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  • Journal article
    Brindley HE, Bantges RJ, 2016,

    The spectral signature of recent climate change

    , Current Climate Change Reports, Vol: 2, Pages: 112-126, ISSN: 2198-6061

    Spectrally resolved measurements of the Earth’s reflected shortwave (RSW) and outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) at the top of the atmosphere intrinsically contain the imprints of a multitude of climate relevant parameters. Here, we review the progress made in directly using such observations to diagnose and attribute change within the Earth system over the past four decades. We show how changes associated with perturbations such as increasing greenhouse gases are expected to be manifested across the spectrum and illustrate the enhanced discriminatory power that spectral resolution provides over broadband radiation measurements. Advances in formal detection and attribution techniques and in the design of climate model evaluation exercises employing spectrally resolved data are highlighted. We illustrate how spectral observations have been used to provide insight into key climate feedback processes and quantify multi-year variability but also indicate potential barriers to further progress. Suggestions for future research priorities in this area are provided.

  • Journal article
    Southwood DJ, Chane E, 2016,

    High latitude circulation in giant planet magnetospheres

    , Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Vol: 121, Pages: 5394-5403, ISSN: 2169-9402

    We follow-up the proposal by Cowley et al. (2004) that the plasma circulation in the magnetospheres of the giant planets is a combination of two cycles or circulation systems. The Vasyliunas cycle transports heavy material ionized deep within the magnetosphere eventually to loss in the magnetotail. The second cycle is driven by magnetic reconnection between the planetary and the solar wind magnetic fields (the Dungey cycle) and is found on flux tubes poleward of those of the Vasyliunas cycle. We examine features of the Dungey system, particularly what occurs out of the equatorial plane. The Dungey cycle requires reconnection on the dayside, and we suggest that at the giant planets the dayside reconnection occurs preferentially in the morning sector. Second, we suggest that most of the solar wind material that enters through reconnection on to open flux tubes on the dayside never gets trapped on closed field lines but makes less than one circuit of the planet and exits down tail. In its passage to the nightside, the streaming ex-solar wind material is accelerated centrifugally by the planetary rotation primarily along the field; thus, in the tail it will appear very like a planetary wind. The escaping wind will be found on the edges of the tail plasma sheet, and reports of light ion streams in the tail are likely due to this source. The paper concludes with a discussion of high-latitude circulation in the absence of reconnection between the solar wind and planetary field.

  • Journal article
    Goodrich KA, Ergun RE, Stawarz JE, 2016,

    Electric fields associated with small-scale magnetic holes in the plasma sheet: Evidence for electron currents

    , GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, Vol: 43, Pages: 6044-6050, ISSN: 0094-8276
  • Journal article
    Plotnikov I, Rouillard AP, Davies JA, Bothmer V, Eastwood JP, Gallagher P, Harrison RA, Kilpua E, Möstl C, Perry CH, Rodriguez L, Lavraud B, Génot V, Pinto RF, Sanchez-Diaz Eet al., 2016,

    Long-Term Tracking of Corotating Density Structures Using Heliospheric Imaging

    , Solar Physics, Vol: 291, Pages: 1853-1875, ISSN: 0038-0938

    The systematic monitoring of the solar wind in high-cadence and high-resolution heliospheric images taken by the Solar-Terrestrial Relation Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft permits the study of the spatial and temporal evolution of variable solar wind flows from the Sun out to 1 AU, and beyond. As part of the EU Framework 7 (FP7) Heliospheric Cataloguing, Analysis and Techniques Service (HELCATS) project, we have generated a catalog listing the properties of 190 corotating structures well-observed in images taken by the Heliospheric Imager (HI) instruments onboard STEREO-A (ST-A). Based on this catalog, we present here one of very few long-term analyses of solar wind structures advected by the background solar wind. We concentrate on the subset of plasma density structures clearly identified inside corotating structures. This analysis confirms that most of the corotating density structures detected by the heliospheric imagers comprises a series of density inhomogeneities advected by the slow solar wind that eventually become entrained by stream interaction regions. We have derived the spatial-temporal evolution of each of these corotating density structures by using a well-established fitting technique. The mean radial propagation speed of the corotating structures is found to be (Formula presented.). Such a low mean value corresponds to the terminal speed of the slow solar wind rather than the speed of stream interfaces, which is typically intermediate between the slow and fast solar wind speeds ((Formula presented.)). Using our fitting technique, we predicted the arrival time of each corotating density structure at different probes in the inner heliosphere. We find that our derived speeds are systematically lower by (Formula presented.) than those measured in situ at the predicted impact times. Moreover, for cases when a stream interaction region is clearly detected in situ at the estimated impact time, we find that our derived speeds are lower than the speed of th

  • Journal article
    Bantges RJ, Brindley HE, Chen XH, Huang XL, Harries JE, Murray JEet al., 2016,

    On the detection of robust multi-decadal changes in the Earth’s Outgoing Longwave Radiation spectrum

