Series 1C - Scientific and general correspondence: CAIRD - CURTIS

Date Rangec. 1845 - c. 1895
ProvenanceHuxley, Thomas Henry


ArrangedAlphabetical by name of correspondent
Related Series
Part of

1  Scientific and general correspondence c. 1845 - c. 1895

Inventory Listing

Letter to T H Huxley from CAIRD, (Sir) James, FRS (1816-1892), 6 July 1883
Sent from the Reform Club, London

Congratulates Huxley on election as President of Royal Society

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.1
Date range 6 July 1883
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.1 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CAIRD, (Sir) James, FRS (1816-1892), 4 December 1885
Sent from the Land Office, London

Regrets Huxley's retirement from official work through ill-health. Has been asked to contribute to a jubilee volume; asks Huxley if he is a contributor and names some of the others

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.2
Date range 4 December 1885
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.2 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CAMPBELL, George Douglas, 8th Duke of Argyll, KG, FRS (1823-1900), 3 April 1886
Sent from Inverary, Scotland

Predestination and Evolution

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.4
Date range 3 April 1886
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.4 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CAMPBELL, George Douglas, 8th Duke of Argyll, KG, FRS (1823-1900), 17 November 1887

Copy of letter to Nature

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 30.149
Date range 17 November 1887
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 30.149 Box Number 30 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CAMPBELL, George Douglas, 8th Duke of Argyll, KG, FRS (1823-1900), nd


Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.11
Formats Loose Photographic Prints
Inventory Identifier 12.11 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CAMPBELL, (Rev) Lewis, LLD (1830-1908), 5 April 1879
Sent from Edinburgh

On the education of Huxley's son Leonard

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.12
Date range 5 April 1879
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.12 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CAMPBELL, (Rev) Lewis, LLD (1830-1908), 11 April 1879
Sent from [Edinburgh]

Studies of Huxley's son before going to Balliol; Hume not a Platonist

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.18
Date range 11 April 1879
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.18 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CAMPBELL, (Rev) Lewis, LLD (1830-1908), 12 August 1894
Sent from Maloja, Switzerland

Lord Salisbury's speech at the British Association; Sacerdotalism versus Religious Freedom; Jowett on the discoveries at Tell el Amarna, "the priests always get the better of you"; Gladstone's article in Nineteenth Century

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.19
Date range 12 August 1894
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.19 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CAMPBELL, (Rev) Lewis, LLD (1830-1908), 26 August 1894
Sent from [Maloja], Switzerland

F D Maurice; Jowett; the Gifford Lectures

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.21
Date range 26 August 1894
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.21 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CAMPBELL, (Rev) Lewis, LLD (1830-1908), 8 October 1894
Sent from St Andrews, Scotland

Is reading Mariner's Tonga Islands; is about to begin his lectures

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.23
Date range 8 October 1894
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.23 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Mrs Huxley from CAMPBELL, (Rev) Lewis, LLD (1830-1908), 2 January 1908
Sent from Allasio

Thanks for her poems; Huxley's character and memories of him

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.25
Date range 2 January 1908
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.25 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Mrs Huxley from CAMPBELL, (Rev) Lewis, LLD (1830-1908), 1903


Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.27
Date range 1903
Formats Loose Photographic Prints
Inventory Identifier 12.27 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CANTON, William (1845-1926), 21 June 1879
Sent from Glasgow

Is contemplating a poem on The Deluge and asks Huxley's opinion on the scientific aspects of the tradition

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.28
Date range 21 June 1879
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.28 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARDWELL, Edward, Viscount (1813-1886), 1 July 1875
Sent from Eaton Square, London

Royal Commission [on Vivisection] has met, and Huxley's absence regretted; proposals as to evidence

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.29
Date range 1 July 1875
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.29 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARDWELL, Edward, Viscount (1813-1886), 6 July 1875
Sent from House of Lords, London

Desires Edinburgh witnesses to appear in the next fortnight

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.32
Date range 6 July 1875
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.32 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARLYLE, Thomas (1795-1881), 5 January 1871
Sent from Cheyne Row, London

Has recommended Burgess, a friend of Tyndall, as a candidate for the School Board. Through a printer's error on a notice, he presented himself ten minutes too late and was refused admittance. Asks Huxley to intercede for him

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.33
Date range 5 January 1871
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.33 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, (Rev) Joseph Estlin, DD (1844-1927), 15 November 1885
Sent from London

Thanks for sympathy on death of his father (William Benjamin Carpenter)

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.35
Date range 15 November 1885
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.35 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Mrs Huxley from CARPENTER, (Rev) Joseph Estlin, DD (1844-1927), 15 September [1887]
Sent from London

Illness of his mother; is collecting some of his father's essays and asks Huxley for an estimate of his physiological work

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.37
Date range 15 September 1887
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.37 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Mrs Huxley from CARPENTER, (Rev) Joseph Estlin, DD (1844-1927), 27 September [1887]
Sent from London

Illness of his mother

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.39
Date range 27 September 1887
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.39 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Mrs Huxley from CARPENTER, (Rev) Joseph Estlin, DD (1844-1927), 29 September 1887
Sent from London

Illness of his mother; her vitality declining

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.41
Date range 29 September 1887
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.41 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, (Rev) Joseph Estlin, DD (1844-1927), 24 November 1887

Sympathy on death of Huxley's daughter; Sir James Paget has written on Dr W B Carpenter's place as a teacher of physiology

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.42
Date range 24 November 1887
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.42 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Mrs Huxley from CARPENTER, Louisa (Widow of William Benjamin Carpenter. Died 1887), 9 November 1884

Offers to be useful in all ways while the Huxleys are abroad, and will befriend the children

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.44
Date range 9 November 1884
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.44 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Mrs Huxley from CARPENTER, Louisa (Widow of William Benjamin Carpenter. Died 1887), 3 December 1885

Family affairs and the death of her husband

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.46
Date range 3 December 1885
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.46 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Mrs Huxley from CARPENTER, Louisa (Widow of William Benjamin Carpenter. Died 1887), [1886]
Sent from Manchester

Family affairs

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.48
Date range 1886
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.48 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Mrs Huxley from CARPENTER, Louisa (Widow of William Benjamin Carpenter. Died 1887), 8 March [1886]
Sent from Leeds

Family affairs; relief of distress at Leeds

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.50
Date range 8 March 1886
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.50 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Mrs Huxley from CARPENTER, Louisa (Widow of William Benjamin Carpenter. Died 1887), 16 March [1886]
Sent from London

Family affairs; illness of George Busk

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.53
Date range 16 March 1886
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.53 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, R Forbes, 10 February 1889
Sent from Manchester

Huxley's article in Nineteenth Century [The Collected Essays of Thomas Henry Huxley v, 209] and Hutton's protest in the Spectator; discussion on Positivism at the Church Congress, and long account of it

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.55
Date range 10 February 1889
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.55 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 27 September 1851
Sent from London

Testimonial for Toronto candidature. [Testimonials of Thomas H Huxley, FRS, Candidate for the Chair of Natural History at the University of Toronto 3]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.59
Date range 27 September 1851
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.59 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 14 August 1852
Sent from London

Hincks's competition for Toronto; has been appointed Principal of University Hall; asks for suggestions for a new edition of his Comparative Physiology

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.61
Date range 14 August 1852
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.61 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), [1852]
Sent from London

Invites Huxley to meet Dr Laycock of York

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.63
Date range 1852
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.63 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), [1852]
Sent from London

Sends another sheet [of Comparative Physiology] for revision; wants his reference to Krohn at British Association

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.65
Date range 1852
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.65 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 6 April [1853]
Sent from London

Has written testimonials for various people (named) but will write a fuller one for Huxley [for King's College]; discussion of Huxley's paper on dental development. [Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science i, 1853]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.67
Date range 6 April 1853
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.67 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), [April 1853]
Sent from London

Encloses testimonial

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.71
Date range April 1853
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.71 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 19 May 1854
Sent from London

On the structure of various Invertebrates

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.73
Date range 18 May 1854
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.73 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 6 July 1855
Sent from London

Sends wedding present

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.76
Date range 6 July 1855
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.76 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 16 July 1855
Sent from London

Urges Huxley to challenge Owen on the reflections on him (Huxley) in the new edition [of his Lectures on the Invertebrate Animals]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.78
Date range 16 July 1855
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.78 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 1 September 1855
Sent from Glasgow

[To John Chapman]. Encloses note from Huxley, and thinks Westminster Review an unsuitable medium for a critique on Owen

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.80
Date range 1 September 1855
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.80 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 26 September 1855
Sent from Arran, Scotland

Dredging and other collecting of marine animals and their larvae; negotiations to take a house for a biological station. [Very long and detailed letter]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.82
Date range 26 September 1855
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.82 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 2 October 1855
Sent from London

Proposes to make an offer to rent the house at Arran for a breeding vivarium, and asks Huxley if he will occupy the house for two or three years [cf Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley i, 155; MURCHISON, No 2]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.89
Date range 2 October 1855
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.89 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 27 October 1856
Sent from London

Wants questions for a University examination

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.91
Date range 27 October 1856
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.91 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), [1856]
Sent from London

Has succeeded in his candidature [for Registrarship of London University]. His future policy

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.92
Date range 1856
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.92 Box Number 12? Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 22 October 1858
Sent from London

Pressure of his work; has received a memorial from Henfrey [on Museums] which it is proposed should be substituted for that of Huxley which he thinks too dictatorial; Owen's ambitions and finesses

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.94
Date range 22 October 1858
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.94 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 5 September 1861
Sent from Arran, Scotland

Has visited the Fleet at Greenock, which has delayed his work

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.98
Date range 5 September 1861
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.98 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 20 June 1866
Sent from London

An offer to Huxley for a lectureship under the Gilchrist Trust

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.100
Date range 20 June 1866
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.100 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 11 June 1867
Sent from London

Accepts invitation by Huxley to meet Professor Richards

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.102
Date range 11 June 1867
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.102 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 15 December 1874
Sent from London

Asks Huxley in his forthcoming lecture at the Royal Institution on the Challenger expedition to await Carpenter's comments on certain contentions of W T [Wyville Thomson] on the Globigerinoe

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.103
Date range 15 December 1874
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.103 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 20 January 1876
Sent from London

Treasury provision for scientists on the Valorous expedition and action of the Royal Society Council in the matter

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.105
Date range 20 January 1876
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.105 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 16 June 1881
Sent from the Athenaeum, London

Bishop's experiments on unconscious suggestion

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.108
Date range 16 June 1881
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.108 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 7 July 1883
Sent from London

Congratulates Huxley on his election as President of the Royal Society

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.111
Date range 7 July 1883
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.111 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), 29 November 1883
Sent from Droitwich

Regrets his inability to attend Royal Society Anniversary Dinner under Huxley's presidency; is undergoing brine treatment for rheumatism

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.113
Date range 29 November 1883
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.113 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Benjamin, FRS (1813-1885), nd


Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.115
Formats Loose Photographic Prints
Inventory Identifier 12.115 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Boyd, KCVO (1841-1918), Bishop of Ripon, 14 June 1887
Sent from Windsor

Asks Huxley's advice for guidance or correction in his reference to the progress of Science in the Victorian Era mentioned in his Sermon to the House of Commons

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.116
Date range 14 June 1887
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.116 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to CARPENTER, William Boyd, KCVO (1841-1918), Bishop of Ripon, 16 June 1887
Sent from London

Sends his suggestions and considers that Faraday, Lyell and Darwin exerted the greatest influence [Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley ii, 162]
Draft or copy letter by Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.118
Date range 16 June 1887
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.118 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Boyd, KCVO (1841-1918), Bishop of Ripon, 19 June 1887
Sent from Ripon

Thanks Huxley and has incorporated the greater part of his remarks in his sermon

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.120
Date range 19 June 1887
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.120 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARPENTER, William Boyd, KCVO (1841-1918), Bishop of Ripon, 13 December 1887
Sent from Ripon

Thanks Huxley for report of his Manchester Speech

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.121
Date range 13 December 1887
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.121 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARUS, Julius Victor (1823-1903), 21 March 1855
Sent from Leipsic, Germany

Thanks for Huxley's papers on Salpa and on the Morphology of the Cephalous Mollusca [Philosophical Transactions 1852, ii, 567; ibid 1853, i, 29]. Asks Huxley's help in his Atlas [Icones Zootomicae, 1857]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.122
Date range 21 March 1855
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.122 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARUS, Julius Victor (1823-1903), 12 April 1855
Sent from Leipsic, Germany

Further particulars of the Icones; plans as to plates and text

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.124
Date range 12 April 1855
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.124 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARUS, Julius Victor (1823-1903), 19 March 1857
Sent from Leipsic, Germany

Further remarks on the proof-plates; his opinion of Owen, who appears to be hostile to him; as to Johannes Muller, "he is a dictator and nothing but the products of the Berlin School finds grace before his eyes"

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.131
Date range 19 March 1857
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.131 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARUS, Julius Victor (1823-1903), 13 May 1855
Sent from Leipsic, Germany

Accepts Huxley's suggestions as to Polyzoa and Brachiopoda; agrees with Huxley's views on Comte's Positivism

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.126
Date range 13 May 1855
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.126 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARUS, Julius Victor (1823-1903), 3 February 1857
Sent from Leipsic, Germany

Delays due to illness of self and family; sends proof of plate for Icones; enquires about Owen and others

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.128
Date range 3 February 1857
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.128 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARUS, Julius Victor (1823-1903), 11 March 1857
Sent from Leipsic, Germany

Has further proofs ready, but has not heard from Huxley about the first

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.130
Date range 11 March 1857
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.130 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARUS, Julius Victor (1823-1903), 7 September 1857
Sent from Leipsic, Germany

The Atlas finished; sends advance copy

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.133
Date range 7 September 1857
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.133 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARUS, Julius Victor (1823-1903), 29 November 1857
Sent from Leipsic, Germany

His differences from Huxley in classification unintentional, for he had not seen some of his papers on the subject; Huxley's and Owen's figures of Lingula; enquiries if there is an annotated edition of Aristotle's Historiae Animalium

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.135
Date range 29 November 1857
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.135 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARUS, Julius Victor (1823-1903), 7 February 1862
Sent from Leipsic, Germany

Has finished Bibliotheca Zoologica 1846-60 but will not continue it; asks for Huxley's portrait, and wants those of Busk, Sharpey and others

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.137
Date range 7 February 1862
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.137 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARUS, Julius Victor (1823-1903), 6 March 1862
Sent from Leipsic, Germany

Wishes to return thanks for election as Corresponding Member of the Zoological Society and asks for Sclater's correct designation

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.138
Date range 6 March 1862
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.138 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARUS, Julius Victor (1823-1903), 3 April 1862
Sent from Leipsic, Germany

Sends photographs of himself for Huxley and Busk

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.139
Date range 3 April 1862
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.139 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARUS, Julius Victor (1823-1903), 15 November 1866
Sent from Leipsic, Germany

The cholera epidemic; was in charge of the medical organization in Leipsic; has been asked to contribute to an Encyclopaedia an account of the work of Darwin and Huxley; his handbook progresses slowly. [Carus and Gerstaecker, Hanbuch der Zoologie, vol ii, 1863; Vol i, 1868-75]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.140
Date range 15 November 1866
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.140 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARUS, Julius Victor (1823-1903), 30 July 1868
Sent from Leipsic, Germany

Is coming to England and hopes to see Huxley in Norwich [British Association meeting]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.142
Date range 30 July 1868
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.142 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CARUS, Julius Victor (1823-1903), [1860]
Sent from Leipsic, Germany

Photograph of Carus

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.142bis
Date range c. 1860
Formats Loose Photographic Prints
Inventory Identifier 12.142bis Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CASSISI, F, 14 October 1892
Sent from Derby

A version of the "Cassowary" rhyme [cf Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley ii, 355 and SPENCE, R W, No 1 and 31, 114]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.143
Date range 14 October 1892
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.143 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CAVENDISH, Spencer Compton, Marquis of Hartington, afterwards 8th Duke of Devonshire (1838-1908), 7 May 1889
Sent from Devonshire House [London?]

The Deceased Wife's Sister question [Reply to Huxley's letter in Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley ii, 219, and cf DONNELLY, J F D, No 35]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.145
Date range 7 May 1889
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.145 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to CECIL, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne, 3rd Marquis of Salisbury (1830-1903), 29 November 1885
Sent from London

As President of the Royal Society makes suggestion that a Knighthood be conferred on Flower for his distinguished record in science. [Flower was made CB in 1887, but not KCB until 1892. cf Sir William Henry Flower. A Personal Memoir 163, 215]
Draft or copy letter by Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.146
Date range 29 November 1885
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.146 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CECIL, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne, 3rd Marquis of Salisbury (1830-1903), 29 May 1887
Sent from Hatfield

Wishes to confer with Huxley on "a matter of public interest"

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.148
Date range 29 May 1887
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.148 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CECIL, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne, 3rd Marquis of Salisbury (1830-1903), 2 June 1887
Sent from London

Makes appointment for interview

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.150
Date range 2 June 1887
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.150 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to CECIL, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne, 3rd Marquis of Salisbury (1830-1903), 7 June 1887
Sent from the Athenaeum, London

Account of the interview by Huxley. The subject was a proposal to institute an order for the recognition of merit in Science, Literature and Art [Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley ii, 164]
Draft or copy letter by Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.151
Date range 7 June 1887
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.151 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CECIL, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne, 3rd Marquis of Salisbury (1830-1903), 16 August 1892
Sent from Hatfield

Announces Huxley's admission to the Privy Council in recognition of his distinguished services to Science

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.153
Date range 16 August 1892
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.153 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLARKE, Hyde (1815-1895), 21 August 1868
Sent from St George's Square, London

[To the President and Council of the Anthropological Society]. A long letter making serious charges of mismanagement and discreditable conduct

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 30.160
Date range 21 August 1868
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 30.160 Box Number 30 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to CECIL, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne, 3rd Marquis of Salisbury (1830-1903), 28 August 1892
Sent from [Barmouth]

Huxley's acknowledgement
Draft or copy letter by Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.155
Date range 28 August 1892
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.155 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Leonard Huxley from CECIL, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne, 3rd Marquis of Salisbury (1830-1903), 3 January 1899
Sent from the Foreign Office, London

Sees no objection to the publication [of the account of the interview, no 00436]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.156
Date range 3 January 1899
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.156 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHAMBERLAIN, John Henry (1831-1883), 10 November 1871
Sent from the Birmingham Institute

Report of statements made by Huxley in a lecture at the Institute in 1867, misquoted by Dr O'Callaghan. [See also GASSIOT, P J, Nos 1, 2 and LEAMINGTON COURIER, Nos 1,2]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.157
Date range 10 November 1871
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.157 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHAMBERLAIN, Joseph, LLD, FRS (1836-1914), 23 February 1881
Sent from Prince's Gate, London

Acceptance of invitation

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.159
Date range 23 February 1881
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.159 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHAMBERLAIN, Joseph, LLD, FRS (1836-1914), 18 June 1887
Sent from Prince's Gate, London

Sends a paper on earthquakes, and asks whether Royal Society would provide or make a grant for seismographic instruments for the author's researches

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.160
Date range 18 June 1887
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.160 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHAMBERLAIN, Joseph, LLD, FRS (1836-1914), 14 April 1889
Sent from Prince's Gate, London

"A much needed social reform" [Deceased Wife's Sister question]; congratulations on marriage of Huxley's daughter

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.162
Date range 14 April 1889
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.162 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHAMBERLAIN, Joseph, LLD, FRS (1836-1914), 16 January 1891
Sent from Prince's Gate, London

No possibility of getting the Deceased Wife's Sister Bill through Parliament

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.163
Date range 16 January 1891
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.163 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHAMBERS, Robert, LLD (1802-1871), 14 December 1855
Sent from Edinburgh

Invites Huxley to be his guest while in Edinburgh for his lectures at the Philosophical Institution

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.164
Date range 14 December 1855
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.164 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHANDLER, Thomas, 12 September [1852]
Sent from Paradise Street [Rotherhithe], London

Encloses letter from a friend stating that McGill will exert himself in Huxley's favour at Toronto. Asks Huxley to come to Rotherhithe for two days [as a locum tenens]. [cf Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley i, 15]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.166
Date range 12 September 1852
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.166 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHAPMAN, John (1822-1894), 12 August 1853
Sent from The Strand, London

Will print Huxley's article [in Westminster Review] and returns manuscript for revision. [Title not stated; not in list in Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley ii, 453]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.168
Date range 12 August 1853
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.168 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHAPMAN, John (1822-1894), 23 October 1853
Sent from The Strand, London

Asks Huxley if he will undertake the Scientific Sections of the article on contemporary literature in the Westminster Review

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.169
Date range 23 October 1853
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.169 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHAPMAN, John (1822-1894), 26 October 1853
Sent from The Strand, London

Would require 8 pages of matter for each issue, and would pay 6 guineas for it [cf Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley i, 119]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.170
Date range 26 October 1853
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.170 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHAPMAN, John (1822-1894), 5 March [1854]
Sent from The Strand, London

Is delighted with Huxley's article [not named] and makes certain observations upon it

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.171
Date range 5 March 1854
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.171 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHAPMAN, John (1822-1894), nd
Sent from [The Strand], London

Encloses pamphlet; asks Huxley to expedite his article

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.173
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.173 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHATTERJEE, Rajendranath (1858-1905), 22 May 1888 [Professor of Physics, City College, Calcutta]
Sent from Calcutta, India

The Introductory Science Primer having been selected for Matriculation, permission is asked to prepare a "Catechism" for Indian students on the text-book

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.174
Date range 22 May 1888
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.174 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to CHATTERJEE, Rajendranath (1858-1905), 18 June 1888 [Professor of Physics, City College, Calcutta]
Sent from London

Refers him to the publishers as copyright is involved
Draft or copy letter by Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.175
Date range 18 June 1888
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.175 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHENERY, Thomas (1826-1884), 3 November 1878
Sent from London

Asks Huxley to recommend a competent physiologist to write articles for The Times on the present state of the doctrine of Evolution. The writer will not be hampered by prejudice.
[Huxley's reply can be inferred from the wording of Chenery's next letter. It was to the effect that he would himself write the articles, but thinks that a review of the controversies in which he had played a leading part would be more fitly left to another, and suggests Lankester for the purpose]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.176
Date range 3 November 1878
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.176 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHENERY, Thomas (1826-1884), 9 November 1878
Sent from London

Would have been pleased if Huxley could write the articles, but will apply to Lankester, and hopes that Huxley will give him the benefit of his knowledge so as to leave no opening for hostile criticism

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.178
Date range 9 November 1878
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.178 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHENERY, Thomas (1826-1884), 28 April 1880
Sent from The Times Office, London

Asks Huxley to write on the present state of the bearing of the geological record on evolution

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.179
Date range 28 April 1880
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.179 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHENERY, Thomas (1826-1884), 4 May 1880
Sent from The Times Office, London

Thanks Huxley for his compliance

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 2.181
Date range 4 May 1880
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 2.181 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHENERY, Thomas (1826-1884), 31 August 1880
Sent from The Times Office, London

Acknowledges article on the Progress of Palaeontology

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 2.182
Date range 31 August 1880
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 2.182 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHENERY, Thomas (1826-1884), 16 April nd
Sent from London

Accepts invitation to meet Vambery

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 2.183
Date range 16 April
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 2.183 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHESSON, Frederick William, 20 October 1866
Sent from Fleet Street, London

The constitution of the Jamaica Committee; encloses printed leaflet; asks Huxley to join general committee

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.184
Date range 20 October 1866
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.184 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHRISTY, Thomas, 20 January 1887
Sent from London

Chamber of Commerce cannot get an interview with the Prince of Wales or any information about the Imperial Institute, and they will not give financial support unless they can have satisfaction

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.189
Date range 20 January 1887
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.189 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHRISTY, Thomas, 12 February 1887
Sent from London

Indian exhibits given by the Commissioners to the City Chamber of Commerce; appeals have been made for the Imperial Institute, but the City men consider South Kensington too far away

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.190
Date range 12 February 1887
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.190 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHRISTY, Thomas, 17 February 1887
Sent from Sydenham

Lack of support in the City for the Imperial Institute, but looks to Huxley for guidance

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.191
Date range 17 February 1887
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.191 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHURCH, Richard William, Dean of St Paul's (1815-1890), 28 April 1884
Sent from the Deanery

