Through QCCSRC we have > 160 publications with >100 published in peer review journals, >30 in conference proceedings and >20 still under review


Top 10 Publications As Per Citations
  1. Blunt. M. J., Bijeljic B., Dong H., Gharbi O., Iglauer S., Mostaghimi P., Paluszny A. and Pentland C. (2013). Pore-scale Imaging and Modelling, Advances in Water Resources, 51, pp 197-216. DOI:10.1016/j.advwatres.2012.03.003.  Citations 504
  2. Bijeljic, A. Raeini, P. Mostaghimi and M. J. Blunt. (2013) Predictions of non-Fickian solute transport in different classes of porous media using pore-scale modelling, Physical Revew E. 87 (1). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.87.013011.  Citations 117
  3. Bijeljic, B., Mostaghimi, P. and M. J. Blunt (2011) Signature of Non-Fickian Solute Transport in Complex Heterogeneous Porous Media. Physical Review Letters, 107, 204502, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.204502.  Citations 100
  4. M. Andrew, B. Bijeljic and M. J Blunt (2014) Pore-scale imaging of trapped supercritical carbon dioxide in sandstones and carbonates. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 22, pp 1-14, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2013.12.018.  Citations 94
  5. M. Andrew, B. Bijeljic and M. J Blunt (2014) Pore-scale contact angle measurements at reservoir conditions using X-Ray microtomography. Journal of Interface and Colloid Science 68: 24-31. DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2014.02.014.  Citations 93
  6. X. Li, E. S. Boek, G. C. Maitland, and J. P. M. Trusler (2012) Interfacial Tension of (Brines + CO2):(0.864 NaCl + 0.136 KCl) at Temperatures between (298 and 448) K, Pressures between (2 and 50) MPa, and Total Molalities of (1 to 5) mol·kg–1.      Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 57 (4), pp 1078–1088. DOI: 10.1021/je201062r.  Citations 92
  7. M. Andrew, B. Bijeljic and M. J Blunt (2013) Pore-scale imaging of geological carbon dioxide storage under in situ conditions, Geophysical Research Letters: 40(15): 3915:3918. DOI: 10.1002/grl.50771.   Citations 83
  8. B. Bijeljic, P. Mostaghimi and M. J. Blunt (2013), Insights into non-Fickian Solute Transport in Carbonates, Water Resources Research Vol. 49, 2714–2728. DOI:10.1002/wrcr.20238.  Citations 81
  9. S. Hou, G. C. Maitland, and J. P. M. Trusler (2012) Measurement and Modeling of the Phase Behavior of the (Carbon Dioxide + Water) Mixture at Temperatures From 298.15 K to 448.15 K, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 73 pp 87-96.  DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2012.11.011.   Citations 72    
  10. S. Krevor (2015) Capillary trapping for geologic carbon dioxide storage - From pore scale physics to field scale implications, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol 40, pp221-237. DOI:10.1016/j.ijggc.2015.04.006. Citations 68 

Latest papers to be published

  1. Welch et al "Pressure decay permeability measurements and the response of reservoir seals and geologic analogues to changes in effective pressure" to be submitted to Marine and Petroleum 
  2. Zachaoudiou et al  Pore scale modelling of drainage displacement patterns in association with geological sequestration of CO2 to be submitted to Advances in Water Research
  3. Vicente et al Thermodynamics of the (CO2 + n-heptane) System to be submitted to Applied Energy.
  4. Krevor & Pini Laboratory studies to understand the controls on flow and transport for CO2 storage.  Book Chapter. Science of Carbon Storage in Deep Saline Formations – Process coupling across time and spatial scales.
  5. Anabaraonye et al  Carbonate Dissolution Kinetics at Reservoir Storage Conditions: The Role of Surface Contaminants to be submitted to Environmental Science and Technology Letters
  6. Singh et al High-resolution synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography datasets of multiphase fluid flow in carbonate rocks at reservoir pressure conditions to be submitted to Scientific Data
  7. Franchini et al Particle tracking velocimetry based on generalized Gaussian feature extraction to be submitted to the Journal Lab on a chip
  8. Anabaraonye et al Brine chemistry in carbonate dissolution kinetics to be submitted to Water Resource Research
Fundamental Research Applied to Carbonate Reservoirs
  1. Vandeginste,V., John, C, M., (2012) Influence of climate and dolomite composition on dedolomitization: Insights from a multi-proxy study in the Central Oman Mountains. Journal of Sedimentary Research March. Vol 82 pages 177-195 DOI: 10.2110/​jsr.2012.19
  2. Vandeginste, V., John, C, M., Manning, C., (2013) Interplay between depositional facies, fracturing and diagenesis in the Early Cretaceous Habshan Formation, Jebel Madar, Oman. Marine and Petroleum Geology. Vol 43 pages 489-503. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2012.11.006
  3. Sena, C, M, S., John, C, M., (2013) Impact of dynamic sedimentation on facies heterogeneities in Lower Cretaceous peritidal deposits of central east Oman. Sedimentology. Vol 60 (5), pages 1156-1183 DOI: 10.1111/sed.12026
  4. Sena, C, M, S., John, C, M,. Jourdan, A,. Vandeginste, V., Manning, C., (2014) Dolomitization of lower cretaceous peritidal carbonates by modified seawater: constraints from clumped isotopes paleothermometry, elemental Chemistry and Strontium isotopes Journal of Sedimentary Research, Vol 84 (7) pages 552-566 DOI:10.2110/jsr/2014.45
  5. Kluge, T,. John, C, M., (2015) Effects of brine chemistry and polymorphism on clumped isotopes revealed by laboratory precipitation of mono- and multiphase calcium carbonates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta;Vol 160 pages 155-168 DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2015.03.031
  6. Kluge, T,. John, C, M.,  Boch, R., Kele, S., (2018) Assessment of Factors Controlling Clumped Isotopes and δ18O Values of Hydrothermal Vent Calcites.  Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.  Vol 19 (6) pages 1844-1858 DOI.10.1029/2017GC006969
  7. Kluge, T,. John, C, M., Jourdan, A., Davis, S., Crawshaw, J, P., (2015) Laboratory calibration of the calcium carbonate clumped isotope thermometer in the 25–250 °C temperature range. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Vol 157 pages 213-227 DOI.10.1016/j.gca.2015.02.028
  8. Kluge, T., John, C, M., (2014) A simple method for vaterite precipitation in isotopic equilibrium: implications for bulk and clumped isotope analysis.  Biogeosciences. Vol 11 pages 17361-17390 DOI:10.594/bgd-11-17361-2014
  9. Honig, M, R., John, C, M,. (2015) Sedimentological and isotopic heterogeneities within a Jurassic carbonate ramp (UAE) and implications for reservoirs in the Middle East, Marine and Petroleum Geology. Vol 68, Pages 240-257 DOI:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2015.08.029
  10. Vandeginste, V,. John, C, M., Beckert, J., (2015) Diagenetic Geobodies: Fracture-Controlled Burial Dolomite Bodies in Outcrops from Northern Oman, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering Journal Vol 18, (1) pages 84-93.