    , Journal of Climate, Vol: 29, Pages: 4939-4947, ISSN: 1520-0442

    Differences between Earth’s global mean all-sky outgoing longwave radiation spectrum as observed in 1970 [Interferometric Infrared Spectrometer (IRIS)], 1997 [Interferometric Monitor for Greenhouse Gases (IMG)], and 2012 [Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Instrument (IASI)] are presented. These differences are evaluated to determine whether these are robust signals of multidecadal radiative forcing and hence whether there is the potential for evaluating feedback-type responses. IASI–IRIS differences range from +2 K in the atmospheric window (800–1000 cm−1) to −5.5 K in the 1304 cm−1 CH4 band center. Corresponding IASI–IMG differences are much smaller, at 0.2 and −0.8 K, respectively. More noticeably, IASI–IRIS differences show a distinct step change across the 1042 cm−1 O3 band that is not seen in IASI–IMG comparisons. This step change is a consequence of a difference in behavior when moving from colder to warmer scenes in the IRIS data compared to IASI and IMG. Matched simulations for the relevant periods using ERA reanalyses mimic the spectral behavior shown by IASI and IMG rather than by IRIS. These findings suggest that uncertainties in the spectral response of IRIS preclude the use of these data for quantitative assessments of forcing and feedback processes.

  • Journal article
    Ishidoya S, Uchida H, Sasano D, Kosugi N, Taguchi S, Ishii M, Morimoto S, Tohjima Y, Nishino S, Murayama S, Aoki S, Ishijima K, Fujita R, Goto D, Nakazawa Tet al., 2016,

    Ship-based observations of atmospheric potential oxygen and regional air–sea O 2 flux in the northern North Pacific and the Arctic Ocean

    , Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, Vol: 68, Pages: 29972-29972
  • Journal article
    Goodrich KA, Ergun RE, Wilder FD, Burch J, Torbert R, Khotyaintsev Y, Lindqvist P-A, Russell C, Strangeway R, Magnes W, Gershman D, Giles B, Nakamura R, Stawarz J, Holmes J, Sturner A, Malaspina DMet al., 2016,

    MMS Multipoint electric field observations of small-scale magnetic holes

    , GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, Vol: 43, Pages: 5953-5959, ISSN: 0094-8276
  • Journal article
    Dhomse SS, Chipperfield MP, Damadeo RP, Zawodny JM, Ball WT, Feng W, Hossaini R, Mann GW, Haigh JDet al., 2016,

    On the ambiguous nature of the 11 year solar cycle signal in upper stratospheric ozone

    , Geophysical Research Letters, Vol: 43, Pages: 7241-7249, ISSN: 1944-8007

    Up to now our understanding of the 11 year ozone solar cycle signal (SCS) in the upper stratosphere has been largely based on the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) II (v6.2) data record, which indicated a large positive signal which could not be reproduced by models, calling into question our understanding of the chemistry of the upper stratosphere. Here we present an analysis of new v7.0 SAGE II data which shows a smaller upper stratosphere ozone SCS, due to a more realistic ozone-temperature anticorrelation. New simulations from a state-of-art 3-D chemical transport model show a small SCS in the upper stratosphere, which is in agreement with SAGE v7.0 data and the shorter Halogen Occultation Experiment and Microwave Limb Sounder records. However, despite these improvements in the SAGE II data, there are still large uncertainties in current observational and meteorological reanalysis data sets, so accurate quantification of the influence of solar flux variability on the climate system remains an open scientific question.

  • Journal article
    Holmes CE, Pickering JC, Ruffoni MP, Blackwell-Whitehead R, Nilsson H, Engstrom L, Hartman H, Lundberg H, Belmonte MTet al., 2016,


    , Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Vol: 224, ISSN: 1538-4365

    We report a new study of the V i atom using a combination of time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence and Fourier transform spectroscopy that contains newly measured radiative lifetimes for 25 levels between 24,648 cm−1 and 37,518 cm−1 and oscillator strengths for 208 lines between 3040 and 20000 Å from 39 upper energy levels. Thirteen of these oscillator strengths have not been reported previously. This work was conducted independently of the recent studies of neutral vanadium lifetimes and oscillator strengths carried out by Den Hartog et al. and Lawler et al., and thus serves as a means to verify those measurements. Where our data overlap with their data, we generally find extremely good agreement in both level lifetimes and oscillator strengths. However, we also find evidence that Lawler et al. have systematically underestimated oscillator strengths for lines in the region of 9000 ± 100 Å. We suggest a correction of 0.18 ± 0.03 dex for these values to bring them into agreement with our results and those of Whaling et al. We also report new measurements of hyperfine structure splitting factors for three odd levels of V i lying between 24,700 and 28,400 cm−1.

  • Journal article
    Badia A, Jorba O, Voulgarakis A, Dabdub D, Pérez García-Pando C, Hilboll A, Gonçalves M, Janjic Zet al., 2016,

    Gas-phase chemistry in the online multiscale NMMB/BSC Chemical Transport Model: Description and evaluation at global scale

    <jats:p>Abstract. This paper presents a comprehensive description and benchmark evaluation of the tropospheric gas-phase chemistry component of the NMMB/BSC Chemical Transport Model (NMMB/BSC-CTM), an online chemical weather prediction system conceived for both the regional and the global scale. We provide an extensive evaluation of a global annual cycle simulation using a variety of background surface stations (EMEP, WDCGG and CASTNET), ozonesondes (WOUDC, CMD and SHADOZ), aircraft data (MOZAIC and several campaigns), and satellite observations (SCIAMACHY and MOPITT). We also include an extensive discussion of our results in comparison to other state-of-the-art models. The model shows a realistic oxidative capacity across the globe. The seasonal cycle for CO is fairly well represented at different locations (correlations around 0.3–0.7 in surface concentrations), although concentrations are underestimated in spring and winter in the Northern Hemisphere, and are overestimated throughout the year at 800 and 500 hPa in the Southern Hemisphere. Nitrogen species are well represented in almost all locations, particularly NO2 in Europe (RMSE below 9 μg m−3). The modeled vertical distribution of NOx and HNO3 are in excellent agreement with the observed values and the spatial and seasonal trends of tropospheric NO2 columns correspond well to observations from SCIAMACHY, capturing the highly polluted areas and the biomass burning cycle throughout the year. Over Asia, the model underestimates NOx from March to August probably due to an underestimation of NOx emissions in the region. Overall, the comparison of the modelled CO and NO2 with MOPITT and SCIAMACHY observations emphasizes the need for more accurate emission rates from anthropogenic and biomass burning sources (i.e., specification of temporal variability). The resulting ozone (O3) burden (348 Tg) lies within the range of other state-of-the-art global atmospheric chemistry models. The model genera

  • Journal article
    Badia A, Jorba O, Voulgarakis A, Dabdub D, Pérez García-Pando C, Hilboll A, Gonçalves M, Janjic Zet al., 2016,

    Supplementary material to &amp;quot;Gas-phase chemistry in the online multiscale NMMB/BSC Chemical Transport Model: Description and evaluation at global scale&amp;quot;

  • Journal article
    Ergun RE, Goodrich KA, Wilder FD, Holmes JC, Stawarz JE, Eriksson S, Sturner AP, Malaspina DM, Usanova ME, Torbert RB, Lindqvist PA, Khotyaintsev Y, Burch JL, Strangeway RJ, Russell CT, Pollock CJ, Giles BL, Hesse M, Chen LJ, Lapenta G, Goldman MV, Newman DL, Schwartz SJ, Eastwood JP, Phan TD, Mozer FS, Drake J, Shay MA, Cassak PA, Nakamura R, Marklund Get al., 2016,

    Magnetospheric multiscale satellites observations of parallel electric fields associated with magnetic reconnection

    , Physical Review Letters, Vol: 116, ISSN: 1079-7114

    We report observations from the Magnetospheric Multiscale satellites of parallel electric fields (E_{∥}) associated with magnetic reconnection in the subsolar region of the Earth's magnetopause. E_{∥} events near the electron diffusion region have amplitudes on the order of 100  mV/m, which are significantly larger than those predicted for an antiparallel reconnection electric field. This Letter addresses specific types of E_{∥} events, which appear as large-amplitude, near unipolar spikes that are associated with tangled, reconnected magnetic fields. These E_{∥} events are primarily in or near a current layer near the separatrix and are interpreted to be double layers that may be responsible for secondary reconnection in tangled magnetic fields or flux ropes. These results are telling of the three-dimensional nature of magnetopause reconnection and indicate that magnetopause reconnection may be often patchy and/or drive turbulence along the separatrix that results in flux ropes and/or tangled magnetic fields.

  • Journal article
    Eriksson S, Lavraud B, Wilder FD, Stawarz JE, Giles BL, Burch JL, Baumjohann W, Ergun RE, Lindqvist P-A, Magnes W, Pollock CJ, Russell CT, Saito Y, Strangeway RJ, Torbert RB, Gershman DJ, Khotyaintsev YV, Dorelli JC, Schwartz SJ, Avanov L, Grimes E, Vernisse Y, Sturner AP, Phan TD, Marklund GT, Moore TE, Paterson WR, Goodrich KAet al., 2016,

    Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of magnetic reconnection associated with Kelvin-Helmholtz waves

    , Geophysical Research Letters, Vol: 43, Pages: 5606-5615, ISSN: 1944-8007

    The four Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft recorded the first direct evidence of reconnection exhausts associated with Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) waves at the duskside magnetopause on 8 September 2015 which allows for local mass and energy transport across the flank magnetopause. Pressure anisotropy-weighted Walén analyses confirmed in-plane exhausts across 22 of 42 KH-related trailing magnetopause current sheets (CSs). Twenty-one jets were observed by all spacecraft, with small variations in ion velocity, along the same sunward or antisunward direction with nearly equal probability. One exhaust was only observed by the MMS-1,2 pair, while MMS-3,4 traversed a narrow CS (1.5 ion inertial length) in the vicinity of an electron diffusion region. The exhausts were locally 2-D planar in nature as MMS-1,2 observed almost identical signatures separated along the guide-field. Asymmetric magnetic and electric Hall fields are reported in agreement with a strong guide-field and a weak plasma density asymmetry across the magnetopause CS.

  • Journal article
    Hantson S, Arneth A, Harrison SP, Kelley DI, Prentice IC, Rabin SS, Archibald S, Mouillot F, Arnold SR, Artaxo P, Bachelet D, Ciais P, Forrest M, Friedlingstein P, Hickler T, Kaplan JO, Kloster S, Knorr W, Lasslop G, Li F, Mangeon S, Melton JR, Meyn A, Sitch S, Spessa A, van der Werf GR, Voulgarakis A, Yue Cet al., 2016,

    The status and challenge of global fire modelling

    , Biogeosciences, Vol: 13, Pages: 3359-3375, ISSN: 1726-4189

    Biomass burning impacts vegetation dynamics, biogeochemical cycling, atmospheric chemistry, and climate, with sometimes deleterious socio-economic impacts. Under future climate projections it is often expected that the risk of wildfires will increase. Our ability to predict the magnitude and geographic pattern of future fire impacts rests on our ability to model fire regimes, using either well-founded empirical relationships or process-based models with good predictive skill. While a large variety of models exist today, it is still unclear which type of model or degree of complexity is required to model fire adequately at regional to global scales. This is the central question underpinning the creation of the Fire Model Intercomparison Project (FireMIP), an international initiative to compare and evaluate existing global fire models against benchmark data sets for present-day and historical conditions. In this paper we review how fires have been represented in fire-enabled dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs) and give an overview of the current state of the art in fire-regime modelling. We indicate which challenges still remain in global fire modelling and stress the need for a comprehensive model evaluation and outline what lessons may be learned from FireMIP.

  • Journal article
    Hantson S, Arneth A, Harrison SP, Kelley DI, Prentice IC, Rabin SS, Archibald S, Mouillot F, Arnold SR, Artaxo P, Bachelet D, Ciais P, Forrest M, Friedlingstein P, Hickler T, Kaplan JO, Kloster S, Knorr W, Lasslop G, Li F, Mangeon S, Melton JR, Meyn A, Sitch S, Spessa A, Van Der Werf GR, Voulgarakis A, Yue Cet al., 2016,

    The status and challenge of global fire modelling

    , Biogeosciences Discussions, Vol: 2016, ISSN: 1810-6277

    © Author(s) 2016. Biomass burning impacts vegetation dynamics, biogeochemical cycling, atmospheric chemistry, and climate, with sometimes deleterious socio-economic impacts. Under future climate projections it is often expected that the risk of wildfires will increase. Our ability to predict the magnitude and geographic pattern of future fire impacts rests on our ability to model fire regimes, either using well-founded empirical relationships or process-based models with good predictive skill. A large variety of models exist today and it is still unclear which type of model or degree of complexity is required to model fire adequately at regional to global scales. This is the central question underpinning the creation of the Fire Model Intercomparison Project - FireMIP, an international project to compare and evaluate existing global fire models against benchmark data sets for present-day and historical conditions. In this paper we summarise the current state-of-the-art in fire regime modelling and model evaluation, and outline what lessons may be learned from FireMIP.

  • Journal article
    Lavraud B, Liu Y, Segura K, He J, Qin G, Temmer M, Vial JC, Xiong M, Davies JA, Rouillard AP, Pinto R, Auchère F, Harrison RA, Eyles C, Gan W, Lamy P, Xia L, Eastwood JP, Kong L, Wang J, Wimmer-Schweingruber RF, Zhang S, Zong Q, Soucek J, An J, Prech L, Zhang A, Rochus P, Bothmer V, Janvier M, Maksimovic M, Escoubet CP, Kilpua EKJ, Tappin J, Vainio R, Poedts S, Dunlop MW, Savani N, Gopalswamy N, Bale SD, Li G, Howard T, DeForest C, Webb D, Lugaz N, Fuselier SA, Dalmasse K, Tallineau J, Vranken D, Fernández JGet al., 2016,

    A small mission concept to the Sun–Earth Lagrangian L5 point for innovative solar, heliospheric and space weather science

    , Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol: 146, Pages: 171-185, ISSN: 1364-6826

    We present a concept for a small mission to the Sun–Earth Lagrangian L5 point for innovative solar, heliospheric and space weather science. The proposed INvestigation of Solar-Terrestrial Activity aNd Transients (INSTANT) mission is designed to identify how solar coronal magnetic fields drive eruptions, mass transport and particle acceleration that impact the Earth and the heliosphere. INSTANT is the first mission designed to (1) obtain measurements of coronal magnetic fields from space and (2) determine coronal mass ejection (CME) kinematics with unparalleled accuracy. Thanks to innovative instrumentation at a vantage point that provides the most suitable perspective view of the Sun–Earth system, INSTANT would uniquely track the whole chain of fundamental processes driving space weather at Earth. We present the science requirements, payload and mission profile that fulfill ambitious science objectives within small mission programmatic boundary conditions.