Much gratified by Huxley's remarks and criticism on his book [Bacon, in the English Men of Letters Series]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.192
Date range 28 April 1884
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.192 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to CHURCHILL, John Spriggs Morse (1801-1875), 22 January 1857
Sent from Jermyn Street, London

In the Medical Directory, Owen is described as holding the Professorship at the School of Mines actually held by Huxley, and Huxley affirms that Owen has no appointment whatever at the School
Draft or copy letter by Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.194
Date range 22 January 1857
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.194 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHURCHILL, John Spriggs Morse (1801-1875), 24 January 1857
Sent from London

The designations in the Medical Directory are in accordance with the return furnished by Owen

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.195
Date range 24 January 1857
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.195 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CHURCHILL, John Spriggs Morse (1801-1875), 3 March 1886
Sent from London

Suggests a new edition of the Manual of Comparative Anatomy [Signed by the firm, V & A Churchill]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.196
Date range 3 March 1886
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.196 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to CHURCHILL, John Spriggs Morse (1801-1875), [4 March 1886]
Sent from [London]

Would like to recast the book, but cannot undertake it in his present state of health; suggests G B Howes
Draft or copy letter by Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.197
Date range 4 March 1886
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.197 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLARK, (Sir) Andrew, FRCP, FRS (1826-1893), [1869]
Sent from Cavendish Square, London

Gladstone having suggested his joining the Metaphysical Society enquires what qualifications are necessary

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.198
Date range 1869
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.198 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLARK, (Sir) Andrew, FRCP, FRS (1826-1893), 25 September 1873
Sent from Ilkley, Leeds

Darwin has been very ill, and has been under Clark's treatment

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.199
Date range 25 September 1873
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.199 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLARK, (Sir) Andrew, FRCP, FRS (1826-1893), [6 July 1883]
Sent from Cavendish Square, London

Congratulations on election as President of the Royal Society

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.201
Date range 6 July 1883
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.201 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLARK, (Sir) Andrew, FRCP, FRS (1826-1893), 7 August 1883
Sent from Cavendish Square, London

Thanks Huxley for his congratulations [on his being made Baronet]; is glad that his case breaks the precedent of reserving medical baronetcies to those officially connected with the Court; thanks Huxley for agreeing to distribute the prizes at the College

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.204
Date range 7 August 1883
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.204 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLARK, Frederick Le Gros, FRS (1811-1892), 17 August 1883
Sent from Sevenoaks, Kent

Handsome response by the City Companies to Huxley's appeals [ie City and Guilds Institute]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.207
Date range 17 August 1883
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.207 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLARK, (Sir) James, MD (1788-1870), 25 March 1863
Sent from Windsor Castle

Asks Huxley for particulars of a woman formerly in his service as a housemaid, now married. She is suggested as a wet-nurse for Princess Alice's expected child and enquiries into her antecedents are necessary. [Note by Mrs Huxley, "Fanny Moore"]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.209
Date range 25 March 1863
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.209 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLARK, William George (1821-1878), 2 April [1870]
Sent from Trinity College, Cambridge

Huxley's suggestion as to the creation of a Praelectorship in Physiology at Trinity College Cambridge was favourably received; if Foster is appointed a laboratory will be equipped

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 4.172
Date range 2 April 1870
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 4.172 Box Number 4 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLARKE, Hyde (1815-1895), 12 November 1868
Sent from St George's Square, London

Somnolent state of the Ethnological Society

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.211
Date range 12 November 1868
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.211 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLARKE, Hyde (1815-1895), 14 November 1868
Sent from St George's Square, London

Suggests that Hepworth Dixon be asked to repeat his British Association paper at the Ethnological Society

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.213
Date range 14 November 1868
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.213 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLARKE, Samuel Fessenden (1851-1928), 17 September 1894
Sent from Williamstown, Mass, USA

Considers Huxley has not himself justice in his Autobiography, and would like a fuller account of his life and work

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.214
Date range 17 September 1894
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.214 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLAYTON, Nathanial Pegg (died 1914), 29 September 1890
Sent from Eastbourne, Sussex

Asks for an interview
Presented to the College by Edward Clayton, Esq, son of the late Nathanial Pegg Clayton, through Dr Julian S Huxley, in October 1939

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.218
Date range 29 September 1890
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.218 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLAYTON, Nathanial Pegg (died 1914), 29 September 1890
Sent from Eastbourne, Sussex

Report of the interview
Presented to the College by Edward Clayton, Esq, son of the late Nathanial Pegg Clayton, through Dr Julian S Huxley, in October 1939

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.220
Date range 29 September 1890
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.220 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to CLAYTON, Nathanial Pegg (died 1914), 5 November 1892
Sent from Eastbourne, Sussex

Moral sense and moral law
Original letter, signed, by Huxley
Presented to the College by Edward Clayton, Esq, son of the late Nathanial Pegg Clayton, through Dr Julian S Huxley, in October 1939

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.225
Date range 5 November 1892
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.225 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to CLAYTON, Nathanial Pegg (died 1914), 4 January 1893
Sent from Eastbourne, Sussex

Thanks for greetings. His Prologue [to Controverted Questions] cost more time and pains than any equal number of pages he has ever written
Original letter, signed, by Huxley
Presented to the College by Edward Clayton, Esq, son of the late Nathanial Pegg Clayton, through Dr Julian S Huxley, in October 1939

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.231
Date range 4 January 1893
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.231 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to CLAYTON, Nathanial Pegg (died 1914), 2 January 1895
Sent from Eastbourne, Sussex

Old age makes him "a relic of the past"; the Duke of Argyll "not worth powder and shot"
Draft or copy letter by Huxley
Presented to the College by Edward Clayton, Esq, son of the late Nathanial Pegg Clayton, through Dr Julian S Huxley, in October 1939

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.234
Date range 2 January 1895
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.234 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLELAND, John, FRS (1835-1924), 31 March 1863
Sent from Glasgow

Is a candidate for the Chair of Anatomy at St Andrews, and asks for a testimonial

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.236
Date range 31 March 1863
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.236 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLERK, Andrew, 25 September 1876
Sent from Jersey City, NJ, USA

When in Quebec, was shown a fish, preserved in alcohol, with feathers like a bird. If Huxley would like to examine it, would assist in procuring it for him