  11. Vandeginste, V., John, C, M., Cosgrove, J., Manning, C., (2014) Dimensions, texture-distribution and geochemical heterogeneities of fracture-related dolomite geobodies hosted in Ediacaran limestones, northern Oman, AAPG Bulletin, Vol 98 (9) pages 1789-1809 DOI: 10.1306/05121413127
  12. Vandeginste, V., John, C, M., van De Flierdt, T., Cosgrove, J, W., (2013) Linking process, dimension, texture and geochemistry in dolomite geobodies: a case study from Wadi Mistal (northern Oman). AAPG Bulletin, Vol 97(7) pages 1181-1207. DOI:10.1306/11011212076
  13. Berkert, J,. Vandeginste, V,. John, C, M., (2015) Exploring the geological features and processes that control the shape and internal fabrics of late diagenetic dolomite bodies (Lower Khuff equivalent - Central Oman Mountains) Marine and Petroleum Geology, Vol 68, part A pages 325-340 DOI:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2015.08.038
  14. Vandeginste, V., Rafiuddin, L, N., Peskin, A., (2015) Three-dimensional reconstruction of diagenetic geobodies for geological carbon dioxide storage. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol 42 pages 319-328 DOI:10.1016/j.ijggc.2015.08.007
  15. Que-Sawyer, J., Vandeginste, V., Johnston, K., (2015) Application of handheld energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry to carbonate studies: opportunities and challenges.  Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry.  Royal Society of Chemistry, Vol 30 pages 1490-1499 DOI 10.1039/c5ja00114e
  16. Abbott, S, S., John, C, M., Fraser, A, J., (2015) Detailed 3-D depositional architecture of Late Jurassic carbonate–anhydrite cycles (Brightling Mine, Weald Basin, UK) Marine and Petroleum Geology. Vol 69, pages 74-93 DOI:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2015.10.012  
  17. del Real, P, G., Maher, K., Kluge, T., (2016) Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Magnesium Carbonates in Ultramafic Rocks.  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol 192, pp 222-250 DOI:10.1016-j.gca.2016.08.003   
  18. Quesnel, B., Boulvais, P., Gautier, P., Cathelineau., John, C, M., Direick, M., Agrinier, Drouillet, M., (2016) Paired stable isotopes (O, C) and clumped isotope thermometry of magnesite and silica veins in the New Caledonia Peridotite Nappe,.  Geochemica Cosmochemica Acta Vol 183, pages 234-249 DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2016.03.021
  19. Kele, S., Breitenbach, S, F, M., Capezzuoli, E., Meckler, N., Ziegler, M., Millan, I, M., Kluge, T., Deak, J., Hanselmann K.,  John, C, M., Yan, H., Liu, Z., Bernasconi, S, M,. (2015) Temperature dependence of oxygen- and clumped isotope fractionation in carbonates: a study of travertines and tufas in the 6-95˚C temperature range, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2015.06.032
  20. Beckert, J., Vandeginste, V., John, C, M,. (2016) Relationship between karstification and burial dolomitization in Permian platform carbonates (Lower Khuff — Oman) Journal of Sedimentary Geology. Vol 342 pp165-179 DOI:10.1016/jsedgeo.2016.07.001  
  21. Cruzet, D., Canarero, I., Trave, A., Verges, J., John, C, M., (2016) Crestal graben fluid evolution during late growth stage of the Puig-reig anticline (South Pyrenean fold and thrust belt, Geodynamics. Vol 101 pages 30-50 DOI:10.1016/j.jog.2016.05.004
  22. John, C, M., (2015). Burial estimates constrained by clumped isotope paleothermometry: example of the Lower Cretaceous Qishn Formation (Haushi-Huqf  High, Oman), The Geological Society of London. Special Publications, DOI: 10.1144/SP435.5
  23. Honig, M, R., John, C, M., Manning, C., (2016) Development of an equatorial carbonate platform across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary and links to global palaeoenvironmental changes (Musandam Peninsula, UAE/Oman)  Gondwana Research. Vol 45 pages 100-117 DOI:10.1016/  
  24. Beckert, J., Vandeginste, V., McKean, T,  J., Alroichdi, A., John, C, M.,  (2018) Ground‐based the hyperspectral imaging as a tool to identify different carbonate phases in natural cliffs.  International Journal of Remote Sensing. Vol 39 (12) pages 4088-4114 DOI:10.1080/0143116.2018.152068  
  25. Vandeginste, V., Stehle, M, C., Jourdan, A., Bradbury, H, J., Manning, C., Cosgrove, J, W., (2017) Diagenesis in salt dome roof strata: Barite - Calcite assemblage in Jebel Madar, Oman.  Marine and Petroleum Geology Vol 86 pages 408-425 DOI:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.06.008   
  26. Henry, G., Watson, J, S., John, C, M.. (2017) Assessing and calibrating the ATR-FTIR approach as a carbonate reservoir characterization tool. Sedimentary Geology Vol 347, pp 36-52 DOI:org/10.1016/j.sedgeo.2016.07.003
  27. Madjid, M, Y, A., Vandeginste, V., Hampson, G., Jourdan, C, J., Booth, A, D., (2018) Drones in Carbonate Geology: Opportunities and Challenges, and Application in Diagenetic Dolomite Geobody Mapping.  Marine and Petroleum Geology. Vol 91 pages 723-734 DOI:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.02.002
  28. Al-Salmi, M., John, C, M., Hawie, N., (2018) Quantitative Controls on the Regional Geometries and Heterogeneities of the Ryada to Shuaiba Formations (Northern Oman) using Forward Stratigraphic Modelling. Marine and Petroleum Geology. Vol 99 pages 45-60

Conference papers:

  1. Vandeginste, V., John, C, M.,  Beckert, J., (2014) Diagenetic Geobodies: Fracture-Controlled Burial Dolomite Bodies in Outcrops from Northern Oman. IPTC 2014, Doha. IPTC Paper 17328-MS.
  2. John, C, M., Vandeginste, V., Jourdan, A-L., Kluge, T., Davis, S., Sena, C, M.,  Hönig, M., Beckert, J.,   Carbonate Reservoir Analogues and Clumped Isotopes: How Combined Geometries and Geochemistry of Outcrops Help Reservoir Management in the Middle East. IPTC 2014, Doha. IPTC Paper 17256-MS
Carbonate reservoir pore/fracture-scale physics and chemistry
  1. Secuianu, C., Maitland, G., Trusler, J, P, M., Wakeham, W., (2011) Diffusion coefficients of aqueous KCl at high pressures measured by the Taylor dispersion method. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 56 (12), pp 4840–4848 DOI:10.1021/je200808q
  2. El-Maghraby, R, M., Pentland, C, H., Iglauer, S., Blunt, M, J., (2011) A fast method to equilibrate carbon dioxide with brine at high pressure and elevated temperature including solubility measurements. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 62, p 55-59. DOI :10.1016/j.supflu.2011.11.002
  3. Bijeljic, B., Mostaghimi, P., Blunt, M, J.,  (2011) Signature of Non-Fickian Solute Transport in Complex Heterogeneous Porous Media. Physical Review Letters, 107, 204502, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.204502
  4. Li, X, Boek, E, S., Maitland, G, C., Trusler, J, P, M.,  (2012) Interfacial Tension of (Brines + CO2): (0.864 NaCl + 0.136 KCl) at Temperatures between (298 and 448) K, Pressures between (2 and 50) MPa, and Total Molalities of (1 to 5) mol·kg–1. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 57 (4), p 1078–1088. DOI: 10.1021/je201062r
  5. Al, Ghafri, S., Maitland, G, C., Trusler, J, P, M.,  (2012) Densities of Aqueous MgCl2(aq), CaCl2(aq), KI(aq), NaCl(aq), KCl(aq), AlCl3(aq), and (0.964 NaCl + 0.136 KCl)(aq) at Temperatures Between (283 and 472) K, Pressures up to 68.5 MPa, and Molalities up to 6 mol·kg–1. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 57 (4), p 1288–1304. DOI: 10.1021/je2013704
  6. Li, X., Boek, E, S., Maitland, G, C., Trusler, J, P, M.,  (2012) Interfacial Tension of (Brines + CO2): CaCl2(aq), MgCl2(aq), and Na2SO4(aq) at Temperatures between (343 and 423) K, Pressures between (2 and 50) MPa, and Molalities of (0.5 to 5) mol·kg–1. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 57 (5), p 1369–1375. DOI: 10.1021/je300304p
  7. Lawal, K, A., Crawshaw, J, P., Boek, E, S., Vesovic, V., (2012) An Experimental Investigation of Asphaltene Deposition in Capillary Flow. Energy and Fuels, 2012, 26, p 2145−2153. DOI: 10.1021/ef201874m
  8. Blunt, M, J., Bijeljic, B., Dong, H., Gharbi, O., Iglauer, S., Mostaghimi, P., Paluszny, A., Pentland, C., (2013) Pore-scale Imaging and Modelling, Advances in Water Resources, 51, p 197-216. DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2012.03.003
  9. Tanino, Y., Blunt, M, J.,  (2012) Capillary trapping in sandstones and carbonates: dependence on pore structure. Water Resources Research, 48 (8), DOI:10.1029/2011WR011712
  10. Umla, R., Riesco, N., Vesovic, V., (2012) Viscosity of pure fluid – Enskog-2σ model, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 334, p 89 96. DOI:10.1016/j.fluid.2012.08.006
  11. Yang, J., Boek, E, S(2013) A comparison study of Multi-Component Lattice Boltzmann models. Journal Computers and Maths with Applications, 65 (6), p 882-890. DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2012.11.022
  12. Gharbi, O., Blunt, M, J.,  (2012) The impact of wettability and connectivity on relative permeability in carbonates: a pore network modelling analysis. Water Resources Research, 48 (12). DOI:10.1029/2012WR011877
  13. Bijlejic, B., Raeini, A., Mostaghimi, P., Blunt, M, J., (2013) Predictions of non-Fickian solute transport in porous media using pore-scale modelling, Physical Review E. 87 013011. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.87.013011
  14. Hou, S, Maitland, G, C., Trusler, J, P, M. ((2012) Measurement and Modeling of the Phase Behavior of the (Carbon Dioxide + Water) Mixture at Temperatures From 298.15 K to 448.15 K, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 73 p 87-96. DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2012.11.011
  15. El-Maghraby, R, M., Blunt, M, J., (2012), Residual CO2 Trapping in Indiana Limestone, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013, 47 (1), p 227–233, DOI: 10.1021/es304166u
  16. de Wijn, A, S., Riesco, N., Jackson, G., Trusler, J, P, M., Vesovic, V., (2012) Viscosity of liquid mixtures: The Vesovic-Wakeham method for chain molecules. Journal of Chemical Physics 136 (7) 074514. DOI: 10.1063/1.3685605
  17. Al-Ghafri, S., Maitland, G, C., Trusler, J, P, M., (2013), Densities of SrCl2(aq), Na2SO4(aq), NaHCO3(aq), and Two Synthetic Reservoir Brines at Temperatures between (298 and 473) K, Pressures up to 68.5 MPa, and Molalities up to 3 mol·kg−1, Journal of Chemical and Engineering data, 58 (2), p 402-412. DOI: 10.1021/je301132p
  18. Bijlejic, B, Mostaghimi, P., Blunt, M, J.,  (2013), Insights into non-Fickian Solute Transport in Carbonates, Water Resources Research Vol. 49, p 2714–2728. DOI:10.1002/wrcr.20238
  19. Li, X., Ross, D., Trusler, J, P, M., Maitland, G, C., Boek, E, S., (2013) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of CO2 and Brine Interfacial Tension at High Temperatures and Pressures. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol 18, p. 5647-5652 DOI: 10.1021/jp309730m
  20. Hellmann, R., Riesco, N., Vesovic, V., (2013), Calculation of the transport properties of a dilute gas consisting of Lennard-Jones chains. Journal of Chemical Physics, 138 084309,  DOI: 10.1063/1.4793221
