Key information
ICiC 2021
Applications close: 4pm, Wednesday 20 October 2021
For questions please contact:
Research Strategy Coordinator
Dr Kimberley Trim
You can now apply for the 2021 ICIC scheme, applications close at 4pm, Wednesday 20 October 2021
ICiC enables us to support researchers from across the College by providing seed funding to establish that their concept has the potential to meet a market need in medicine. We aim to ‘pump-prime’ the translation of research into novel therapeutics, devices and diagnostics towards clinical testing.
We will be strongly encouraging multi-disciplinary proposals and those including external collaborations. More information will be provided soon on who our key partners for ICiC 2021 will be.
ICiC 2020 videos

Prof Ray Hill, Chair of Imperial Confidence
Professor Hill talks about key aspects of the current ICiC scheme
Professor Hill has stepped into the role of Chair after providing excellent support over the past few years as a panel member. Here he talks about key aspects of the current ICiC scheme.

Prof Nick Jennings, Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise)
Professor Jennings welcomes us to the 2020 scheme
Professor Jennings welcomes us to the 2020 scheme and talks about the success of ICiC and translational research at Imperial College London

Dr Pantelis Georgiou, Reader in Biomedical Electronics
Dr Georgiou talks about the impact of ICiC on his research
Dr Georgiou is a successful translational researcher and he has benefited from previous ICiC funding. Here he talks about the impact this has had on his research.

Dr Richard Rutter, Translator in Residence
Dr Rutter talks about his role in helping Imperial researchers
Dr Rutter talks about his role and how he helps Imperial researchers who are navigating the translational landscape. To discuss your ideas for the ICiC scheme, or for broader help around translating your research, please email Dr Rutter (