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.237
Date range 25 September 1876
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.237 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLERK-MAXWELL, James, FRSE (1831-1879), 23 July 1868
Sent from Dalbeattie, Scotland

[To J Tyndall]. His opinion of C Hackim, a candidate for Tyndall's late chair at the School of Mines

[8.66 is a typewritten copy of 1.53]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 1.53 & 8.66
Date range 23 July 1868
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 1.53 & 8.66 Box Number 1 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLIBBORN, Edward, (Assistant Secretary of the Royal Irish Academy), 23 July 1866
Sent from Dublin

[To J B Jukes, qv]. Reasons for delay in printing Huxley's paper

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.238
Date range 23 July 1866
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.238 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLIFFORD, William Kingdon, FRS (1845-1879), 7 April 1876
Sent from London

About to go to the Mediterranean

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.240
Date range 7 April 1876
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.240 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Mrs Huxley from CLIFFORD, William Kingdon, FRS (1845-1879), [19 April 1876]
Sent from Dorking, Surrey

His coming journey; has been reading Proudhon

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.242
Date range 19 April 1876
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.242 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Mrs Huxley from CLIFFORD, William Kingdon, FRS (1845-1879), 25 June 1878
Sent from Mendrisio, Switzerland

His stay in Switzerland, and is getting better; postscript dated 1 July by Mrs Clifford

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.244
Date range 25 June 1878
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.244 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Mrs Huxley from CLIFFORD, William Kingdon, FRS (1845-1879), 2 November nd
Sent from London


Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.246
Date range 2 November
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.246 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Mrs Huxley from CLIFFORD, William Kingdon, FRS (1845-1879), nd
Sent from London

Removal to a new house

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.248
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.248 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLIFFORD, William Kingdon, FRS (1845-1879), nd


Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.250
Formats Loose Photographic Prints
Inventory Identifier 12.250 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Mrs Huxley from CLODD, Edward (1840-1930), 23 November 1887
Sent from the Savile Club, London

Sympathy on the death of her daughter

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.251
Date range 23 November 1887
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.251 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLODD, Edward (1840-1930), 22 August 1894
Sent from Tufnell Park, London

Has received Kidd's"pinchbeck science" [Social Evolution (1894) by Benjamin Kidd (1858-1916), cf Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley ii, 383]; a meeting with him; remarks on Lord Salisbury's address and on Andrew Lang

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.253
Date range 22 August 1894
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.253 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CLODD, Edward (1840-1930), 5 November 1894
Sent from Tufnell Park, London

Huxley's retrospect in ; the nebular theory; Lord Kelvin on the age of the earth [cf Herbert SPENCER, No 84]; is preparing a Primer of Evolution

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.254
Date range 5 November 1894
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.254 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Mrs Huxley from CLODD, Edward (1840-1930), 12 January 1897
Sent from Tufnell Park, London

Sends his book [Pioneers of Evolution] which has afforded him the opportunity of paying tribute to him "whose friendship was one of the rare gifts which life has brought me"

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.255
Date range 12 January 1897
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.255 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Leonard Huxley from CLODD, Edward (1840-1930), 31 January 1899
Sent from the Savile Club, London

Has a memoir of Huxley in the press but wishes to delay publication until after the appearance of the

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.259
Date range 31 January 1899
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.259 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Leonard Huxley from CLODD, Edward (1840-1930), 5 February 1899
Sent from Aldeburgh, Suffolk

Reminiscences of Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.257
Date range 5 February 1899
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.257 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Leonard Huxley from CLODD, Edward (1840-1930), 21 November 1900
Sent from London

Is reviewing Life, and also Chalmers Mitchell's biography of Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.261
Date range 21 November 1900
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.261 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COGHLAN, D, 1 December 1899
Sent from San Francisco, USA

A long letter by "an obscure individual", unaware of Huxley's death, on biblical traditions, etc, arising out of reading Huxley's works

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.263
Date range 1 December 1899
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.263 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COLE, (Sir) Henry (1808-1882), 21 September 1854
Sent from Boulogne, France

Asks Huxley to deliver two courses of lectures at Marlborough House

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.265
Date range 21 September 1854
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.265 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COLE, (Sir) Henry (1808-1882), 11 May 1870
Set from London

The site of the Natural History Museum

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.267
Date range 11 May 1870
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.267 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COLE, (Sir) Henry (1808-1882), 13 May 1870
Set from London

Still prefers the Embankment as a site, but as this is impossible, proposes a new site in Kensington

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.269
Date range 13 May 1870
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.269 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Mrs Huxley from COLE, (Sir) Henry (1808-1882), 11 July 1877

Plans for a stay in Birmingham while Huxley attends a conference
Letter written to Mrs Huxley
Huxley has written on the back: "We will go to Birmingham by the 12.10 on Tuesday 17th and do as we are told. We must be in the house at 5.30 on Wednesday 18th. Open to do anything in the world compatible with these postulates. T H Huxley"

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.271
Date range 11 July 1877
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.271 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COLE, William Henry, 3rd Earl of Enniskillen, FRS (1807-1886), 28 March [1866]
Sent from Enniskillen, Ireland

[To E P Wright, qv]. Returns photographs of Kilkenny fossils, with Sir P Egerton's remarks on them

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.273
Date range 28 March 1866
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.273 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COLENSO, John William (1814-1883), Bishop of Natal, 28 March 1865
Sent from Kensington [?London]

Asks Huxley to allow Vansittart Neale to review his forthcoming translation of Kuenen's work on the Pentateuch in the Reader

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.274
Date range 28 March 1865
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.274 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COLENSO, John William (1814-1883), Bishop of Natal, 25 April 1865

Encloses note from Neale, who will be useful in the theological section of the Reader

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.275
Date range 25 April 1865
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.275 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COLERIDGE, (Sir) John Duke, 1st Baron, FRS (1820-1894), 19 December 1869
Sent from Sussex Square, London

Lady Coleridge will observe accurately all Huxley wants to know of the case of their daughter [?physiological]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.276
Date range 19 December 1869
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.276 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Mrs Huxley from COLLIER, Robert, 2nd Baron Monkswell (1845-1909), 9 January 1889

