ROAR is a shared use facility with a mission to support researchers with their data led studies of chemical systems and processes. Access is open to researchers at Imperial College London, as well as approved external research institutions and companies involved in industrial research. Access fees apply to all users and further information can be found under the headings below.

Academic Research at Imperial College London

Specific information about accessing ROAR as a researcher at Imperial College London can be found on this webpage. Our internal users are also strongly encouraged to join the ROAR User Group on Teams (currently only available to internal users) and turn on Teams notifications so they can receive rapid updates on instrument status, and local ROAR opportunities.

Academic Research by Researchers at other Academic Institutions

Please email with information about your proposed research at ROAR, along with details of any funding which you plan to use (either current funding or funding being applied for), and your anticipated timescale. The ROAR team will then work with you to develop the proposed experiment, do a costing at the rates appropriate for your proposed funding source, and prepare letters of support where appropriate.

Industrial and Commercial Research

ROAR can support your company's industrial and commercial research in multiple ways, including:

  • Ad-hoc access to the advanced equipment and expertise in ROAR for your researchers so they can run their own experiments in our facility
  • Contract research where the ROAR team run the experiments for you
  • Beta-testing and case study development for relevant laboratory equipment

Commercial access is processed through Imperial Consultants but please email in the first instance to discuss the technical requirements of your project. The ROAR team will then work with you and Imperial Consultants to generate a quotation and contract for your proposed access to ROAR.


Contact us

Director: Prof Mimi Hii


The Molecular Sciences Research Hub
Imperial College White City Campus
82 Wood Lane
W12 0BZ London