MAGIC: Magnetometer from Imperial College

MAGIC is a two sensor, three axis science-grade magnetometer based on magnetoresistive technology. It contributes to TRIO-CINEMA by providing attitude information (by comparison to the Earth’s global field), local field direction to calculate pitch angle distributions, and by detecting small scale waves and other fluctuations.

MAGIC has an ultra-low power attitude mode and can be switched into a high precision science mode as required.

In order to reduce interference from spacecraft fields, the outboard sensor is located at the end of a 90cm stacer boom, deployed after launch.

MAGIC characteristics

Electronics Single PC104 card, 150g
Sensors Outboard: <20g, 2cm cube. Inboard: on eletronics card
Boom 90cm, stacer, SSL supplied 
Voltages required 3.3V, 5V, 12V, 17V
Spacecraft interface Commanding and data via SPI 

MAGIC specifications

 Science modeAttitude mode
Power 338mW 178mW
Time resolution 8 vectors/s  4 vectors/s 
Data rate 578bps  65bps 
Instrument resolution 1nT  1nT 
Noise  <2nT RMS  <10nT RMS 

STEIN: Supra-thermal electrons, ions and neutral atoms

The STEIN detector can detect and distinguish neutral atoms, ions and electrons, in the energy range 2-300keV and is a development of the STE detector flown on the STEREO mission. It has a 70x15 degree field of view: as the sapcecraft spins, it will image almost the entire sky at 15s resolution. It has a fine (1keV) energy resolution, making it possible to generate precise particle spectra.