  • Conference paper
    Soucek J, Ahlen L, Bale S, Bonnell J, Boudin N, Brienza D, Carr C, Cipriani F, Escoubet CP, Fazakerley A, Gehler M, Genot V, Hilgers A, Hanock B, Jannet G, Junge A, Khotyaintsev Y, De Keyser J, Kucharek H, Lan R, Lavraud B, Leblanc F, Magnes W, Mansour M, Marcucci MF, Nakamura R, Nemecek Z, Owen C, Phal Y, Retino A, Rodgers D, Safrankova J, Sahraoui F, Vainio R, Wimmer-Schweingruber R, Steinhagen J, Vaivads A, Wielders A, Zaslavsky Aet al., 2016,


    , ESA Workshop on Aerospace EMC (Aerospace EMC), Publisher: IEEE

    Turbulence Heating ObserveR (THOR) is a spacecraft mission dedicated to the study of plasma turbulence in near-Earth space. The mission is currently under study for implementation as a part of ESA Cosmic Vision program. THOR will involve a single spinning spacecraft equipped with state of the art instruments capable of sensitive measurements of electromagnetic fields and plasma particles. The sensitive electric and magnetic field measurements require that the spacecraft-generated emissions are restricted and strictly controlled; therefore a comprehensive EMC program has been put in place already during the study phase. The THOR study team and a dedicated EMC working group are formulating the mission EMC requirements state of its EMC requirements.

  • Journal article
    Phan TD, Eastwood JP, Cassak PA, Øieroset M, Gosling JT, Gershman DJ, Mozer FS, Shay MA, Fujimoto M, Daughton W, Drake JF, Burch JL, Torbert RB, Ergun RE, Chen LJ, Wang S, Pollock C, Dorelli JC, Lavraud B, Giles BL, Moore TE, Saito Y, Avanov LA, Paterson W, Strangeway RJ, Russell CT, Khotyaintsev Y, Lindqvist PA, Oka M, Wilder FDet al., 2016,

    MMS observations of electron-scale filamentary currents in the reconnection exhaust and near the X line

    , Geophysical Research Letters, Vol: 43, Pages: 6060-6069, ISSN: 0094-8276

    We report Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of macroscopic and electron-scale current layers in asymmetric reconnection. By intercomparing plasma, magnetic, and electric field data at multiple crossings of a reconnecting magnetopause on 22 October 2015, when the average interspacecraft separation was ~10km, we demonstrate that the ion and electron moments are sufficiently accurate to provide reliable current density measurements at 30ms cadence. These measurements, which resolve current layers narrower than the interspacecraft separation, reveal electron-scale filamentary Hall currents and electron vorticity within the reconnection exhaust far downstream of the X line and even in the magnetosheath. Slightly downstream of the X line, intense (up to 3μA/m2) electron currents, a super-Alfvénic outflowing electron jet, and nongyrotropic crescent shape electron distributions were observed deep inside the ion-scale magnetopause current sheet and embedded in the ion diffusion region. These characteristics are similar to those attributed to the electron dissipation/diffusion region around the X line.

  • Journal article
    Øieroset M, Phan TD, Haggerty C, Shay MA, Eastwood JP, Gershman DJ, Drake JF, Fujimoto M, Ergun RE, Mozer FS, Oka M, Torbert RB, Burch JL, Wang S, Chen LJ, Swisdak M, Pollock C, Dorelli JC, Fuselier SA, Lavraud B, Giles BL, Moore TE, Saito Y, Avanov LA, Paterson W, Strangeway RJ, Russell CT, Khotyaintsev Y, Lindqvist PA, Malakit Ket al., 2016,

    MMS observations of large guide field symmetric reconnection between colliding reconnection jets at the center of a magnetic flux rope at the magnetopause

    , Geophysical Research Letters, Vol: 43, Pages: 5536-5544, ISSN: 0094-8276

    We report evidence for reconnection between colliding reconnection jets in a compressed current sheet at the center of a magnetic flux rope at Earth's magnetopause. The reconnection involved nearly symmetric inflow boundary conditions with a strong guide field of two. The thin (2.5 ion-skin depth (di) width) current sheet (at ~12 di downstream of the X line) was well resolved by MMS, which revealed large asymmetries in plasma and field structures in the exhaust. Ion perpendicular heating, electron parallel heating, and density compression occurred on one side of the exhaust, while ion parallel heating and density depression were shifted to the other side. The normal electric field and double out-of-plane (bifurcated) currents spanned almost the entire exhaust. These observations are in good agreement with a kinetic simulation for similar boundary conditions, demonstrating in new detail that the structure of large guide field symmetric reconnection is distinctly different from antiparallel reconnection.

  • Journal article
    Burch J, Torbert RB, Phan TD, Chen LJ, Moore TE, Ergun RE, Eastwood J, Gerschman DJ, Cassak PA, Argall MR, Wang S, Hesse M, Pollock CJ, Giles BL, Nakamura R, Mauk BH, Fuselier SA, Russell CT, Strangeway RJ, Drake JF, Shay MA, Khotyaintsev YV, Lindqvist PA, Marklund G, Wilder FD, Young DT, Torkar K, Goldstein J, Dorelli JC, Avanov LA, Oka M, Baker DN, Jaynes AN, Goodrich KA, Cohen IJ, Turner DL, Fennell JF, Blake JB, Clemmons J, Goldman M, Newman D, Petrinec SM, Trattner KJ, Lavraud B, Reiff PH, Baumjohann W, Magnes W, Steller M, Lewis W, Saito Y, Coffey V, Chandler Met al., 2016,

    Electron-scale measurements of magnetic reconnection in space

    , Science, Vol: 352, ISSN: 1095-9203

    Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental physical process in plasmas whereby stored magnetic energy is converted into heat and kinetic energy of charged particles. Reconnection occurs in many astrophysical plasma environments and in laboratory plasmas. Using very high time resolution measurements, NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) has found direct evidence for electron demagnetization and acceleration at sites along the sunward boundary of Earth’s magnetosphere where the interplanetary magnetic field reconnects with the terrestrial magnetic field. We have (i) observed the conversion of magnetic energy to particle energy, (ii) measured the electric field and current, which together cause the dissipation of magnetic energy, and (iii) identified the electron population that carries the current as a result of demagnetization and acceleration within the reconnection diffusion/dissipation region.

  • Journal article
    Malaspina DM, Ergun RE, Bolton M, Kien M, Summers D, Stevens K, Yehle A, Karlsson M, Hoxie VC, Bale SD, Goetz Ket al., 2016,

    The Digital Fields Board for the FIELDS instrument suite on the Solar Probe Plus mission: Analog and digital signal processing

    , JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, Vol: 121, Pages: 5088-5096, ISSN: 2169-9380
  • Journal article
    Liu TZ, Hietala H, Angelopoulos V, Turner DLet al., 2016,

    Observations of a new foreshock region upstream of a foreshock bubble's shock

    , GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, Vol: 43, Pages: 4708-4715, ISSN: 0094-8276
  • Journal article
    Eastwood J, Phan T, Cassak PA, Gershman DJ, Haggerty C, Malakit K, Shay MA, Mistry R, Oieroset M, Russell CT, Slavin JA, Argall MR, Avanov LA, Burch JL, Chen LJ, Dorelli JC, Ergun RE, Giles BL, Khotyaintsev Y, Lavraud B, Lindqvist PA, Moore TE, Nakamura R, Paterson W, Pollock C, Strangeway RJ, Torbert RB, Wang Set al., 2016,

    Ion-scale secondary flux-ropes generated by magnetopause reconnection as resolved by MMS

    , Geophysical Research Letters, Vol: 43, Pages: 4716-4724, ISSN: 1944-8007

    New Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) observations of small-scale (~ 7 ion inertial length radius) flux transfer events (FTEs) at the dayside magnetopause are reported. The 10 km MMS tetrahedron size enables their structure and properties to be calculated using a variety of multi-spacecraft techniques, allowing them to be identified as flux ropes, whose flux content is small (~22 kWb). The current density, calculated using plasma and magnetic field measurements independently, is found to be filamentary. Inter-comparison of the plasma moments with electric and magnetic field measurements reveals structured non-frozen-in ion behavior. The data are further compared with a particle-in-cell simulation. It is concluded that these small-scale flux ropes, which are not seen to be growing, represent a distinct class of FTE which is generated on the magnetopause by secondary reconnection.

  • Journal article
    Wilder FD, Ergun RE, Goodrich KA, Goldman MV, Newman DL, Malaspina DM, Jaynes AN, Schwartz SJ, Trattner KJ, Burch JL, Argall MR, Torbert RB, Lindqvist P-A, Marklund G, Le Contel O, Mirioni L, Khotyaintsev YV, Strangeway RJ, Russell CT, Pollock CJ, Giles BL, Plaschke F, Magnes W, Eriksson S, Stawarz JE, Sturner AP, Holmes JCet al., 2016,

    Observations of whistler mode waves with nonlinear parallel electric fields near the dayside magnetic reconnection separatrix by the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission

    , Geophysical Research Letters, Vol: 43, Pages: 5909-5917, ISSN: 1944-8007

    We show observations from the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission of whistler mode waves in the Earth's low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL) during a magnetic reconnection event. The waves propagated obliquely to the magnetic field toward the X line and were confined to the edge of a southward jet in the LLBL. Bipolar parallel electric fields interpreted as electrostatic solitary waves (ESW) are observed intermittently and appear to be in phase with the parallel component of the whistler oscillations. The polarity of the ESWs suggests that if they propagate with the waves, they are electron enhancements as opposed to electron holes. The reduced electron distribution shows a shoulder in the distribution for parallel velocities between 17,000 and 22,000 km/s, which persisted during the interval when ESWs were observed, and is near the phase velocity of the whistlers. This shoulder can drive Langmuir waves, which were observed in the high-frequency parallel electric field data.

