These are activities where you might learn experientially through your usual role but perhaps in a new context or by stretching or challenging yourself to try new things. They may be shorter or more tailored activities such as one-off meetings or advice from experts. Informal development may also take place through more social and networking activities, by observing others or developing others yourself.  

Observing or learning from others: 

  • Informal or one off mentoring-style conversations where others help, train or give advice 
  • Job shadowing 
  • 'Subbing' for your PI at meetings, talks or events 
  • Visits to external collaborators/ employers 
  • Co-writing funding applications 
  • Informal advice and feedback from experts e.g. business mentors, careers advisors, research support managers, HR 

Social activities or meetings: 

  • Meetups or social gatherings where you might broaden your career network 
  • Networking events within your department 
  • Peripheral meetings and socials at conferences and seminars where you might learn new ideas or perspectives, or practice different communication skills. 

Developing or informing others: 

  • Outreach and public engagement activities 
  • Supporting students informally with their projects/thesis 
  • Mentoring others 
  • Teaching undergraduates in lectures, practicals, fieldwork or tutorials 

Contributing / engaging with your community or discipline: 

  • Volunteering at festivals and events 
  • Journal clubs 
  • Blog writing 
  • Peer reviewing and giving informal feedback on peer’s work 
  • Putting yourself forward to chair events or  discussions at conferences 
  • Being active in learned societies or committees e.g. joining working groups  
  • Working in a consultancy 

Spotlight on informal development activities: 

Find out from other research staff about the kinds of activities that developed their skills informally.

Informal activities examples

Find out from other research staff about the kinds of activities that developed their skills informally.

Examples accordion