ISSF funding case studies 2020 - 2021

Dr Tara Mangal
ISSF Springboard Fellowship
The direct and indirect consequences of large health system shocks to population health in Malawi

Dr Valerie Soo
ISSF Springboard Fellowship
Developing a massively parallel approach to chart the fitness landscape of a penicillin-binding protein

Dr Chechi Kanta
ISSF Springboard Fellowship
Gut microbiome as a causal determinant of cardiometabolic disease
ISSF funding case studies 2020 - 2021 row 2

Dr Sulayman Bah
Global Health Clinical Research Training Fellowship
Prevalence and mechanisms of bone mineral density reduction in chronic hepatitis B infection in sub-Saharan Africa.
Imperial Supervisor: Professor Maud Lemoine
Overseas Supervisor: Professor Umberto D'Alessandro

Dr KudZanai Njikizana
Global Health Clinical Research Training Fellowship
Feasibility of integrating antenatal testing for HBV into the existing HIV and syphilis dual elimination framework in rural Zimbabwe.
Imperial Supervisor: Professor Simon Gregson
Overseas Supervisor: Professor Gwendoline Quetoline Kandawasvika

Dr Luz Quevedo Cruz
Global Health Clinical Research Training Fellowship
Ensuring survival from tuberculosis
Imperial Supervisor: Professor Carlton Evans
Overseas Supervisor: Professor Robert Gilman
ISSF funding case studies 2020 - 2021 row 3

Dr Andrea Pollard
ISSF Springboard Fellowship
Repurposing of neuronal pathways in skeletal responses to mechanical stimuli

Dr Charis Pericleous
ISSF Springboard Fellowship
Unravelling the mechanisms of vascular dysfunction in systemic autoimmune

SSF funding case studies 2020 - 2021 row 4

Dr David Salman
Imperial Post-Doctoral, Post-CCT Research Fellowship (IPPRF)
The impact of a digital tool to increase physical activity in community dwelling older adults: a double blind randomised controlled trial

Dr Gregory Scott
Imperial Post-Doctoral, Post-CCT Research Fellowship (IPPRF)
Developing general-purpose electrophysiological measures of conscious state for a handheld device

Dr Jarvis Sheba
Imperial Post-Doctoral, Post-CCT Research Fellowship (IPPRF)
Elucidating the roles and therapeutic potential of Liver X receptorsin adrenocortical carcinoma(ACC)
ISSF funding case studies 2019 - 2020
ISSF funding case studies 19-20 row2

Dr Maria Pereira
ISSF Springboard Fellowship
Cell fusion and multinucleation in osteoclasts: losing the macrophage identity at the expense of mitochondrial function
ISSF funding case studies 19-20 row3

Dr Sally Kim
ISSF Springboard Fellowship
The impact of altered extracellular vesicle properties in lung tissue repair
ISSF funding case studies 19-20 row4

ISSF funding case studies 2019 - 2020
ISSF funding case studies 2019 - 2020
ISSF funding case studies 2018 - 2019

Dr Jin Un Kim
Global Health Clinical Research Training Fellowship
Treatment Eligibility Assessment of Hepatitis B infected Patients in Tanzania, East Africa
Imperial Supervisor: Dr Maud Lemoine
Overseas Supervisor: Dr John Rwegasha
ISSF funding case studies 18-19

Dr Sarah May Johnson
Global Health Clinical Research Training Fellowship
Defining the relationship between tuberculosis and cytomegalovirus in adolescents
Imperial Supervisor: Dr Elizabeth Whittaker
Overseas Supervisor: Dr James Seddon
SSF funding case studies 2018 - 2019

Dr Zameer Mohamed
Global Health Clinical Research Training Fellowship
The role of GeneXpert HCV viral load in the diagnostic algorithm for Tanzanian intravenous drug users, validating capillary whole blood testing
Imperial Supervisor: Maud Lemoine
Overseas Supervisor: Jessie Mbwambo

Dr David James Pinato
Imperial Post-Doctoral, Post-CCT Research Fellowship
Integrated phenotypic characterisation of the anti-tumour immune response
ISSF funding case studies 2018 - 2019

Dr Aran Singanayagam
ISSF Springboard Fellowship
Defining the impact of COPD airway microbiota perturbations upon susceptibility to bacterial infection

Dr Sakib Rokadiya
Global Health Clinical Research Training Fellowships
The Mycobacterium Genomic Determinants of Radiological Pathology
Imperial Supervisor: Dr Louis Grandjean
Overseas Supervisor: Robert Gilman
ISSF funding case studies for previous fellows

Dr Neesha Rockwood
Global Health Clinical Research Training Fellowship
Acquired drug resistance in rifampicin-susceptible pulmonary tuberculosis in a high HIV co-prevalence setting.
Imperial Sponsor
Imperial Supervisor: Prof Robert Wilkinson
Overseas Supervisor: Prof Robert Wilkinson
ISSF funding case studies for previous fellows

ISSF funding case studies for previous fellows

Dr Nathalie MacDermott
Global Health Clinical Research Training Fellowship
The role of molecular methods in identifying pathogens causing severe sepsis in children in The Gambia