Alok Jha Alok graduated from MSc Science Communication in 1999, after completing a physics degree at Imperial and writing for the student newspaper Felix.

On graduating, he worked as a reporter at the science policy magazine Research Fortnight before joining The Guardian newspaper in 2003 and then ITV News as its science correspondent. He is author of The Water Book (Headline, 2015) and is currently science and technology correspondent at The Economist.

"The MSc course took apart my rigid scientific view of the world and helped me realise that, while it's useful to think like a scientist if you want to be one, it's impractical for journalists writing for general audiences. You need to look at science from the outside, understand how non-scientists see it, to best communicate it."

Contact us

Liam Watson
Science Communication Unit Administrator
Level 3, Sherfield Building
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZ

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 8753