BibTex format
author = {Jia, H and Quaas, J and Gryspeerdt, E and Böhm, C and Sourdeval, O},
doi = {10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4896},
title = {Addressing the difficulties in quantifying the Twomey effect for marine warm clouds from multi-sensor satellite observations and reanalysis},
url = {},
year = {2022}
RIS format (EndNote, RefMan)
AB - <jats:p><p>Aerosol&#8211;cloud interaction is the most uncertain component of the overall anthropogenic forcing of the climate, in which the Twomey effect plays a fundamental role. Satellite-based estimates of the Twomey effect are especially challenging, mainly due to the difficulty in disentangling aerosol effects on cloud droplet number concentration (<em>N</em><sub>d</sub>) from possible confounders. By combining multiple satellite observations and reanalysis, this study investigates the impacts of a) updraft, b) precipitation, c) retrieval errors, as well as (d) vertical co-location between aerosol and cloud, on the assessment of&#160;<em>N</em><sub>d</sub>-toaerosol sensitivity (<em>S</em>) in the context of marine warm (liquid) clouds. Our analysis suggests that&#160;<em>S</em>&#160;increases remarkably with both cloud base height and cloud geometric thickness (proxies for vertical velocity at cloud base), consistent with stronger aerosol-cloud interactions at larger updraft velocity. In turn, introducing the confounding effect of aerosol&#8211;precipitation interaction can artificially amplify&#160;<em>S</em>&#160;by an estimated 21 %, highlighting the necessity of removing precipitating clouds from analyses on the Twomey effect. It is noted that the retrieval biases in aerosol and cloud appear to underestimate&#160;<em>S</em>, in which cloud fraction acts as a key modulator, making it practically difficult to balance the accuracies of aerosol&#8211;cloud retrievals at aggregate
AU - Jia,H
AU - Quaas,J
AU - Gryspeerdt,E
AU - Böhm,C
AU - Sourdeval,O
DO - 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4896
PY - 2022///
TI - Addressing the difficulties in quantifying the Twomey effect for marine warm clouds from multi-sensor satellite observations and reanalysis
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