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  • Conference paper
    Parada PP, Sharma D, Lainez J, Barreda D, Naylor PA, van Waterschoot Tet al., 2014,


    , 14th International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 298-302
  • Conference paper
    Antonello N, van Waterschoot T, Moonen M, Naylor PAet al., 2014,


    , 14th International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 114-118
  • Conference paper
    Borges RC, Costa MH, Naylor PA, Ferreira AAet al., 2014,

    Impact of the vent size in the feedback-path and occlusion-effect in hearing aids

    , IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 25-28, ISSN: 2163-4025
  • Conference paper
    Moore AH, Brookes M, Naylor PA, 2013,

    Roomprints for forensic audio applications

    , Proc. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), Publisher: IEEE

    A roomprint is a quantifiable description of an acoustic environment which can be measured under controlled conditions and estimated from a monophonic recording made in that space. We here identify the properties required of a roomprint in forensic audio applications and review the observable characteristics of a room that, when extracted from recordings, could form the basis of a roomprint. Frequency-dependent reverberation time is investigated as a promising characteristic and used in a room identification experiment giving correct identification in 96% of trials.

  • Journal article
    Gaubitch N, Brookes M, Naylor P, 2013,

    Blind Channel Magnitude Response Estimation in Speech using Spectrum Classification

    , IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Vol: 21, Pages: 2162-2171, ISSN: 1558-7916
  • Conference paper
    Moore AH, Brookes M, Naylor PA, 2013,

    Room geometry estimation from a single channel acoustic impulse response

    , Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
  • Conference paper
    Eaton D, Brookes DM, Naylor PA, 2013,

    A Comparison of Non-Intrusive SNR Estimation Algorithms and the Use of Mapping Functions

    , EUSIPCO, Publisher: EURASIP, Pages: 1-5

    We present a comparative evaluation of six methods for non-intrusive Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) estimation for narrowband speech in noise. We demonstrate that the performance of all methods can be improved by applying a non-linear mapping function to their estimates of SNR. We have employed phrases built from the TIMIT speech corpus and noises from a broad range of sources including ITU-T P.501, NOISEX-92, and Soundjay. We compare the accuracy of the methods in estimating the SNR of both stationary and non-stationary noise and we conclude that with the mapping function, the best current methods can estimate the SNR to within approximately 3.5 dB for SNRs from -5 dB to 35 dB.

  • Journal article
    Kowalczyk K, Habets EAP, Kellermann W, Naylor PAet al., 2013,

    Blind System Identification Using Sparse Learning for TDOA Estimation of Room Reflections

    , IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, Vol: 20, Pages: 653-656, ISSN: 1070-9908
  • Conference paper
    Jarrett DP, Habets EAP, Naylor PA, 2013,

    Spherical harmonic domain noise reduction using an MVDR beamformer and DOA-based second-order statistics estimation

    , Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2013)
  • Conference paper
    Eaton J, Gaubitch ND, Naylor PA, 2013,

    Noise-robust reverberation time estimation using spectral decay distributions with reduced computational cost

    , Pages: 161-165, ISSN: 1520-6149

    Reverberation Time (T60) is an important measure of the acoustic properties of a room. It can provide information about the acoustic environment, the intelligibility, and quality of speech recorded in the room, and help improve the performance of speech processing algorithms with reverberant speech. Where the acoustic impulse response of the room is not available, the T60 must be estimated non-intrusively from reverberant speech. State-of-the-art non-intrusive T60 estimators have been shown to be strongly biased in the presence of noise. We describe a novel T60 estimation algorithm based on spectral decay distributions that provides robustness to additive noise for a range of realistic noise types for signal-to-noise ratios in the range 0 to 35 dB and T60s between 200 and 950 ms. The proposed method also has much reduced computational cost.

  • Conference paper
    Lim F, Thomas MRP, Naylor PA, 2013,


    , 14th IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to AudNew Paltzio and Acoustics (WASPAA), Publisher: IEEE, ISSN: 1931-1168
  • Conference paper
    Lim F, Naylor PA, 2013,


    , 21st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Publisher: IEEE
  • Conference paper
    Sharma D, Naylor PA, Brookes M, 2013,


    , 21st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Publisher: IEEE
  • Conference paper
    Lim F, Naylor PA, 2013,


    , IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 689-693, ISSN: 1520-6149
  • Conference paper
    Jarrett DP, Thiergart O, Habets EAP, Naylor PAet al., 2012,

    Coherence-based diffuseness estimation in the spherical harmonic domain

    , Proc. of the IEEE Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel (IEEEI)
  • Conference paper
    Jarrett DP, Habets EAP, Benesty J, Naylor PAet al., 2012,

    A tradeoff beamformer for noise reduction in the spherical harmonic domain

    , Proc. of the International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC 2012)
  • Conference paper
    Annibale P, Filos J, Naylor PA, Rabenstein Ret al., 2012,

    Geometric inference of the room geometry under temperature variations

    Geometric inference is an approach for localizing reflectors in a closed acoustic space. It is based on a simple observation that turns time differences of arrival (TDOA) or time of arrival (TOA) measurements from the signals of a microphone array into a geometric constraint. The reflector localization methodology relies on accurate TDOA which is directly dependent on speed of sound information. Estimating the actual speed of sound at the ambient temperature therefore greatly improves the accuracy of the reflector localization in uncontrolled environments. This manuscript shows how to use the geometric inference jointly with the speed of sound estimation for a more accurate reflector localization. Simulations and experiments show the validity of the proposed approach. © 2012 IEEE.

  • Journal article
    Drugman T, Thomas MRP, Gudnason J, Naylor PA, Dutoit Tet al., 2012,

    Detection of Glottal Closure Instants from Speech Signals: a Quantitative Review

    , IEEE Trans. Audio Speech Language Proc., Vol: 20, Pages: 994-1006
  • Journal article
    Lin XS, Khong AWH, Naylor PA, 2012,

    A Forced Spectral Diversity Algorithm For Speech Dereverberation In The Presence Of Near-common Zeros

    , IEEE Trans. Audio Speech Language Proc., Vol: 20, Pages: 888-899
  • Journal article
    Habets EAP, Benesty J, Naylor PA, 2012,

    Speech Distortion and Interference Rejection Constraint Beamformer

    , IEEE Trans. Audio Speech Language Proc., Vol: 20, Pages: 854-867

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Speech and Audio Processing Lab
CSP Group, EEE Department
Imperial College London

Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom
