The 2022 Annual Teachers Conference took place on Wednesday 15 June 2022.

This year we welcomed three Imperial College London medical students, Thivyaa, Hamza and Hareef as our keynote speakers. The students shared stories of their unique and inspiring journeys into medical school and the experiences that have shaped them as medical students. They discussed what it means to them to belong within the medical school and the power of relationships and connections in forming their identities as future doctors.

A question and answer session with the audience followed their keynote presentations.

The stories that connect us

Keynote: The stories that connect us

Introduced by Dr Nina Dutta, Year 3 MICA Course Lead and Faculty Development Lead
Hareef Asunramu, Year 5 Imperial College Medical Student
Gayathri Thivyaa Gangatharan, Year 4 Imperial College Medical Student
Hamza Ikhlaq, Year 4 Imperial College Medical Student



9.00am  Registration
Coffee, tea and breakfast pastries
Reynolds Building
9.30am Welcome
Prof Sonia Kumar, Director of Undergraduate Primary Care Education
Prof Azeem Majeed, Head of Department, Primary Care & Public Health, School of Public Health
Drewe Lecture Theatre
9.40am Keynote: The stories that connect us
Thivyaa Gangatharan, Hamza Ikhlaq, Hareef Asunramu, Imperial College Medical Students
Dr Nina Dutta, Year 3 MICA Course Lead and Faculty Development Lead, Imperial College London
Drewe Lecture Theatre
10.30am Faculty-Student-Community partnerships during the COVID-19 pandemic
Dr Arti Maini and students
Dr Neha Ahuja and I-Explore students
Drewe Lecture Theatre 
11.05am Break
Coffee, tea and treats
Reynolds Building 
11.25am Morning workshops
See below for details
Reynolds Building 
12.40pm Lunch Reynolds Building 
1.40pm Afternoon workshops
See below for details
Reynolds Building 
2.55pm  Break
Coffee, tea and canapés 
Reynolds Building 
3.10pm  Student presentations of award-winning projects
Introduced and presented by Course Leads
Drewe Lecture Theatre 
4.00pm  Teacher awards
Presented by Prof Sonia Kumar and Ms Nadine Engineer
Drewe Lecture Theatre  
4.30pm  Drinks on the terrace  Glenister Terrace 
