What are the masterclasses? 

Between 26th July and 5th August 2021, MEdIC (Medical Education Innovation and Research Centre, Imperial College London) hosted a series of free, virtual Masterclasses in Medical Education for 300 UK medical students. 

Why are we running the masterclasses? 

We recognise that students are increasingly interested in developing skills and knowledge around medical education, with many considering incorporating education within their future career. However there remains a lack of equity in opportunities to experience the world of medical education. The masterclasses will provide students with an opportunity to learn, discuss and explore topical areas in medical education. We hope this will empower students to apply their knowledge and understanding in their own medical schools across the UK and consider a possible future career in the field of medical education.

Who can apply? 

All medical students from UK medical schools can apply to the masterclasses, we particularly welcome applicants from diverse and under-represented backgrounds. 

How much does it cost? 

This a free event for UK medical students.  

What is the structure and what will the sessions be about? 

The Masterclasses will run virtually between Monday 26th July to Thursday 5th August 2021.  There will be 7 half-day sessions, including an introductory session and a final session. The remaining 5 sessions will centre around topical themes in medical education:  

  • Introductory session 
  • Diversity & inclusion 
  • Preparation for practice: Learning through longitudinal experiences 
  • Coaching 
  • Digital health & education 
  • Professional identity formation
  • Final session

Sessions will include inspirational guest speakers, an introduction to relevant literature, and debate and discussion on how theory can be implemented into educational practice.   

Students will be asked to sign up to the sessions they are able to attend in advance. We would encourage students to attend all the sessions, however this is not a mandatory requirement. 

Interesting articles and videos will be shared with students in advance of some sessions to prepare for the session.

Will I get a certificate? 

Yes. At the end of the Medical Education Masterclass series students will be asked to submit a short, written reflective piece. Upon submission of this, students will receive a certificate of attendance for their portfolios. 

How will I be selected? 

300 UK medical students will be able to attend the Masterclasses in Medical Education. If there are more applications than spaces, applicants will be chosen randomly.  

What is the Medical Education Masterclass competition? 

Throughout the series of Masterclasses, we will ask students to consider in groups, potential ideas for a research project or innovation in medical education. At the end of the series, students will be invited to submit a project proposal. Students will be given clear guidance on how to approach this once they have been chosen to take part. 

The winning project proposals will be provided with funding to cover research costs in carrying out the project in partnership with MEdIC who will oversee and supervise the project, supporting the winning students to undertake their project and any relevant publications or presentations that follow as a result. 

Please note that all students who enter the competition part of the masterclasses will need to have a named sponsor from their medical school who has approved the project proposal and confirms the student’s ability to commit to the project.  

How do I apply? 

Please click on the link below to apply.

Applications have closed for 2021, please see the 2024 Masterclasses here.


Contact details 

If you have any questions, please contact the MEdIC Masterclasses team at contact-medic@imperial.ac.uk