On the engagement of his brother (Hon John Collier) to Ethel Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.277
Date range 9 January 1889
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.277 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COLLINGWOOD, John Frederick (died 1923), 18 January 1871
Sent from the Anthropological Society, London

Encloses resolutions to negotiate for the amalgamation of the Society with the Ethnological, and names delegates

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.278
Date range 18 January 1871
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.278 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to COLLINGWOOD, John Frederick (died 1923), 19 January 1871
Sent from Jermyn Street, London

Will meet the delegates as proposed
Draft or copy letter from Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.280
Date range 19 January 1871
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.280 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COLLINGWOOD, John Frederick (died 1923), 23 January 1871
Sent from the Anthropological Society, London

Asks Huxley to attend to confirm minutes of the delegates' meeting

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.281
Date range 23 January 1871
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.281 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to COLLINGWOOD, John Frederick (died 1923), [24 January 1871]
Sent from [Jermyn Street], London

Will attend as requested, but cannot consent to discuss further or to alter the arrangements previously agreed to

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.282
Date range 24 January 1871
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.282 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COLLINS, Frederick Howard (1857-1910), 25 September [1889]
Sent from Edgbaston, Birmingham

News of Herbert Spencer

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.283
Date range 25 September 1889
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.283 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COLLINS, Frederick Howard (1857-1910), 1 December [1889]
Sent from Edgbaston, Birmingham

Spencer has sent his Autobiography but before returning it would like to confer with Huxley as Spencer's most intimate friend

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.285
Date range 1 December 1889
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.285 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to COLLINS, Frederick Howard (1857-1910), 3 December 1889
Sent from [London]

A rupture with Spencer has occurred and Huxley prefers not to discuss it
Draft or copy letter by Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.286
Date range 3 December 1889
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.286 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COLLINS, Frederick Howard (1857-1910), [3 December 1889]
Sent from Edgbaston, Birmingham

Expresses his deep regret

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.287
Date range 3 December 1889
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.287 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COLLINS, John Churton, LittD (1848-1908), 24 March [1891]
Sent from London

On the perversion of the chair of English Literature at Oxford to Middle-English philology. [cf Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley ii, 284]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.289
Date range 24 March 1891
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.289 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to Leonard Huxley from COLLINS, John Churton, LittD (1848-1908), 24 February [1899]
Sent from London

States the nature of his complaint about the Oxford chair for information of Huxley's biographer

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.293
Date range 24 February 1899
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.293 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COMMON, Thomas, 2 February 1894
Sent from Camberwell, London

Considers Nietzsche's works have an important bearing on Evolution and Ethics, and that Huxley has overlooked them. [Huxley's reply, Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley ii, 360]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.295
Date range 2 February 1894
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.295 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CONWAY, (Rev) Moncure Daniel (1832-1907), 13 November 1878
Sent from Hamlet House, Hammersmith, London

The Association of Liberal Thinkers invite Huxley to be president. The Association's constitution and objects; Tyndall has agreed to be a Vice President

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.298
Date range 13 November 1878
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.298 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CONWAY, (Rev) Moncure Daniel (1832-1907), 7 January 1879
Sent from the Savile Club, London

Further particulars as to personnel of the Committee

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.300
Date range 7 January 1879
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.300 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CONWAY, (Rev) Moncure Daniel (1832-1907), 10 January [1879]
Sent from Hamlet House, Hammersmith, London

Council to meet at Huxley's house

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.304
Date range 10 January 1879
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.304 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CONWAY, (Rev) Moncure Daniel (1832-1907), 29 January [1879]
Sent from Hamlet House, Hammersmith, London

Sends draft of a statement for circulation

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.306
Date range 29 January 1879
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.306 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to CONWAY, (Rev) Moncure Daniel (1832-1907), 29 January 1879
Sent from London

Thinks it inexpedient to send out any statement until the Council have agreed on a basis of action
Draft or copy letter by Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.307
Date range 29 January 1879
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.307 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CONWAY, (Rev) Moncure Daniel (1832-1907), 5 February [1879]
Sent from [Hamlet House], Hammersmith, London

Sends another statement for Huxley's approval before submitting it to the Council

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.308
Date range 5 February 1879
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.308 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CONWAY, (Rev) Moncure Daniel (1832-1907), 10 February 1879
Sent from [Hamlet House], Hammersmith, London

[Written on back of printed statement of Association's objects and list of Committee]. Each letter was written on back of same printed form, so that the facts are known to each. Modifications made by Council will be adopted

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.310
Date range 10 February 1879
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.310 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to CONWAY, (Rev) Moncure Daniel (1832-1907), 26 February 1879
Sent from [London]

Has arrived at the conclusion that it is not expedient to go on with the project and resigns his presidency
Draft or copy letter by Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.311
Date range 26 February 1879
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.311 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CONWAY, (Rev) Moncure Daniel (1832-1907), 27 February 1879
Sent from Hamlet House, Hammersmith, London

Realizes that the Council evidently do not wish to enter upon the scheme, and enthusiasm

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.312
Date range 27 February 1879
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.312 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COOKE, Edward William, RA (1811-1880), [8 February 1862]
Sent from Kensington, London

Eulogy on success of Huxley's lecture [at the Royal Institution, 7 February 1862]. On last page a caricature of primitive man

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.314
Date range 8 February 1862
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.314 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COOKSON, H A, 22 March 1894
Sent from Halifax

Encloses a manuscript on a new mathematical theory and asks Huxley for his opinion and criticisms and desires him to place it before the Royal Society. [Endorsed by Huxley "Ansd. and sent back paper, May 30"]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.316
Date range 22 March 1894
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.316 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COOKSON, Montague Hughes (born 1832, Bencher 1878), [19 February 1873
Sent from [Rutland Gate], London

[To E F Burton, qv]. Learns from Vice-Chancellor Mullins that Huxley's lawsuit will end in his favour. [cf Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley i, 384]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.318
Date range 19 February 1873
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.318 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COOKSON, Montague Hughes (born 1832, Bencher 1878), 6 July 1883
Sent from [Rutland Gate], London

Congratulates Huxley on election as President of the Royal Society

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.319
Date range 6 July 1883
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.319 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to COOPER, Anthony Ashley, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury (1801-1885), 29 May 1876
sent from Edinburgh