  • Journal article
    Schutgens NAJ, Gryspeerdt E, Weigum N, Tsyro S, Goto D, Schulz M, Stier Pet al., 2016,

    Will a perfect model agree with perfect observations? The impact of spatial sampling

    , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol: 16, Pages: 6335-6353, ISSN: 1680-7324

    The spatial resolution of global climate models with interactive aerosol and the observations used to evaluate them is very different. Current models use grid spacings of  ∼ 200 km, while satellite observations of aerosol use so-called pixels of  ∼ 10 km. Ground site or airborne observations relate to even smaller spatial scales. We study the errors incurred due to different resolutions by aggregating high-resolution simulations (10 km grid spacing) over either the large areas of global model grid boxes ("perfect" model data) or small areas corresponding to the pixels of satellite measurements or the field of view of ground sites ("perfect" observations). Our analysis suggests that instantaneous root-mean-square (RMS) differences of perfect observations from perfect global models can easily amount to 30–160 %, for a range of observables like AOT (aerosol optical thickness), extinction, black carbon mass concentrations, PM2.5, number densities and CCN (cloud condensation nuclei). These differences, due entirely to different spatial sampling of models and observations, are often larger than measurement errors in real observations. Temporal averaging over a month of data reduces these differences more strongly for some observables (e.g. a threefold reduction for AOT), than for others (e.g. a twofold reduction for surface black carbon concentrations), but significant RMS differences remain (10–75 %). Note that this study ignores the issue of temporal sampling of real observations, which is likely to affect our present monthly error estimates. We examine several other strategies (e.g. spatial aggregation of observations, interpolation of model data) for reducing these differences and show their effectiveness. Finally, we examine consequences for the use of flight campaign data in global model evaluation and show that significant biases may be introduced depending on the flight strategy used.

  • Journal article
    Sulaiman AH, Masters A, Dougherty MK, 2016,

    Characterization of Saturn's bow shock: magnetic field observations of quasi-perpendicular shocks

    , Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Vol: 121, Pages: 4425-4434, ISSN: 2169-9380

    Collisionless shocks vary drastically from terrestrial to astrophysical regimes resulting in radically different characteristics. This poses two complexities. First, separating the influences of these parameters on physical mechanisms such as energy dissipation. Second, correlating observations of shock waves over a wide range of each parameter, enough to span across different regimes. Investigating the latter has been restricted since the majority of studies on shocks at exotic regimes (such as supernova remnants) have been achieved either remotely or via simulations, but rarely by means of in situ observations. Here we present the parameter space of MA bow shock crossings from 2004 to 2014 as observed by the Cassini spacecraft. We find that Saturn's bow shock exhibits characteristics akin to both terrestrial and astrophysical regimes (MA of order 100), which is principally controlled by the upstream magnetic field strength. Moreover, we determined the θBn of each crossing to show that Saturn's (dayside) bow shock is predominantly quasi-perpendicular by virtue of the Parker spiral at 10 AU. Our results suggest a strong dependence on MA in controlling the onset of physical mechanisms in collisionless shocks, particularly nontime stationarity and variability. We anticipate that our comprehensive assessment will yield deeper insight into high MA collisionless shocks and provide a broader scope for understanding the structures and mechanisms of collisionless shocks.

  • Journal article
    Farrugia CJ, Lavraud B, Torbert RB, Argall M, Kacem I, Yu W, Alm L, Burch J, Russell CT, Shuster J, Dorelli J, Eastwood JP, Ergun RE, Fuselier S, Gershman D, Giles BL, Khotyaintsev YV, Lindqvist PA, Matsui H, Marklund GT, Phan TD, Paulson K, Pollock C, Strangeway RJet al., 2016,

    Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission observations and non-force free modeling of a flux transfer event immersed in a super-Alfvénic flow

    , Geophysical Research Letters, Vol: 43, Pages: 6070-6077, ISSN: 0094-8276

    We analyze plasma, magnetic field, and electric field data for a flux transfer event (FTE) to highlight improvements in our understanding of these transient reconnection signatures resulting from high-resolution data. The ∼20 s long, reverse FTE, which occurred south of the geomagnetic equator near dusk, was immersed in super-Alfvénic flow. The field line twist is illustrated by the behavior of flows parallel/perpendicular to the magnetic field. Four-spacecraft timing and energetic particle pitch angle anisotropies indicate a flux rope (FR) connected to the Northern Hemisphere and moving southeast. The flow forces evidently overcame the magnetic tension. The high-speed flows inside the FR were different from those outside. The external flows were perpendicular to the field as expected for draping of the external field around the FR. Modeling the FR analytically, we adopt a non-force free approach since the current perpendicular to the field is nonzero. It reproduces many features of the observations.

