There are outstanding opportunities for becoming a postdoctoral researcher (PDRA) in our lab at Imperial College London. Below is a list of multiple existing funding schemes. Dr Petar Kormushev is available to mentor potential Post-Doc applicants on research topics related to robotics and machine learning. Interested candidates should contact Dr Kormushev by e-mail well before submitting their application.
UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships
- UK Research and Innovation Future Leaders Fellowships - suitable for applicants with postdoctoral-level experience.
- The FLF scheme welcomes applications from both UK and international applicants.
Imperial College Research Fellowships
- Imperial's prestigious Imperial College Research Fellowships sustain the brightest and best early career researchers from across the world.
- As an Imperial College Research Fellow (ICRF) you will receive a 4-year fellowship which includes a competitive salary, research and travel expenses of up to £45,000.
Marie-curie fellowship
- The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) support researchers at all stages of their careers, irrespective of nationality.
- Researchers working across all disciplines are eligible for funding.
- The MSCA also support industrial doctorates, combining academic research study with work in companies, and other innovative training that enhances employability and career development.
Imperial College JRF (Junior Research Fellowship)
- A competitive salary
- Research and travel expenses of up to £45,000
- Personal mentoring support from a senior Imperial academic
- The chance to take full responsibility for setting and directing your own research agenda
Royal Society URF (University Research Fellowship)
- 80% of the basic salary costs up to £39,389.64 in the first year, estates costs and indirect costs
- Research expenses (up to £13,000 for the first year and up to £11,000 annually thereafter)
Royal Society Fellowships for researchers from North America and Asia
Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Research Fellowship
Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowship
- Freedom to concentrate on basic research in any field of engineering
- The services of a mentor to offer advice and to facilitate the formation of industrial links
EPSRC Fellowships
- EPSRC has defined three career stages (postdoctoral, early and established career) and the attributes expected at each stage.
- Applications can be submitted at any time and will be processed on a rolling basis at a review panel.
Newton International Fellowships
- This scheme is for non-UK scientists who are at an early stage of their research career and wish to conduct research in the UK.
- Eligibility requirements: to have a PhD, no more than 7 years of full-time postdoctoral experience, work outside the UK, and not hold UK citizenship
Leverhulme foundation
Swiss National Science Foundation
- For researchers having done 3 years of research in Switzerland or being Swiss nationals
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