  21. Hellmann, R., Riesco, N., Vesovic, V.,  (2013) Calculation of the relaxation properties of a dilute gas consisting of Lennard-Jones chains, Journal of Chemical Physics Vol. 574: p 37-41. DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2013.04.067
  22. Peng, C., Crawshaw, J, P., Maitland, G, C., Trusler, J, P, M., Vega-Maza, D., (2013) The pH of CO2-Saturated Water at Temperatures between 308 K and 423K at pressures up to 15 MPa. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, Volume 82: p 129-137. DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2013.07.001
  23. Andrew, M., Bijeljic, B., Blunt, M, J., (2013) Pore-scale imaging of geological carbon dioxide storage at in situ conditions, Geophysical Research Letters: 40(15): p 3915-3918. DOI: 10.1002/grl.50771
  24. Hou, S, Maitland, G, C., Trusler, J, P, M., (2013) Phase equilibria of (CO2 + H2O + NaCl) and (CO2 + H2O + KCl): Measurements and modeling, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 78 p 78-88. DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2013.03.022
  25. Tanino, Y, Blunt, M, J., (2013) Laboratory investigation of capillary trapping under mixed-wet conditions. Water Resources Research, 49: 4311-4319, DOI: 10.1002/wrcr.20344
  26. Yang, J, Crawshaw, J, P., Boek E S (2013) Quantitative determination of molecular propagator distributions for solute transport in homogeneous and heterogeneous porous media using lattice Boltzmann simulations. Water Resources Research 49: p 1-8. DOI: 10.1002/2013WR013877
  27. Schreckenberg, J, M, A., Dufal, A., Haslam, A, J., Adjiman, C, S., Jackson, G., Galindo, A., (2014) Modelling of the thermodynamic and solvation properties of electrolyte solutions with the statistical associating fluid theory for potentials of variable range (SAFT-VR). Molecular Physics, 112 (17), Special Thermodynamics Conference Issue. Pages 2339-2364
  28. Al-Ghafri, S., Maitland, G, C., Trusler, J, P, M., (2014) Experimental and Modeling Study of the Phase Behavior of Synthetic Crude Oil + CO2. Fluid Phase Equilibria. Vol 365, p 20-40 DOI: 10.1016/j.fluid.2013.12.018
  29. Dufal, S., Lafitte, T., Haslam, A, J., Galindo, A., Clark, G, N, I., Vega, G., Jackson, G., (2015) The A in SAFT: developing the contribution of association to the Helmholtz free energy within a Wertheim TPT1 treatment of generic Mie fluids. Special Issue of Molecular Physics. Vol 113 Issue 9-10 pp 948-984 DOI:10.1080/00268976.2015.1029027
  30. Cadogan, S, P., Maitland, G, C., Trusler, J, P, M.,  (2014) Diffusion Coefficients of CO2 and N2 in Water at Temperatures between 298.15 K and 423.15 K at Pressures up to 45 MPa. J. Chem. Eng. Data 59(2), p 519-525, DOI: 10.1021/je401008s              
  31. Andrew, M., Bijeljic, B., Blunt, M, J., (2014) Pore-scale imaging of trapped supercritical carbon dioxide in sandstones and carbonates. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 22, p 1-14, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2013.12.018
  32. Umla, R., Vesovic, V.,  (2014) Viscosity of liquids — Enskog-2σ model. Fluid Phase Equilibria, Volume 372(25), p 32-42, DOI: 10.1016/j.fluid.2014.03.016          
  33. Forte, E., Haslam, A, J., Jackson, G., Muller, E, A., (2014) Effective coarse-grained solid-fluid potentials and their application to model adsorption of fluids on heterogeneous surfaces. p 19165-19180 DOI: 10.1039/C4CP00670D
  34. Shah, S, M., Crawshaw, J, P., Boek, E, S., (2014) Preparation of Micro Porous Rock Samples for Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy. Petroleum Geoscience,p 369-374 DOI 10.1144/petgeo201-021   
  35. Alyafei, N., Blunt, M, J., (2015) A Sensitivity Study of the Effect of Image Resolution on Predicted Petrophysical Properties. Transport in Porous media, Vol 110,  (1), pages 157-169. DOI: 10.1007/s11242-015-0563-0
  36. Shah et al. (2017) Convex hull approach for determining rock representative elementary volume for multiple petrophysical parameters using pore-scale imaging and Lattice-Boltzmann modelling.  Advances in Water Resources. Vol 104, pp65-75. DOI:10.1016/j.advwatres.2017.03.008 
  37. Tariq, U., Jusoh, A, R, B., Riesco, N., Vesovic, V., (2014) Reference Correlation of the Viscosity of cyclohexane from the triple point to 700 K and up to 110 MPa. Journal of Chem. Phys. Vol 43 p 033101 DOI 10.1063/1.4891103   
  38. Al-Ghafri, S., Forte, E., Maitland, G, C., Rodriguez-Hernriquez, J., Trusler, P, M., (2014) Experimental and Modeling Study of the Phase Behaviour of (Methane + CO2 + Water) Mixtures. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. Vol 118 p 14461-14478 DOI.10.1021/jp509678g        
  39. Cadogan, S., Hallett, J, P., Maitland, G, C., Trusler, J, P (2015) Diffusion Coefficients of CO2 in Brines Measured Using 13C Pulsed-Field Gradient Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. J Chem. Eng. Data, 60 (1), p 181-184, DOI 10.1021/je5009203  
  40. Shah, S, M., Crawshaw, J, P., Boek, E, S., (2016) Three Dimensional Imaging of Porous Media using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy. Journal of Microscopy. DOI:10.111/jmi.12496     
  41. McBride, M., Maitland, G, C., Trusler, J, P., (2015) Viscosity and Density of Aqueous Solutions of Carbon Dioxide at Temperatures From (274 to 449) K and at Pressures up to 100 MPa J Chem. Eng. Data. 60 (1), p 171-180. DOI 10.1021/je5009125
  42. Hou, S., Maitland, G, C., Trusler, J, P., (2015) Phase Equilibria of (CO2 + Butylbenzene) and (CO2 + Butylcyclohexane) at Temperatures between (323.15 and 423.15) K and at Pressures up to 21 MPa.  Fluid and Phase Equilibria. Vol 387, p 111-116 DOI 10.1016/j.fluid.2014.12.022.
  43. Hu, R., Crawshaw, J, P., Trusler, J, P., Boek, E, S., (2015) Rheology of heavy crude oil saturated with carbon dioxide. Energy and Fuels. Vol 29 (5) p 2785-2789 DOI: 10.1021/ef5020378
  44. F Chow, G Maitland and J. P. MTrusler (2015) Interfacial Tensions of (CO2 + N2 + H2O) System at Temperatures of (298 to 448) K and Pressures up to 40 MPa. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics.  Vol 93 p 392-403 DOI:10.1016/h.jct.2015.08.006
  45. Andrew, M., Bijeljic, B., Blunt, M, J., (2015)  Reservoir Condition Pore-Scale Imaging of Multiple Fluid Phases using X-Ray Microtomography. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2015 Feb 25. (96) 52440 doi: 10.3791/52440
  46. Balogun, B., Riesco, N., Vesovic, V.,  (2015) Reference Correlation of the Viscosity of pxylene from the triple point to 673 K and up to 110 MPa J.Chem.Phys.Ref Data 44, 013103  DOI.10.1063/1.4908048             
  47. Dufal, S., Haslam, A, J., Galindo, A., Jackson, G., Lafitte, T., ( (2015) Developing intermolecular- potential models for use with the SAFT-VR Mie Equation of State. AlChe Journal Vol 61, (9) p 2891-2912 DOI: 10.1002/aic.14808
  48. Efika, E, C., Hoballah, R.,  Li, X., May, E, F., Nania, M., Sanchez-Vicente, Y., Trusler, M, J, P.,  (2015) Saturated Phase Densities of CO2 + H2O at Temperatures from (293 to 450) K and Pressures up to 64 MPa.  The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. Vol 93 p 247-359 DOI:10.1016/j.jct.2015.06.034.
  49. Alyafei, N., Al-Menhali, A., Blunt, M, J.,  (2016) Experimental and Analytical Investigations of Spontaneous Imbibition in Water-wet Carbonates.  Transport in Porous Media pp1-19 DOI: 10.1007/s11242-016-0761-4
  50. N Alyafei, M.J Blunt (2016) The effect of wettability on capillary trapping in carbonates. Advances in  Water Resources, Col V0 p36-50. Doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.02.001
  51. Eriksen, D, K., Lazarou, G., Galindo, A., Jackson, G., Adjiman, C, S., Haslam, A, J., (2016) Development of intermolecular potential models for electrolyte solutions using an electrolyte SAFT-VR Mie equation of state. Molecular Physics.  pages 2724-2749 DOI:10.1080/00268976.2016.1236221
  52. Trusler, J, P, M., (2015) Introduction to the Special Issue on carbon storage, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. Vol 93, p 273
  53. Riesco, N., Vesovic, V., (2016) Extended Hard-Sphere Model for Predicting the Viscosity of long-chain n-alkanes. Fluid Phase Equilibria, Vol 425, pp385-392 Doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2016.06.034
  54. Haslam, Jackson, Brumby, Wensink (2017) Structure and interfacial tension of a hard-rod fluid in planar confinement. DOI:10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b02254
  55. Cadogan, S, P., Mistry, B., Wong, Y., Maitland, G, C., Trusler, J, P., (2016)  Diffusion Coefficients of Carbon Dioxide in Eight Hydrocarbon Liquids at Temperatures between 298.15 K and 423.15 K at Pressures up to 69 MPa Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Doi:10.1021/acs.jced.6b00691
  56. Zacharoudiou, I., Chapman, E, M., Boek, E, S., Crawshaw, J, P., (2017) Pore Filling Events in Single Junction Micro-Models with Corresponding Lattice Boltzmann Simulations. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. DOI:10.1017/jfm.2017.363
  57. Al-Ghafri, S., Maitland, C, M.,  Trusler, J, P, M.. (2017) Phase behaviour of the system (carbon dioxide + n-heptane + methylbenzene): a comparison between experimental data and SAFT-γ-Mie predictions. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. DOI:10.1021/acs.jced.7b00145
  58. Nguyen, T., Riesco, N., Vesovic, V., (2017) Predicting the viscosity of n-alkane liquid mixtures based on molecular description. Fuel. DOI:10.1016/j.fuel.2017.07.015
  59. Li, X., Peng, C., Crawshaw, J, P., Maitland, G, C., Trusler, J, P, M., (2017) The pH of CO2-saturated-saturated aqueous NaCl and NaHCO3 solutions at temperatures between 308 K and 373 K at pressures up to 15 MPa. Fluid Phase Equilibria. DOI:10.1016/j.fluid.2017.11.023
  60. Joss, L., Pini, R., (2017)  Digital adsorption: 3D imaging of gas adsorption isotherms by X-ray computed tomography.  Journal of Physical Chemistry C. DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b09836 

Conference papers:

  1. Lamy, C., Iglauer, S., Pentland, C, H., Blunt, M, J., Maitland, G, C., (2010) Capillary trapping in carbonate rocks in the context of CCS. 72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition/SPE EUROPEC (2010). SPE-130720-MS DOI:10.2118/130720-MS
  2. Pentland, C, H., El-Maghraby, R., Iglauer, S., Tsuchiya, Y., Okabe, H., Blunt, M, J., (2010) Measurement of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Capillary Trapping in Core Analysis. SPE Paper 138476 SPE International Conference on CO2 Capture, Storage, and Utilization, 10-12 November 2010, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. DOI: 10.2118/138476-MS
  3. Boek, E, S., (2010) Pore Scale Simulation of Flow in Porous Media Using Lattice-Boltzmann Computer Simulations. Paper SPE 135506. Proceedings of SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Florence, Italy. 2010. DOI: 10.2118/135506-MS
  4. Pentland, C, H., Tanino, Y., Iglauer, S., Blunt, M, J., (2010)  Capillary Trapping in Water-Wet Sandstones: Coreflooding Experiments and Pore-Network Modeling. SPE 133798. Proceedings of SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Florence, Italy. 2010
  5. El-Maghraby, R., Pentland, C, H., Blunt, M, J., (2011) Coreflood measurements of CO2 trapping. SPE 1473737. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado (2011). DOI: 10.2118/147373-MS
  6. Pentland, C, H., El-Maghraby, R., Georgiadis, A., Iglauer, S., Blunt, M, J., (2011) Immiscible Immiscible displacements and capillary trapping in CO2 storage. (2011) Energy Procedia, 4, p 4969-4976. DOI:10.1016/j.egypro.2011.02.467
  7. Gharbi, O., Bijeljic, B., Boek, E., Blunt, M, J., (2013)  Changes in Pore Structure and Connectivity Induced by CO2 Injection in Carbonates: a Combined Pore-Scale Approach. Energy Procedia 37: 5367-5378. DOI:10.1016/j.egypro.2013.06.455
  8. Chapman, E, M., Yang, J., Crawshaw, J, P., Boek, E, S., (2013) Pore scale models for imbibition of CO2 analogue fluids in etched micro-fluidic junctions and direct LB flow calculations. Energy Procedia 37: 3680-3686. DOI:10.1016/j.egypro.2013.06.262
  9. Pentland, C, H., Iglauer, S., Gharbi, O., Okada, K., Suekane, T., (2012), The influence of pore space geometry on the entrapment of carbon dioxide by capillary forces, SPE Paper 158516, DOI: 10.2118/158516-MS
  10. Alyafei, N., Gharbi, O., Raeini, A, Q., Yang, J., Iglauer, S., Blunt, M, J., (2013) Influence  Influence of Micro-Computed Tomography Image Resolution on Petrophysical Properties. IPTC 2013. DOI: 10.2523/16600-MS
  11. Anderson, R., Al-Ansi, N., Blunt, M, J., (2013)  Experiments and Analysis of Imbibition in Carbonates. IOR 2013 - From Fundamental Science to Deployment. EAGE. DOI 10.3997/2214-4609.20142646
  12. Al-Ansi, N.., Blunt, M, J., (2013) (2013) Measurements of remaining oil saturation in mixed-wet carbonates. Society of Core Analysts Annual Meeting, Napa Valley. SCA2013-050.
  13. Andrew, M., Bijeljic, B., Blunt, M, J., (2013)  Reservoir-condition pore-scale imaging of supercritical Carbon Dioxide. SPE ACTE 2013, SPE Paper 166498-MS.
  14. Shah, S, M., Yang, J., Crawshaw, J, P., Gharbi, O., Boek, E, S.,  Predicting porosity and permeability of carbonate rocks from core-scale to pore-scale using Medical CT, Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy and Micro CT. SPE ACTE 2013. SPE Paper 166252-MS. DOI:10.2118/166252-MS
  15. Riesco, N., Vesovic, V.,  (2014) Modelling Viscosity based on a Molecular Description. Proceedings of New Trends in Transport Phenomena (NTTP'14) Conference, Paper no. 81.
  16. Shah, S, M., Crawshaw, J, P., Boek, E, S., (2014) Micro-CT pore scale study of flow in porous media: Effect of Voxel Resolutions AGU Fall Meeting 2014
  17. Peng, C., Anabaraonye, B, U., Crawshaw, J, P., Maitland, G, C., Trusler, J, P, M., (2016) Kinetics of Carbonate Mineral Dissolution in CO2-Acidified Brines at Storage Reservoir Conditions” Faraday Discussion DOI: 10.1039/C6FD00048G
Integrated Simulator for Carbonate Reservoirs
  1. ElSheikh, A, H., Pain, C, C., Fang, F., Gomes, J., Navon, I, M., (2012) Parameter estimation of subsurface flow models using Iterative Regularized Ensemble Kalman Filter. Mathematical Geosciences: 27(4), p 877-897. DOI: 10.1007/s00477-012-0613.
  2. ElShiekh, A, H., Wheeler, M, F., Hoteit, I., (2013) Clustered iterative stochastic ensemble method for multi-modal calibration of subsurface flow models Multi-modal calibration of subsurface flow models using clustered ensemble Kalman filter. Journal of Hydrology Vol 491: p 40-55. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.03.037
  3. Leal, A, M, M., La Force, T, C., Blunt, M, J., (2013) A Robust and Efficient Numerical Method for Multiphase Equilibrium Calculations: Application to CO2-Brine-Rock Systems at High Temperatures, Pressures and Salinities. Advances in Water Resources, Vol 62 p 409-430 DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2013.02.006
  4. Petvipusit, K, R., ElSheikh, A, H., La Force, T, C, T., King, P, R., Blunt, M, J., (2014) Robust Optimisation of CO2 Sequestration Strategies Under Geological Uncertainty. Computational Geosciences. Vol 18, p 763-778 DOI: 10.1007/s10596-014-9425-z
  5. Leal, A, M, M.,,Blunt, M, J.,, La Force, T, C., (2014) Efficient chemical equilibrium calculations for geochemical speciation and reactive transport modelling. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: 131: p 301-322 DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.01.038
  6. Leal, A, M, M., Blunt, M, J., La Force, T.,  (2015) A Chemical Kinetics Algorithm for Geochemical Modelling. Applied Geochemistry. Vol 55, p 46-61 DOI:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2014.09.020                                                                                                                                     


Conference papers:

  1. Abushaikha, A., Blunt. M. J., La Force, T, C., Gosselin, O, R., (2012) Improved Mobility Calculation for Finite Element Simulation. SPE Paper 154480. SPE Europec/EAGE Annual Conference, 4-7 June 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark. SPE 154480 DOI: 10.2118/154480-MS
  2. Leal, A, M., Blunt, M, J., LaForce, T, C., (2012) A Numerical Method for Chemical Equilibrium Calculations in Multiphase Systems. ECOMER 2012, 13th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, 10-13 Sep. 2012, France. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.20143237
  3. Jackson, M, D., Gomes, J, L, M, A., Mostaghimi, P., Percival, J, R., Tollit, B, S., Pavlidis, D., Pain, C, C., ElSheikh, A, H., Muggeridge, A, H., Blunt, M, J., (2013) Reservoir Modeling for Flow Simulation Using Surfaces, Adaptive Unstructured Meshes and Control-Volume-Finite-Element Methods. SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, SPE 163663. DOI:10.2118/163633-MS
  4. Petivipusit, K, R., ElSheikh, A, H., King, P, R., Blunt, M, J., (2015) An Efficient Optimisation Technique Using Adaptive Spectral High-Dimensional Model Representation: Application to CO2 Sequestration Strategies. Conference Paper: SPE173283, SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium
  5. Chang, Y., Petvipusit, K., Devegowda, D., (2015) Multi-Objective Optimization Coupled With Dimension-Wise Polynomial-Based Approach in Smart Well Placement Under Model Uncertainty.  Conference Paper: SPE173291, SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium
Intergrated Flow in Porous Media Experiments and Modelling
  1. Andrew, M., Bijeljic, B., Blunt, M, J., (2014) Pore-scale contact angle measurements at reservoir conditions using X-Ray microtomography. Journal of Interface and Colloid Science 68: p 24-31. DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2014.02.014
  2. Andrew, M., Bijeljic, B., Blunt, M, J.,  (2014) Pore by pore capillary pressure measurements using X-Ray microtomography at reservoir conditions:  Curvature, snap-off and remobilization of residual CO2. Water Resources Research. Vol 50, p 8760-8774 DOI: 10.1002/2014WR015970
  3. Niu, B., Al-Menhali, A., Krevor, S, C., (2015) The impact of reservoir conditions on residual carbon dioxide trapping in Berea sandstone. Water Resources Research. Vol 51, p 2009-2029 DOI:10.1002/2014WR016441              
  4. Menke, H, P., Bijeljic, B., Andrew, M., Blunt, M, J., ((2015). Dynamic Three-Dimensional Pore-Scale Imaging of Reaction in a Carbonate at Reservoir Conditions.  Environmental Science & Technology. 2015, 49 (7) p 4407–4414 DOI: 10.1021/es505789f
  5. Singh, K., Bijeljic, B., Blunt, M, J,. 2016) Imaging of oil layers, curvature and contact angle in a mixed-wet and water-wet carbonate rock.  Water Resources Research. p 1716-1728 DOI:10.1002/2015WR018072
  6. Menke, H, P., Andrew, M, G., Vila-Comamala, J., Rau, C., Blunt, M, J., Bijeljic, B., (2016) Dynamic Pore-Scale Reservoir-Condition Imaging of Reaction in Carbonates using Synchrotron Fast Tomograph. Journal of Visualised Experiments  Journal of Visualized Experiments DOI:10.379/53763
  7. Menke, H, P., Andrew, M, G., Blunt, M, J., Bijeljic, B., (2016) Reservoir Condition Imaging of Reactive Transport in Heterogeneous Carbonates Using Fast Synchrotron Tomography – Effect of Initial Pore structure and Flow Conditions. Vol 428 p 15-26   Chemical Geology.  DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.02.030
  8. Lai, P., Moulton, K., Krevor, S., (2015) Pore scale heterogeneity in the mineral distribution and reactive surface area of porous rocks. Chemical Geology. Vol 411, p 260-273 DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2015.07.010
  9. Reynolds, C., Krevor, S., (2015) Characterising flow behaviour for gas injection: relative permeability of CO2-brine and N2-water in heterogeneous rock, Water Resources Research. Vol 51 p 9464-9489 DOI:10.1002/2015WR018046
  10. Krevor, S., Blunt, M, J., Benson, S, M., Pentland, C, H., Reynolds, C., Al-Menhali, A., Niu, B., (2015) Capillary trapping for geologic carbon dioxide storage - From pore scale physics to field scale implications. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol 40, p 221-237 DOI:10.1016/j.ijggc.2015.04.006
  11. Andrew, M., Menke, H, P., Blunt, M, J., Bijeljic, B., (2015) The Imaging of Dynamic Multiphase Fluid Flow Using Synchrotron Based X-Ray Microtomography.  Transport in Porous Media, Oct 2015, Vol 110, issue 1, p1 DOI:10.1007/s11242-015-0553-2
  12. Zacharoudiou, I., Boek, E, S., (2016)  Capillary filling and Haines jump dynamics using lattice Boltzmann simulations. Advances in Water Resources. Vol 92, p 43-56 DOI:10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.03.13
  13. Al-Menhali, A, S., Krevor, S., (2016) Residual trapping of CO2 in oil reservoirs: Observations in a mixed wet carbonate rock. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol 50 Issue 5 pp.2727-2734 DOI:10.1021/acs.est5b05925
  14. Gray, F., Boek, E, S.,  (2016) Enhancing Computational Precision for Lattice-Boltzmann Schemes in Porous Media Flows. Journal of Computation. DOI:10.3390/computaiton4010011
  15. Andrew, M., Menke, H, P., Blunt, M, J., Bijeljic, B.,  (2015) The Imaging of Dynamic Multiphase Fluid Flow Using Synchrotron Based X-Ray Microtomography.  Transport in Porous Media, Oct 2015, Vol 110, issue 1, pp1 DOI:10.1007/s11242-015-0553-2
  16. Menke, H, P., Bijeljic, B., Blunt, M, J., (2017) Dynamic Reservoir-Condition Microtomography of Reactive Transport in Complex Carbonates:  Effect of Initial Pore structure and Initial brine pH.  Geochimica et Cosmochimca Acta, Vol 204 pp 267-285 DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2017.01.053
  17. Al-Khulaifi, Y., Lin, Q., Blunt, M, J., Bijeljic, B., (2017) Reaction Rates in Chemically Heterogeneous Rock: Coupled Impact of Structure and Flow Properties Studied by X-ray Microtomography. Environmental Science and Technology. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.6b06224
  18. Welch, N, J., Gray, F., Butcher, A, R., Boek, E, S., Crawshaw, J, P.. (2017) High resolution 3D FIB-SEM image analysis and validation of numerical simulations of mesoporous ceramic with comparisons to experimental results. Transport in Porous Media. Pp1-20 DOI: 10.1007/s11242-017-0860-x
  19. Boon, M., Bijeljic, B., Krevor, S., (2017) Observations of the impact of rock heterogeneity on solute spreading and mixing. Water Resources Research DOI:10.1002/2016WR019912
  20. Singh, K., Menke, H, P., Andrew, M., Lin, Q., Rau, C., Blunt, M, J., Bijeljic, B., (2017) Dynamics of snap-off and pore-filling events during two-phase flow in permeable media. Scientific Reports. Article 5192, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-0204-4
  21. Reynolds, C, A., Menke, H, P., Andrew, M., Blunt, M, J., Krevor, S., (2017) Dynamic fluid connectivity during steady-state multiphase flow in a sandstone.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. DOI:10.1073/pnas.1702834114
  22. Al-Khulaifi, Y., Lin, Q., Blunt, M, J., Bijeljic, B., (2018) Reservoir-Condition Pore-Scale Imaging of Dolomite Reaction with Supercritical CO2 Acidified Brine: Effect of Pore-Structure on Reaction Rate using Velocity Distribution Analysis. International Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol 68, pp99-111. DOI:10.1016/ijggc.2017.11.011                                                                            
