Dr Toby Wong - Postdoctoal Research Associate

Dr Toby Wong is a postdoctoral research associate in the group since November 2023. He received his BSc degree in Chemistry at University College London and MRes Nanomaterials degree at Imperial College London. Toby completed his PhD at Imperial College London (2019-2023) under the supervision of Dr Qilei Song. His PhD research was focused on synthesis and testing of miroporous PEEK membranes for redox flow batteries, funded by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in the Advanced Characterisation of Materials (CDT-ACM) and BP International Centre for Advanced Materials (BP-ICAM). He currently works on the ERC Starting Grant and ERC Proof of Concept Grant (EPSRC grant) IonMembrane, focusing on synthesis of microporous polymer membranes for redox flow battery energy storage and relevant energy applications.


Toby Wong, Yijie Yang, Rui Tan, Anqi Wang, Zhizhang Yuan, Jiaxi Li, Dezhi Liu, Alberto Alvarez Fernandez, Chunchun Ye, Mark Sankey, David Ainsworth, Stefan Guldin, Fabrizia Foglia, Neil B. McKeown, Kim E. Jelfs*, Xianfeng Li*, Qilei Song*.  Microporous polymer membranes enable efficient redox flow batteries for energy storage. Joule, under revision. 

Anqi Wang*, Charlotte Breakwell, Fabrizia Foglia, Rui Tan, Louie Lovell, Xiaochu Wei, Toby Wong, Naiqi Meng, Haodong Li, Andrew Seel, Mona Sarter, Keenan Smith, Alberto Alvarez Fernandez, Mate Furedi, Stefan Guldin, Melanie Britton, Neil McKeown, Kim Jelfs, Qilei Song*. Selective ion transport through hydrated micropores in polymer membranes. Nature, 635, 353–358 (2024).

Dingchang Yang, Yijie Yang, Toby Wong, Sunshine Iguodala , Anqi Wang , Zhiyu Fan, Charlotte Breakwell, Naiqi Meng, Yanlin Wang, Fabrizia Foglia, Daryl Williams, Nilay Shah, Tongwen Xu, Neil McKeown, Magdalena Titirici, Kim Jelfs, Qilei Song*. Microporous ion-sieving membranes for sustainable lithium extraction. Nature Water, under revision.

Christopher G. Cannon, Peter A. A. Klusener, Luke F. Petit, Toby Wong, Anqi Wang, Qilei Song, Nigel P. Brandon, Anthony R. J. Kucernak*. Methylene Blue in a High-Performance Hydrogen-Organic Rechargeable Fuel Cell. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2024, 7, 6, 2080–2087. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsaem.3c02515

Rui Tan, Anqi Wang, Chunchun Ye, Jiaxi Li, Dezhi Liu, Barbara Primera Darwich, Luke Petit, Zhiyu Fan, Toby Wong, Alberto Alvarez-Fernandez, Mate Furedi, Stefan Guldin, Charlotte E. Breakwell, Peter A. A. Klusener, Anthony R. Kucernak, Kim E. Jelfs, Neil B. McKeown, Qilei Song. Thin Film Composite Membranes with Regulated Crossover and Water Migration for Long-Life Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries. Advanced Science, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.202206888


Co-Inventor for Next-generation ion exchange membranes for energy applications. https://imperial.tech/our-technologies/ionmembrane-technologies-next-generation-ion-exchange-membranes-for-energy-applications/

Conference presentations:

Microporous polymer membranes enable efficient redox flow batteries for energy storage. The North American Membrane Society annual meeting, 2024.

Microporous polymer membranes enable efficient redox flow batteries for energy storage. EuroMembrane 2024. https://euromembrane2024.cz/schedule/

Microporous polymer membranes enable efficient redox flow batteries for energy storage. PRiME 2024, Pacific Rim international meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS), The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ), and The Korean Electrochemical Society (KECS). https://ecs.confex.com/ecs/prime2024/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/199589