Science Team

The Solar Obiter magnetometer science team has expertise in a broad range of scientific topics directly relevant to the magnetic field on the Sun and in interplanetary space, as well as its effects on the Earth and near-Earth space.


  • Prof. David Burgess (Queen Mary, University of London): Simulations of wave-particle interactions
  • Prof. Peter Cargill (Imperial College London): Coronal loops and flares
  • Dr Jonathan Eastwood (Imperial College London): Reconnection and space weather
  • Dr Robert Forsyth (Imperial College London): ICMEs
  • Dr Lyndsay Fletcher (Glasgow University): Solar flares
  • Prof. Mike Lockwood, FRS (University of Reading): Long term changes in the solar magnetic field, links to climate
  • Dr Mathew Owens (University of Reading): Coronal mass ejections and the solar magnetic cycle
  • Dr Valery Nakariakov (University of Warwick): Coronal waves
  • Prof. Robert Walsh (University of Central Lancashire): Coronal heating and waves
  • Dr Stuart Bale (University of California at Berkeley): Plasma kinetics and wave-particle interactions; WAVES Co-PI
  • Prof. Wolfgang Baumjohann (Space Research Institute, Graz): Space plasmas
  • Dr Bruno Bavassano (INAF-IFSI, Rome): Solar wind turbulence
  • Dr Vincenzo Carbone (Università della Calabria): Solar wind turbulence
  • Dr Nancy Crooker (Boston University): Topology of ICMEs and their connectivity to the Sun
  • Dr Geza Erdös (KFKI, Hungary): Solar wind structures, waves and turbulence
  • Dr Joe Giacalone (Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, U. Arizona): Particle acceleration and propagation
  • Prof. Karl-Heinz Glassmeier (Technical University of Braunschweig): Solar wind waves and turbulence
  • Dr Melvyn Goldstein (Goddard Space Flight Center): Waves and turbulence in the solar wind
  • Dr Todd Hoeksema (Stanford University): Solar magnetic fields and their links into space
  • Dr Werner Magnes (Space Research Institute, Graz): Space instrumentation
  • Dr Milan Maksimovic (Observatoire de Paris): Wave-particle interactions;WAVES PI
  • Prof. Eckart Marsch (MPI, Lindau): Plasma turbulence and coronal heating
  • Prof. William Matthaeus (Bartol, University of Delaware): Solar wind turbulence
  • Dr Javier R.-Pacheco (Universidad de Alcala, Madrid): Energetic particles; EPD PI
  • Dr Neil Murphy (NASA JPL): Large scale heliospheric magnetic field structure
  • Dr Jean-Louis Pincon (CNRS, Orleans): plasma waves and analysis techniques
  • Dr Ingo Richter (Space Research Institute, Graz): Space instrumentation
  • Dr Peter Riley (SAIC, San Diego): 3D modelling of ICMEs and other solar wind structures from the corona into interplanetary space
  • Prof. Christopher Russell (University of California at Los Angeles): ICMEs and other solar wind structures
  • Prof. Steve Schwartz (U Colorado Boulder): Plasma kinetics
  • Dr Rami Vainio (University of Helsinki): Energetic particle acceleration and propagation
  • Prof. Marco Velli (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Firenze): Theory and modelling of the coronal heating, waves and turbulence
  • Dr Susanne Vennerstrom (Danish National Space Center, Copenhagen): Large scale heliospheric magnetic field structure
  • Prof. Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber (University of Kiel): Solar wind particles and composition; member, EPD consortium
  • Prof. Gary Zank (University of Alabama at Huntsville): Theory and modelling of solar wind acceleration