  23. Gao, Y., Lin, Q., Bijeljic, B., Blunt, M, J., (2017) X-ray micro-tomography of intermittency in multiphase flow at steady state using a differential imaging method. Water Resources Research. DOI:10.1002/2017WR021736 
  24. Rufai, A., Crawshaw, J, P., (2017) Micromodel Observations of Evaporative Drying and Salt Deposition in Porous Media. Physics of Fluids. DOI:10.1063/1.5004246      
  25. Menke, H, P., Reynolds, C, A., Andrew, M, G., Nunes, J, P., Bijeljic, B., Blunt, M, J.,  (2018) 4D Multi-Scale Imaging of Reaction in Carbonates: Assessing the Impact of Heterogeneity on Dissolution Regimes Using Streamlines at Multiple Length Scales.  Chemical Geology. Vol 481 pp 27-37 DOI: 10.10.16/j.chemgeo.2018.01.016           
  26. Rufai, A., Crawshaw, J, P., (2018) Effect of Wettability Changes on Evaporation Rate and the Permeability Impairment due to Salt Deposition.  ACS Earth and Space Chemistry.  DOI:10.1021/acsearthspacechem.7b00126                     
  27. Alyafei, N., Blunt, M, J., (2018) Estimation of Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure from Mass Imbibition Experiments. Advances in Water Resources. Vol 115 pp 88-94. DOI:10.1016/j.advwatres.2018.03.003                  
  28. Gray, F., Ven, J., Boek, E, S., (2016) Simulation of Dissolution in Porous Media in three dimensions with Lattice Boltzmann, Finite Element and Surface Rescaling Methods. Physical Review E. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.94.043320
  29. Liyanage, R., Cen, J., Krevor, S., Crawshaw, J, P., Pini, R., (2018) Multidimensional observations of dissolution-driven convection in simple porous media using X-ray CT scanning. Transport in Porous Media.              
  30. Singh, K., Anabaraonye, B, U., Blunt, M, J., Crawshaw, J, P., (2018) Partial dissolution of carbonate rock grains during reactive CO2-saturated brine injection under reservoir conditions. Advances in Water Resource.             
  31. Gray, F., Anabaraonye, B, U., Shah, S, M., Boek, E, S., Crawshaw, J, P., ((2018 ) Chemical Mechanisms of Dissolution of Calcite by HCl in Porous Media: Simulations and Experiment. Advances in Water Resources PP 369-387          
  32. Alpak, F, O., Gray, F., Saxena, N., Dietderich, J., Hoffmann, R., Berg, S.,  (2018) A Distributed Parallel Multiple-Relation-Time Lattice Boltzmann Method on General-purpose Graphic Processing Units for the Rapid and Scalable Computation of Absolute Permeability from High-Resolution 3D Micro-CT Images. Computational Geosciences journal.    
  33. Singh, K, S., Menke, H., Andrew, M., Rau, C., Bijeljic, B., Blunt, J, M., (2018)  Time-resolved synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography datasets of drainage and imbibition in carbonate rocks. Scientific Data. Article 180265.             


Conference papers

  1. A Al-Menhali, S Krevor.  (2013) Pressure, temperature and ionic strength effects on the wettability of CO2-brine-sandstone system: Core-scale contact angle measurements. Society of Core Analysts Annual Meeting, Napa Valley. SCA2013-003.
  2. H Ott, M Andrew, J Snippe, M.J Blunt, A Makurat.  Capillary-driven solute transport and precipitation in porous media during dryout. International Symposium for the Society of Core Analysts, 8-11 September 2014, Avignon, France. Paper 2014-025.
  3. E.S Boek, J Yang, E.M Chapman, J.P Crawshaw. Displacement mechanisms in single and multiple pores from lattice Boltzmann simulations and micro-fluidic experiments. International Symposium for the Society of Core Analysts, 8-11 September 2014, Avignon, France. Paper 2014-060
  4. N.J Welch, J.P Crawshaw, E.S Boek. Comparison of the change of cap rock permeability and capillary entry pressure with varying effective stress. International Symposium for the Society of Core Analysts, 8-11 September 2014, Avignon, France. Paper 2014-085
  5. I Daher, J.P Crawshaw, G Maitland, E.S Boek. X-Ray microscopy imaging of reactive transport and drying of salt solutions in fractured porous media from core- to pore- scale. International Symposium for the Society of Core Analysts, 8-11 September 2014, Avignon, France. Paper 2014-090.
  6. E.S Boek et al. (2014) Multiphase flow and reactive transport at the pore scale using lattice-Boltzmann computer simulations. SPE ACTE 27-29 October DOI 10.2118/170941-MS  
  7. Niu. B, Crawshaw. J, Krevor. S (2014)   The Impact of fluid properties and flow conditions on the measurement of relative permeability and residual CO2  trapping saturation for CO2-brine system. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2014 H21A-0696
  8. N Welch, et al. (2015) Computerized X-ray Microtomography Observations and Fluid Flow Measurements of the Effect of Effective Stress on Fractured Low Permeability Porous Media, SCA SCA2015-023  
  9. Welch N, Crawshaw J, Boek E.  Multi-scale imaging and transport properties in shales from experiments and Molecular Dynamics simulations. Euroclay 2015, Vol 21, chapter 8, pp87-103
  10. Niu et al. (2014) The impact of fluid properties and flow conditions on the measurement of relative permeability for CO2-brine system. International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts France 2014. SCA2014089       
  11. Liyanage et al. (2017) Multidimensional Imaging of Density Driven Convection in a Porous Medium. (2017) Energy Procedia. 13th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 14-18 November 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland. DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.1641 pp. 4981-4985                                                                     


A General View of Publications

QCCSRC Publications