
The theme for the 2017 SAPC Conference is "Primary Care at the Coalface: Mining for Diamonds".

Abstracts for oral presentation should be submitted via this Wufoo formDeadline for submission of abstracts has now been extended to Monday 31st October at 12 noon. If you wish to be considered for a medical student, novice presenter or SAPC prize, please indicate this on the form.

Guidelines for submission

Abstracts will be assessed on the basis of originality, clarity of research question, appropriateness of study design, quality of study methods, and strength of results.
Work must not have been published in a peer-reviewed journal at the time of submission (31 October 2016).
If the presentation is accepted one of the authors must register to attend the conference and present the work.
Abstracts should be up to 300 words in length (excluding title and references) and should be structured as follows:
  • A title which accurately describes the study
  • The names of all authors with institutional affiliation(s)
  • Background: a brief explanation of how the study developed from existing knowledge and literature
  • Methods: a concise description of the methods used to conduct the study
  • Results: where possible include key findings of the research. For studies in progress with results to follow, please indicate this, explaining your plans for data analysis
  • Discussion: this is an opportunity to explain why the findings are of interest and importance, and implications they may have for practice or teaching
We particularly welcome abstracts from medical students and novice presenters. A prize will be offered for the best presentation in each of these categories.
Oral presentations will be clustered by topic into parallel sessions.
Presentations are restricted to 10 minutes in length with up to 5 minutes for discussion.
If you wish to be considered for a prize(s), please indicate which you are applying for.
Workshops will be held on the afternoon of Thursday 26 January.
Workshops offer a 90 minute slot to bring people with shared interests together to explore a topic in greater depth.  They may have an educational, research or practice-based theme and we welcome innovative topics and formats.  The workshops should be interactive with plenty of discussion.  When creating your workshop please avoid using presentations as the key feature of the workshop.
Workshop submissions will be assessed on the basis of originality, clear educational objectives, format and content likely to promote discussion and interaction.
If the workshop is accepted one of the authors must register to attend the conference as presenter.
Submissions should be up to 500 words in length (excluding title and references). Please describe your workshop as follows:
  • Title
  • Aim and intended outcome/educational objectives
  • Format
  • Intended audience (include a maximum number of participants if you wish)
  • Content

To submit your workshop idea, please fill out this form: Workshop submission form

Please note that the deadline for workshop submissions is Monday 31st October at 12 noon.

Medical Student Prize
This competition is open to medical students presenting work they have undertaken in an Academic Department/Unit of General Practice/Primary Care whilst taking an undergraduate course. There will be a prize of £100 for the winning presentation.
Novice Presenter Prize
This competition is open to anyone who is a graduate, but who has made two or less oral presentations at a regional, national or international academic conference. It is designed to encourage presentations from those new to the academic study of primary care such as MSc students, those starting MD or PhD research programmes, and those on academic F2 and ST4 programmes. There will be a prize of £100 for the winning presentation.
SAPC Prize 
SAPC are keen to encourage as many people as possible to attend the ASM but realise that, particularly at the moment, there are often financial constraints on departments and individuals in paying for the conference registration.
They have therefore identified a funding source within SAPC reserves that would allow the Society to provide a complementary registration at the ASM for one attendee at each regional SAPC conference.  This should be used to send a promising early career researcher to the ASM and hope that these individuals can be identified through an outstanding oral presentation at the regional meeting.
The prize winner will be the presenter and main author of the paper and should have no more than three years (whole time equivalent) research experience. The winner will have their entire conference fee reimbursed.

“Dangerous Dragons”

 For this year’s Regional SAPC at Madingley Hall we have drawn upon the hugely successful Dangerous ideas session run every year at the July SAPC conference, with a twist of the “Dragons Den” session held at Madingley last year.  We have added our own slant too, with every idea presented being discussed by panel of notable clinical and academic colleagues or “Dragons”!

This session aims to be a fast paced “festival of ideas’, stimulating new conversations and new thoughts as well as critiques of existing ideas. It brings speakers together in an innovative way to raise important questions, acting as a catalyst for sharp and vibrant discussion. The idea pitched can be a piece of teaching or research that is in progress or completed or merely just an idea they would like to present that challenges current thinking.

Examples from previous SAPC sessions have been                                                                                     

Addressing antibiotic resistance with the Krapsule”   

"Virtual GP: replacing GP training with an app."

Speakers will have 5 minutes to pitch their Dangerous Idea to our panel of Dragons – outlining their idea, why it matters and how they will make it happen. The “Dragons” will then have 5 minutes to quiz the speaker on the detail of their presentation.

At the end of the session the audience are asked to vote for the best idea - the one that they most feel needs to be heard. We will ask them to choose an idea that is new (challenging, even provocative), recognises and resonates with the vision of driving improvement in primary care through scholarship and has the potential to make a difference.

The winner of the session may have the opportunity to publish their article in the BJGP in a specially reserved slot under “Dangerous ideas”.

To submit your Dangerous Dragons idea, please fill out this form: Dangerous Dragons submission form

The deadline for Dangerous Dragons ideas is Monday 31st October at 12 noon.

The word limit for Dangerous Dragons ideas is 150 words.