This page contains a small selection of images relating to the Ulysses spacecraft. All images provided by NASA, unless otherwise stated


Images of Ulysses prior to launch (From ESA):

Images of Ulysses prior to launch (From ESA) 1











Images of Ulysses prior to launch (From ESA) 2

Launch of the NASA Space Shuttle Discovery, carrying Ulysses, on Flight STS-41; October 6, 1990

Launch of the NASA Space Shuttle Discovery, carrying Ulysses, on Flight STS-41; October 6, 1990.

Launch of the NASA Space Shuttle Discovery, carrying Ulysses, on Flight STS-41; October 6, 1990.

Photographs of the release of Ulysses and the IUS, taken from Discovery:

Photographs of the release of Ulysses and the IUS, taken from Discovery







Photographs of the release of Ulysses and the IUS, taken from Discovery










Photographs of the release of Ulysses and the IUS, taken from Discovery






Artist's conception of the release of Ulysses atop the IUS (Intertial Upper Stage) from the Space Shuttle Discovery:

Artist's conception of the release of Ulysses atop the IUS (Intertial Upper Stage) from the Space Shuttle Discovery.












Simulation of Ulysses approaching Jupiter in February 1992:

Simulation of Ulysses approaching Jupiter in February 1992.











A wide selection of relevant images is available at the following locations: