test tubes

Maximising research impact and supporting Imperial’s academics from pre-grant to post-project results.

RPM ethos

We manage the project from A-Z leaving academics to concentrate on the science.

The Reseach Project Management team has a proven track record of managing complex ventures. As an integral part of Imperial’s Enterprise Division, we support projects from the early initiation and proposal stages, through to funding, operational delivery, societal engagement and finally - exploitation of the work. 

Support throughout the full project lifecycle

Full project lifecycle RPM support

  • If consulted from the get-go, thanks to our experience, we can help develop the proposal and define the project management, dissemination, communication and exploitation plans that create a winning application.
  • Once awarded, we employ proven project management tools to aide effective and efficient planning, budgeting, payments, event management, reporting and delivery for each project – leaving the principle investigators to get on with the science.
  • We also liaise between the numerous consortia partners, ensuring everyone works as a team and is kept abreast of developments and deadlines. 
  • Plus, to ensure maximum exposure and impact throughout the project - and at its conclusion - we work with you on societal engagement activities and exploitation of the results and research translation. 

If you're an Imperial academic preparing a grant proposal - or external to the College and  looking to collaborate - contact our Head of Project Management.

Our project management package includes:

Budget and resource management
  • Preliminary budget projections
  • Invoicing
  • Partner/beneficiary disbursements
  • Expenditure tracking
Consortium Management
  • Identifying collaborators, including SMEs and industry, and building a well-rounded consortium with diverse skill-sets.
  • Assessing and managing risk
  • Enhancing the impact of the project in line with funding calls and proposal guidelines
  • Supporting the build-up for overall consortium budget and justifying the resources that are needed to undertake the project.
  • Putting together grant proposals and managing logistics including liaising with partners/beneficiaries
Project Management
  • Ensuring project key deliverables and milestones are met within deadline and stays on budget
  • Coordinating project reporting activities and communication with the funding body
  • Disseminating project results in a highly impactful manner befitting to the project scope. This can include coordinating impact roadshows and impact digital packages, such as short videos.
  • Creating and maintaining a project’s website and social media channels. We can drive the implementation of bespoke branding, website and social media presence, and support your team as you engage in public engagement activities.
  • Assisting in the final stages of closing down the project when it has reached its completion.