Despite increasing efforts to recycle waste, solid waste management remains a concern for the public health.
The EEG has been involved in a number of studies looking specifically at waste related exposures, in particular around landfill sites and municipal waste incinerators including the transfer and collection of waste. We use dispersion models and spatial analysis techniques to estimate exposures for people living close to waste treatment and disposal sites.
Modelling bioaerosols exposure from composting facilities to explore associations with respiratory related hospital admissions. For more information see the Bioaerosols Study page.
Birth outcomes around Municipal Waste Incinerators in England and Wales
Modelling PM10 exposures from municipal waste incinerators using dispersion modelling to develop trimester specific exposures. For more information see the Incinerators Study page.
Birth outcomes around landfill sites
Modelling exposure around landfill sites in England and Wales using basic GIS-based proximity measures.