  • Journal article
    Sukhodolov T, Rozanov E, Ball WT, Bais A, Tourpali K, Shapiro AI, Telford P, Smyshlyaev S, Fomin B, Sander R, Bossay S, Bekki S, Marchand M, Chipperfield MP, Dhomse S, Haigh JD, Peter T, Schmutz Wet al., 2016,

    Evaluation of simulated photolysis rates and their response to solar irradiance variability

    , JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, Vol: 121, Pages: 6066-6084, ISSN: 2169-897X

    The state of the stratospheric ozone layer and the temperature structure of the atmosphere are largely controlled by the solar spectral irradiance (SSI) through its influence on heating and photolysis rates. This study focuses on the uncertainties in the photolysis rate response to solar irradiance variability related to the choice of SSI data set and to the performance of the photolysis codes used in global chemistry-climate models. To estimate the impact of SSI uncertainties, we compared several photolysis rates calculated with the radiative transfer model libRadtran, using SSI calculated with two models and observed during the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) satellite mission. The importance of the calculated differences in the photolysis rate response for ozone and temperature changes has been estimated using 1-D a radiative-convective-photochemical model. We demonstrate that the main photolysis reactions, responsible for the solar signal in the stratosphere, are highly sensitive to the spectral distribution of SSI variations. Accordingly, the ozone changes and related ozone-temperature feedback are shown to depend substantially on the SSI data set being used, which highlights the necessity of obtaining accurate SSI variations. To evaluate the performance of photolysis codes, we compared the results of eight, widely used, photolysis codes against two reference schemes. We show that, in most cases, absolute values of the photolysis rates and their response to applied SSI changes agree within 30%. However, larger errors may appear in specific atmospheric regions because of differences, for instance, in the treatment of Rayleigh scattering, quantum yields, or absorption cross sections.

  • Journal article
    Cargill PJ, DeMoortel I, Kiddie G, 2016,

    Coronal density structure and its role in wave damping in loops

    , Astrophysical Journal, Vol: 823, ISSN: 1538-4357

    It has long been established that gradients in the Alfvén speed, and in particular the plasmadensity, are an essential part of the damping of waves in the magnetically closed solar coronaby mechanisms such as resonant absorption or phase mixing. While models of wave dampingoften assume a fixed density gradient, in this paper the self-consistency of such calculationsis assessed by examining the temporal evolution of the coronal density. It is shownconceptually that for some coronal structures, density gradients can evolve in a way that thewave damping processes are inhibited. For the case of phase mixing we argue that: (a) waveheating cannot sustain the assumed density structure and (b) inclusion of feedback of theheating on the density gradient can lead to a highly structured density, although on longtimescales. In addition, transport coefficients well in excess of classical are required tomaintain the observed coronal density. Hence, the heating of closed coronal structures byglobal oscillations may face problems arising from the assumption of a fixed density gradientand the rapid damping of oscillations may have to be accompanied by a separate (non-wavebased) heating mechanism to sustain the required density structuring.

  • Journal article
    Ergun RE, Holmes JC, Goodrich KA, Wilder FD, Stawarz JE, Eriksson S, Newman DL, Schwartz SJ, Goldman MV, Sturner AP, Malaspina DM, Usanova ME, Torbert RB, Argall M, Lindqvist PA, Khotyaintsev Y, Burch JL, Strangeway RJ, Russell CT, Pollock CJ, Giles BL, Dorelli JJC, Avanov L, Hesse M, Chen LJ, Lavraud B, Le Contel O, Retino A, Phan TD, Eastwood JP, Oieroset M, Drake J, Shay MA, Cassak PA, Nakamura R, Zhou M, Ashour-Abdalla M, André Met al., 2016,

    Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of large-amplitude, parallel, electrostatic waves associated with magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause

    , Geophysical Research Letters, Vol: 43, Pages: 5626-5634, ISSN: 0094-8276

    We report observations from the Magnetospheric Multiscale satellites of large-amplitude, parallel, electrostatic waves associated with magnetic reconnection at the Earth's magnetopause. The observed waves have parallel electric fields (E||) with amplitudes on the order of 100 mV/m and display nonlinear characteristics that suggest a possible net E||. These waves are observed within the ion diffusion region and adjacent to (within several electron skin depths) the electron diffusion region. They are in or near the magnetosphere side current layer. Simulation results support that the strong electrostatic linear and nonlinear wave activities appear to be driven by a two stream instability, which is a consequence of mixing cold (<10 eV) plasma in the magnetosphere with warm (~100 eV) plasma from the magnetosheath on a freshly reconnected magnetic field line. The frequent observation of these waves suggests that cold plasma is often present near the magnetopause.

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