We are currently accepting applications for this MSc. If you are interested in making an application or if you have any questions, please contact
This course is for those who want to train to work specifically in the broadcast media or film and who would prefer to undertake a production project rather than a research dissertation. Academic study is focused on audio-visual production and students undertake a practical television or radio production project. An internship or work placement forms part of the course.
This course can only be taken full-time over one calendar year. All formal class sessions for the first two terms (about six to eight hours per week) are organised on three days per week—currently Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Arrangements are more fluid for the rest of the year when students are either on work placements or are engaged in practical project work. All students are expected to commit considerable time to private study during the course. In the case of full-time students this should take up at least three days a week in addition to the two days of classes. Please visit our "apply" page for further details on our admissions process.
Science Media Diversity Scholarship
In 2024/2025 we will be offering a fully-funded studentship on this MSc to a UK candidate from a minority ethnicity, with a STEM degree.
Contact us
Liam Watson
Science Communication Unit Administrator
Level 3, Sherfield Building
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZ
Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 8753