ISSF funding case studies

Dr Aubrey Cunnington
Dr Aubrey Cunnington is a Clinical Senior Lecturer in Paediatric Infectious Diseases and was awarded an ISSF VIP award in January 2013. In the course of the VIP award Dr Cunnington was successfully awarded a Wellcome Trust Early Postdoctoral Clinical Research Fellowship and a MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship. Aubrey is currently in the second year of his MRC fellowship entitled “Identifying host pathogen interactions which cause severe malaria”.

Dr Kirsty Mehring-Le Doare
Dr Kirsty Mehring-Le Doare was awarded an ISSF Clinical Training Fellowship in Global Health Research in May 2013. During the course of her fellowship Dr Mehring-Le Doare worked with Prof Beate Kampmann and spent a significant portion of her time conducting vital research at the MRC Unit, The Gambia. Kirsty successfully secured a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Training Fellowship as a result of this work. Kirsty’s main research interests are age-related immune responses to infectious diseases, in particular to Group B-streptococcus in neonates.

Dr Nathalie MacDermott
Dr Nathalie MacDermott was awarded an ISSF Clinical Training Fellowship in Global Health Research in May 2012; this was followed by further support from the ISSF Ebola fund which jointly supported a short-term fellowship with IGHI. Nathalie’s brave and ambitious project involved assembling a large cohort of Ebola victims and survivors in Sierra Leone. Dr MacDermott was recently awarded a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Training Fellowship to continue her genetic study of Ebola virus disease.