job opportunities.

Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP)

  • Must have a PhD
  • Must have at least one lead author, full-length research paper (in an international peer-reviewed journal or published on a pre-print server such as bioRxiv)

Applications open in May and close in September.

L’Oreal UK – Rising stars awards

  • Must identify as female.
  • No more than ten years' active full-time equivalent postdoctoral experience (discounting career breaks but including teaching experience and/or time spent in industry).

Deadline in December

NERC Independent Research Fellowships

  • Up to eight years of postdoc experience 

Applications open in July and close in November.

Ramsay Trust Memorial Fellowship

Applications open in August and close in November.

RAS Research and Norman Lockyer Fellowships

  • Up to five years of postdoctoral experience.

Applications close in October.

Applications for RAS Fellowships will be sought in the years 2021, 2024 and 2027 and for the Norman Lockyer Fellowship in 2022, 2025 and 2028.

Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Research Fellowships 

  • No more than three years of postdoc experience.

Applications open in October and close in February.

Royal Society University Research Fellowship (URF)

  • Three-eight years of postdoc experience.
  • Research must be within the Royal Society’s remit of natural sciences, which includes but is not limited to biological research, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and physics.

Applications open in July and close in September.

Schlumberger Foundation

  • Must be preparing for postdoc;
  • Must identify as female;
  • From a developing country.

Applications open in September and close in November.

Stephen Hawking Fellowships

  • Excellent researchers who will make significant contributions to the field of theoretical physics.

TBC – Applications usually open in September and close in November.

Wellcome Early-Career Awards

  • You must have a PhD and generally no more than three years of postdoctoral research experience.

First round of applications opens in February and closes in June. Shortlisting will take place in September and the interviews in November.

Second round of applications opens in June and closes in October. Shortlisting will take place in January and the interviews in March.

Third round of applications opens in September and closes in November. Shortlisting will take place in May and the interviews in July.

Wellcome Career Development Awards

  • Must have completed one or two substantial periods of research after your initial training.
  • Must have made important contributions to your area of research.
  • You can already be a fellow.
  • You may have been appointed to your first permanent, open-ended or long-term rolling contract within the last three years. If this applies to you, you can’t ask for your own salary with this award.

First round of applications opens in March and closes in July. Shortlisting will take place in October and the interviews in January.

Second round of applications opens in July and closes in December. Shortlisting will take place in February and the interviews in May.

Third round of applications opens in December and closes in April. Shortlisting will take place in June and the interviews in September.

Fellowship name



UKRI - Future Leaders Fellowships

  • Early career researchers and innovators with outstanding potential.

Round 7 closed (internal applicants selected)

Round 8 to open in 2023 (Summer – TBC)

ESRC postdoctoral fellowships

  • Must have completed PhD at a research organisation that is part of a DTP or CDT;
  • Must be within 12 months of passing viva voce.

See DTP/CDT preliminary rounds

Full applications in March

Imperial College Research Fellowships

  • Up to four years of postdoc experience 

Applications close in August and interviews are in November.

Leverhulme Early Career Research

  • No more than four years from PhD viva;
  • Must not have a permanent academic position.

Applications open in January and close in February.

Marie Curie Individual Fellowship

  • PhD or four years of research experience

Applications open in April and close in September.

Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Ernest Rutherford 

  • Must have a PhD and some postdoctoral research experience (no years since PhD);
  • Check department requirements.

Applications open in July and close in September.

Fellowship name



Daphne Jackson – for scientists re-entering after a career break

  • Must have had a career break of two or more years, taken for family, caring or health reasons;
  • Must have at least three years of research experience and/or a PhD;
  • Must wish to return to a research-based career.

Rolling (except sponsored calls) 

Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin – for scientists who need to work flexibly

  • Up to six years of postdoc experience 

Applications open in September and close in November.

L’Oreal UK – Rising stars awards

  • Must identify as female.
  • No more than ten years' active full-time equivalent postdoctoral experience (discounting career breaks but including teaching experience and/or time spent in industry).

Deadline in December

London Mathematical Society – Grace Chrisholm Young Fellowship 

  • Must have a PhD;
  • Must be returning from a career break.

Deadlines on 31 December and 30 June

Schlumberger Foundation

  • Preparing for postdoc;
  • Must identify as female;
  • From a developing country.

Applications open in September and close in November.

Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) - Return to research support bursary
  • Usually returning from a break of two years or more 


Wellcome Sanger Janet Thornton Fellowship

  • At least one year of postdoctoral experience
  • Returning after a break of one year or more, for any reason 

Closes - July

Fellowship name



European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) – Postdoctoral Fellowships

  • Up to two years of postdoctoral experience;
  • Must move between countries.

No deadlines (panels meet in February and August)

Marie Curie Individual Fellowship

  • Must have a PhD or four years of research experience  

Applications open in April and close in September

Schlumberger Foundation

  • Preparing for postdoc;
  • Must identify as female;
  • From a developing country.

Applications open in September and close in November.

Fellowship name



Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP)

  • Must have a PhD;
  • Must have at least one lead author, full-length research paper (in an international peer-reviewed journal or published on a pre-print server such as bioRxiv)

Applications open in May and close in September