The Vivisection question; correspondence in The Times
Draft or copy letter by Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.320
Date range 29 May 1876
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.320 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COURTNEY, Leonard Henry, 1st Baron (1832-1918), 12 December 1885
Sent from Chelsea, London

Asks for Huxley's support in election to Athenaeum

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.322
Date range 12 December 1885
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.322 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from COWARD, Ralph J, 6 April 1864
Sent from Mevagissey, Cornwall

Fishermen feel that they have been intimidated for their evidence before the Commissioners; thinks such evidence should be taken in private

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.324
Date range 6 April 1864
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.324 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CRAIK, George Lillie (1837-1905), 30 July 1878
Sent from London

Huxley's publisher's accounts. [Macmillan & Co, in which Craik was a partner]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.326
Date range 30 July 1878
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.326 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CRANBROOK, (Rev) James, 2 October 1868
Sent from Edinburgh

Asks Huxley to give a Sunday evening lecture; explains his status and the objects in promoting such lectures

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.328
Date range 2 October 1868
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.328 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CRANBROOK, (Rev) James, 23 October 1868
Sent from Edinburgh

Delighted with Huxley's choice of subject, "The Physical Basis of Life"; he will have a free hand and need not fear giving offence. [cf Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley i, 299]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.332
Date range 23 October 1868
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.332 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CRAWFURD, John, FRS (1783-1868), 6 October 1866
Sent from London

A very full statement of the case for the fusion of the Anthropological and Ethnological Societies

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.335
Date range 6 October 1866
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.335 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CREELMAN, James, 2 June 1894
Sent from London

Is preparing an article on Religion and Ethics for the (American) Cosmopolitan Magazine, and wishes to obtain the views of the leading British thinkers. Asks Huxley a number of questions as to his opinions

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.340
Date range 2 June 1894
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.340 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to CREELMAN, James, 11 June 1894
Sent from Eastbourne

His views already clearly stated in his published works, but summarizes various points again
Draft or copy letter by Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.342
Date range 11 June 1894
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.342 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CRISP, (Sir) Frank (1843-1919), 7 July 1883
Sent from Old Jewry, London

Congratulates Huxley on his election as President of the Royal Society

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.345
Date range 7 July 1883
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.345 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CROLL, James, FRS (1821-1890), 15 March 1882
Sent from London

Regrets that Huxley cannot recommend publication of his article

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.348
Date range 15 March 1882
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.348 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CROLL, James, FRS (1821-1890), 31 March 1882
Sent from Cumbernauld, Glasgow

Thinks Huxley has misunderstood the drift of his article which purports to prove that the fundamental principle of Evolution is determinism

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.349
Date range 31 March 1882
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.349 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CROLL, James, FRS (1821-1890), nd

[First part missing]. Desires a fair hearing and offers to send manuscript. [This may refer to the foregoing]

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.351
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.351 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CROMPTON, J, 16 March 1863
Sent from Norwich

Arrangements for a lecture by Huxley in Norwich

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.346
Date range 16 March 1863
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.346 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CROOKES, (Sir) William, FRS (1832-1919), 9 February 1874
Sent from London

[To (Sir) William Huggins, qv]. Invites Huxley to attend a series of seances

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.352
Date range 9 February 1874
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.352 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CROSS, Richard Assheton, Viscount Cross (1823-1914), 2 June 1875
Sent from the Home Office, London

Desires to submit Huxley's name as a member of the Royal Commission on Vivisection

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.353
Date range 2 June 1875
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.353 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to CROSS, Richard Assheton, Viscount Cross (1823-1914), 3 June 1875
Sent from Edinburgh

Is willing to serve, but his duties make attendance difficult
Draft or copy letter from Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.354
Date range 3 June 1875
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.354 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CROSS, Richard Assheton, Viscount Cross (1823-1914), 24 June 1875
Sent from the Home Office, London

As the Commission is not likely to sit for some time, has enrolled Huxley as a member of it

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.356
Date range 24 June 1875
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.356 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CROZIER, John Beattie, LLD (1849-1921), 20 December 1885
Sent from London

Sends his Civilization and Progress; and has been much indebted for years to Huxley's writings

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.357
Date range 20 December 1885
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.357 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CROZIER, John Beattie, LLD (1849-1921), 10 March 1894
Sent from London

Asks Huxley's support in applying for a Civil List Pension to enable him to complete a series of books he has in hand (prospectus enclosed)

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.359
Date range 10 March 1894
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.359 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter from T H Huxley to CROZIER, John Beattie, LLD (1849-1921), [12 March 1894]
Sent from Eastbourne

Would be pleased to help him to pursue his contemplated works, especially as he differs widely in opinion, but cannot see his way to make application to Government
Draft or copy letter by Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.363
Date range 12 March 1894
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.363 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CROZIER, John Beattie, LLD (1849-1921), 15 March 1894
Sent from London

Thanks Huxley for expression of his views; intends to eliminate metaphysics entirely from his work

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.365
Date range 15 March 1894
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.365 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CUNNYNGHAME, (Sir) Henry Hardinge Samuel (1848-1935), 24 November nd
Sent from Gwydyr House, Whitehall, London

The inexpediency of apprenticeship schools; the charity commissioners can only assist in the education of the poorer classes

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.367
Date range 24 November
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.367 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CURREY, Frederick, FRS (1819-1881), 9 August 1870
Sent from Pentridge, Derby

Answers Huxley's request for references in connection with Penicillium glaucum

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 12.369
Date range 9 August 1870
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 12.369 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CURTIS, Alice M, 19 August 1893
Sent from Boston, Mass, USA

Enthusiastic appreciation of the Romanes Lecture; recalls meeting Huxley in Rome in 1885

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 2.371
Date range 19 August 1893
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 2.371 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CURTIS, E J, 27 January 1890
Sent from London

Sends advance proofs of a work which have been sent to him for review; the Wace controversy

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 2.373
Date range 27 January 1890
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 2.373 Box Number 12 Series 1c
Letter to T H Huxley from CURTIS, E J, 31 January 1890
Sent from London

"Returned, with the intimation that whatever right he might have to send proofs, I had no right to read them without author's knowledge"
Draft or copy letter by Huxley

Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 2.374
Date range 31 January 1890
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier 2.374 Box Number 12 Series 1c

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