The RGIT offers the below training to Imperial College staff and students.
Training available
Course Title: Research in the NHS
The Course objective: Who is it for? This course is designed specifically for researchers of all grades in both Imperial College London and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust on organising, planning, conducting and documenting essential research activities.
What the course covers:
- initiating a new study once a research idea is established including:
- process for obtaining sponsorship,
- study funding and resources,
- approval processes,
- NHS site feasibility assessment, and
- confirmation of capacity and capability
- managing studies in progress, including:
- updates on recruitment and reaching study milestones,
- amendments,
- reporting procedures including adverse events,
- annual progress reports,
- developmental safety update reports,
- complaints from participants,
- study financial management and invoicing, and
- preparation of study auditing and monitoring
- end of study management including:
- end of study reports,
- archiving, and
- publications,
Course date, time and location:
Courses are run throughout the year, on a three monthly basis.
If you would like to attend the workshops or you would like further information, please email the RGIT.
We are now offering one-to-one virtual training sessions for help on how to make a successful Imperial College Research Ethics Committee (ICREC) and/or Science, Engineering and Technology Research Ethics Committee (SETREC) application.
If you would like to schedule a one-to-one session on Microsoft Teams, please email Thomas Lewis.
Who is it for?
This course is for clinical and non-clinical staff and post graduate students at all levels. BSc students with high-risk studies may also attend. Please see Undergraduate Study Proposal Ethics Checklist [Word] to determine if your study is high risk.
Useful videos
There are several informative training videos avaialable:
Research ethics and its importance